General terms and conditions Le Club Bleuforêt


The Bleuforêt France loyalty programme (hereinafter referred to as the ‘Club Bleuforêt’) is developed and managed by TRICOTAGE DES VOSGES, a public limited company with a Board of Directors and share capital of €820,500.00, whose registered office is located at 2 RUE DU JUMELAGE, 88120 VAGNEY - RCS Epinal B 398 356 246. These general terms and conditions define the terms and conditions of participation in the programme, which enables points to be accumulated for each order placed on the website, entitling the user to benefits.


Club Bleuforêt is open to natural persons of legal age and to minors aged 15 and over who declare that they have received prior authorisation from their parents or legal representatives.

To join the programme, members must have a customer account or create one, and must provide the following information (title, surname, first name, email address and password).

The date of birth is not compulsory. However, to benefit from the birthday reward, it must be entered in ‘my account’, tab ‘my personal information’. Otherwise, the member will not be able to benefit from the reward.

No application to join the programme will be accepted by post or email. Bleuforêt may send emails relating to the operation of the programme.

The loyalty programme is only available on our website We are doing everything we can to roll it out quickly in our Bleuforêt shops.


Club Bleuforêt allows you to collect points for each order placed on the website, even during sales periods, provided you have previously logged on to The calculation is based on the following formula: 1 euro net including VAT spent (excluding delivery costs) = 1 point.

Purchases made before the introduction of the loyalty programme, i.e. before 13 November 2024, will not be eligible for loyalty points. Only purchases made after this date will be taken into account when calculating points.

Additional points can be earned for the following actions:

- Creating an account: 10 points

- Newsletter subscription: 20 points

- Second order: 10 points

- Adding your date of birth: 10 points

All points accumulated, whether from purchases or the above actions, will be credited and visible on the member's account within fifteen (15) days of the purchase or the completion of the action, except in the event of occasional technical unavailability.

Points are valid for 12 (twelve) months from the date they are obtained. In the event of a dispute regarding the amount accumulated, only the information contained in the Tricotage des Vosges database will be deemed authentic. Any claim must be submitted via the Contact Us section or by e-mail to



Club Bleuforêt is made up of four different statuses depending on the total annual value of purchases (including VAT, excluding delivery charges) made by the member over the last twelve (12) rolling months

Cotton’ Status: all members who have created an account and have spent less than €50 on their loyalty account over a 12-month period on

Wool’ Status: all members who have spent between €50 and €149.99 on their loyalty account over a 12-month period on

‘Silk’ Status: all members who have spent between €150 and €249.99 on their loyalty account over a 12-month period on

Cashmere’ Status: all members who have spent more than €250 on their loyalty account over a 12-month period on

Customers who already have a Bleuforêt customer account will automatically become members of the loyalty programme when it is launched. For all other people who join the programme from the launch, the status awarded will depend on subsequent purchases.

A status is valid for 12 months from the date it is obtained. Each point expires 12 months after being earned. Status is re-evaluated each year according to the member's spending and the member can only downgrade by one status at a time.


- November 2024: I spend €300 and reach Cashmere status. These 300 points are valid until November 2025.

- February 2025: I spend €100. I earn a total of 400 points. These points will be valid until February 2026.

- November 2025: status re-evaluated 1 year later. My 300 points from November 2024 expire. The 300 points from November 2024 expire, leaving 100 points. I am therefore in silk status (even though my number of points is equivalent to wool status) because I can only downgrade by one status at a time.


The statuses give the right to various advantages detailed in the ‘My Account’ space, loyalty tab of the website, except in the case of occasional technical unavailability, and with the exception of the stay to be won in the Vosges, for which the week of the draw will only be communicated by email. These advantages are intended to change and evolve. Tricotage des Vosges reserves the right to modify these benefits without prior notice over time.

