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  呢篇文講一種聚落類型。想搵其他意思嘅話,請睇城市 (搞清楚)
  「城」跳轉到呢度。想搵其他用法,請睇「城 (搞清楚)」。

城市粵拼sing4 si5),又有嗌做都市dou1 si5)、粵拼seng4*2白讀sing4文讀),係聚落地一種,係政治、經濟、社會等人類活動最活躍嘅地方,因爲人口集中,所以城市地方人口多、人口密度高。

「城市」或者「都市」可以拆字來理解:「城」、「都」意味住城市有好大嘅社會、行政影響;「市」就有經濟意味。所以城市同鄉村市鎮嘅區別往往在於大細[註 1]人口密度[註 2]、緊要程度[註 3]法定地位
















隨住全球經濟、政治、科技同文化嘅緊密聯繫(即係所謂嘅「全球化」過程),城市喺跨國事務中開始扮演主導角色,超越咗由國家政府進行嘅國際關係嘅局限。[6][7][8] 呢個而家再次興起嘅現象,可以追溯返去絲綢之路、腓尼基人同希臘城邦,再到漢薩同盟同其他城市聯盟。[9][10][11] 而家以高速互聯網基礎設施為基礎嘅資訊經濟,令到世界各地可以即時進行電訊通訊,有效消除咗國際市場同其他世界經濟高層元素,以至個人通訊同大眾媒體之間嘅距離。[12]



全球城市,又叫做世界城市,係貿易、銀行、金融、創新同市場嘅重要中心。[13][14] Saskia Sassen喺佢1991年嘅著作《The Global City: New York, London, Tokyo》中使用咗「全球城市」呢個詞,用嚟形容一個城市嘅權力、地位同世界性,而唔係單單指佢嘅規模。[15] 根據呢個睇城市嘅角度,我哋可以將世界上嘅城市進行等級排名。[16] 全球城市構成咗全球等級嘅頂層,通過佢哋嘅經濟同政治影響力發揮指揮同控制作用。全球城市可能係因為早期轉型到後工業社會而達到佢哋嘅地位,[17] 又或者係透過慣性,令佢哋維持咗喺工業時代嘅主導地位。[18] 呢種排名體現咗一種新興嘅論述,認為城市係同一種理想類型嘅變體,必須喺全球範圍內互相競爭先至可以達到繁榮[19][20]

呢個概念嘅批評者指出,權力同交流嘅領域係唔同嘅。「全球城市」呢個詞受到經濟因素嘅嚴重影響,因此可能唔會考慮到其他方面都好重要嘅地方。例如,Paul James就認為呢個詞喺關注金融系統方面有「簡化同偏頗」嘅問題。[21]

跨國企業同銀行會喺全球城市設立總部,並喺呢個環境下進行大部分業務。[22] 美國公司主導咗國際法律同工程市場,並喺最大嘅外國全球城市設立分支機構。[23]

大城市嘅財富分配都好極端,有好大嘅貧富懸殊。[24] 移民政策嘅規定促進咗對來自貧窮地區嘅低技能同高技能移民工人嘅剝削。[25][26][27] 喺就業期間,移民工人可能要面對唔公平嘅工作條件,包括加班、低工資同工作場所缺乏安全保障。[28]

  1. 河濱教堂
  2. 德意志銀行中心
  3. 中央公園南220號
  4. 中央公園大廈
  5. 157西57街
  6. 公園大道432號
  7. 西53街53號
  8. 克萊斯勒大廈
  9. 美國銀行大廈
  10. 4號時代廣場
  11. 紐約時報大廈
  12. 帝國大廈
  13. 曼哈頓西區
  14. a: 哈德遜廣場55號, b: 哈德遜廣場35號, c: 哈德遜廣場10號, d: 哈德遜廣場15號
  15. 里奧納德街56號
  16. 雲石街8號
  17. 伍爾沃斯大廈
  18. 派恩街70號
  19. 紐約市中心四季酒店
  20. 華爾街40號
  21. 3號世界貿易中心
  22. 4號世界貿易中心
  23. 1號世界貿易中心



而家城市越嚟越多獨立於佢哋所屬嘅國家之外參與世界政治活動。呢種現象嘅早期例子包括姊妹城市關係,同埋喺歐盟內部推廣多層級管治作為實現歐洲一體化嘅技術。[7][29][30] 包括漢堡、布拉格、阿姆斯特丹、海牙同倫敦金融城等城市喺布魯塞爾都有自己嘅歐盟代表處。[31][32][33]