The rewards are nominative and can only be used by the member. They cannot be exchanged and are not refundable in cash. If the member remains in the same status from one year to the next, they will be offered the status rewards again. Here are the various rewards on offer:

Exclusive access to private sales (for all statuses): one week before the official sale date, we will apply the sale prices on the sale selection for customers who are part of the loyalty programme. The crossed-out price will be displayed on the site and the customer will not have to do anything to apply the discount.

Anniversary offer (for Wool, Silk and Cashmere statuses) : 10% discount on orders over €20 inc. VAT for 3 weeks (1 week before the official date, 2 weeks after the official date). Customers can use their personal code by accessing their loyalty page from my account > loyalty tab or directly from the loyalty page.

A free pair of socks (for silk status) on purchases of €20 or more including VAT. Members can choose between a pair of men's or women's socks in the size they prefer. This reward will be available in the shopping basket for up to 12 months after obtaining Silk status. Once used, the reward will no longer be available.

A free pair of embroidered socks (for cashmere status) on purchases of £20 or more including VAT. The member will be able to choose between a men's or women's pair, the colour, the desired size, the embroidery (7 characters maximum, non-exchangeable and non-refundable). This reward will be available in the shopping basket for up to 12 months after obtaining Cashmere status. Once used, the reward will no longer be available.

Golden Ticket: a trip to the Vosges to visit our factory to be won (for Cashmere status): every year, Cashmere status members receive an email inviting them to take part in the operation. To be in with a chance of winning the Ticket d'Or, all they have to do is place an order with their account during this period. A draw will take place at the end of the operation to elect a grand prize winner who will receive a Ticket d'Or in their order. We are giving away one night's accommodation at the Relais Château les Bas Rupts on a half-board basis, with a visit to the u


Tricotage des Vosges reserves the right to modify this ‘Club Bleuforêt’ Loyalty Programme at any time, and invites Members to consult it regularly on the website. Any modification to the programme will be the subject of an email sent to members.

Tricotage des Vosges also reserves the right to suspend or terminate the Loyalty Programme, provided that it has informed its members in advance.

In the event of a permanent cessation of the Programme or a temporary suspension, Members will be informed by email, and no Member will have any right of recourse against Tricotage des Vosges for any reason whatsoever. No modification, suspension or cancellation of the Loyalty Programme will entitle the member to compensation.

In the event of modification of the Programme, only the new rules in force will apply.

In the event of termination or suspension of the Programme, the points and advantages acquired by the member will no longer be valid.


In case of suspected fraud or fraudulent use, abuse of loyalty status or non-compliant with these Terms and Conditions and more generally in case of actions detrimental to the interests of Bleuforêt, Bleuforêt reserves the right to suspend the privileges of the member, or even terminate his membership in the program. Termination will result in the loss for the member of its loyalty privileges and all benefits attached thereto without the possibility of seeking any compensation from Bleuforêt.


The information collected on the customer when creating his/her Bleuforêt account is intended for use by Tricotage des Vosges only. It is required to manage the commercial relationship between any member of the loyalty programme and Tricotage des Vosges. Customers will not be able to join Club Bleuforêt if they refuse to provide the information requested.

In accordance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 dated 27 April 2016 relating to the protection of personal data, each member has, at any time, a right of access to the information concerning them, a right to have it rectified or completed if it is inaccurate or incomplete, a right to object at no cost to it being used to send them commercial solicitations and, more generally, a right to object to any form of processing. To do so, they simply need to make a written request specifying their contact details and sending a copy of their identity card to Bleuforêt Customer Services at the following address: or in the ‘ Contact us ’ section on the site.

To find out more about the processing of personal data, each member is invited to refer to the management of personal data on the site.


For any questions relating to the Bleuforêt loyalty programme, members may contact Customer Services in the following ways:

● Via the ‘ Contact us ’ section on the

● By email to


Tricotage des Vosges reserves the right to modify these General Terms and Conditions of Sale at any time, provided that it has informed its members in advance.


It is expressly agreed that French law shall apply.