城市透過唔同方式參與全球治理,包括加入傳播規範同規則嘅全球網絡。喺全球層面,聯合城市同地方政府組織(UCLG)係城市嘅重要傘式組織;而喺區域同國家層面,歐洲城市組織、亞洲主要城市網絡21、加拿大市政聯盟、美國全國城市聯盟同美國市長會議都發揮類似嘅作用。[35][36] UCLG負責制定《文化21議程》,呢個係一個推廣可持續發展嘅文化政策計劃,亦都組織咗好多會議同報告嚟推動呢個計劃。[37]

自從《21世紀議程》通過之後,網絡喺環保領域尤其係氣候變化方面變得特別普遍。環境城市網絡包括C40城市氣候領導小組、聯合國全球契約城市項目、碳中和城市聯盟(CNCA)、市長盟約同市長契約,[38] ICLEI – 可持續發展地方政府、同埋轉型城鎮網絡。[35][36]

具有世界政治地位嘅城市係倡議團體、非政府組織、說客、教育機構、情報機構、軍事承包商、信息技術公司同其他對世界政策制定有利益嘅團體嘅聚會地點。因此,佢哋亦都係象徵性抗議嘅場所。[10][註 4]






  1. 城市嘅規模往往大啲,不過要幾大先爲之「城市」,各國定義唔同,所以同等規模,可能呢國屬市鎮,嗰國變城市。
  2. 呢個係一般情況而言。一啲大村、鎮照樣可以有好高嘅人口密度。
  3. 一般情況而言,城市嘅社會、政治、經濟影響力大啲。不過呢個「緊要程度」亦可以係其他意義,比如打仗時,兵家必爭嘅鎮仔就會顯得好緊要。
  4. 華盛頓特區係一個重要嘅全球政治城市,曾經被形容為世界首都。

  1. 1.0 1.1 中國社區建設展示中心:城市社區的主要特徵[失咗效嘅鏈]
  2. 據2006年3月10號中國國家統計局發佈嘅《關於統計上劃分城鄉的暫行規定》
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 中國評論學術出版社:世界各國城市化水平對比問題
  4. "Census BureauPlaces" (PDF). 原著 (PDF)喺2014年10月31號歸檔. 喺2014年6月17號搵到.
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 東方早報:理性看待和實施「撤縣設市」[失咗效嘅鏈]
  6. Abrahamson (2004), pp. 2–4.
  7. Herrschel & Newman (2017), pp. 9–10.
    "The merchants of the Hanseatic League, for instance, enjoyed substantial trading privileges as a result of inter-city diplomacy and collective agreements within the networks (Lloyd 2002), as well as with larger powers, such as states. That way, the League could negotiate 'extra-territorial' legal spaces with special privileges, such as the 'German Steelyard' in the port of London (Schofield 2012). This special status was granted and guaranteed by the English king as part of an agreement between the state and a foreign city association."
  8. 10.0 10.1 Calder, Kent E.; de Freytas, Mariko (2009). "Global Political Cities as Actors in Twenty-First Century International Affairs". SAIS Review of International Affairs. 29 (1): 79–96. doi:10.1353/sais.0.0036. ISSN 1945-4724. S2CID 154230409.
  9. Curtis (2016), p. 5.
  10. Kaplan (2004), pp. 115–133.
  11. Engel, Jerome S.; Berbegal-Mirabent, Jasmina; Piqué, Josep M. (2018). "The renaissance of the city as a cluster of innovation". Cogent Business & Management. 5 (1): 1532777. doi:10.1080/23311975.2018.1532777. hdl:10419/206125.
  12. Jacobs, Andrew J.; Orum, Anthony M. (2023). "Global City". The Wiley Blackwell Encyclopedia of Urban and Regional Studies. pp. 1–10. doi:10.1002/9781118568446.eurs0514. ISBN 978-1118568453. S2CID 240985764.
  13. Sassen, Saskia (1991). The Global City: New York, London, Tokyo. 互聯網檔案館歸檔,歸檔日期16 March 2015. Princeton University Press. ISBN 0-691-07063-6
  14. John Friedmann and Goetz Wolff, "World City Formation: An Agenda for Research and Action", International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 6, no. 3 (1982): 319
  15. Abrahamson (2004), p. 4. "The formerly major industrial cities that were most able quickly and thoroughly to transform themselves into the new postindustrial mode became the leading global cities—the centers of the new global system."
  16. Kaplan et al. (2004), p. 88.
  17. Ward, Stephen V. (2008). Olympic Cities: City Agendas, Planning and the World's Games, 1896–2016. London & New York: Routledge (Taylor & Francis). ISBN 978-0-203-84074-0.
  18. Wachsmuth, David (2014). "City as Ideology: Reconciling the Explosion of the City Form with the Tenacity of the City Concept". Environment and Planning D: Society and Space. 32 (1): 75–90. Bibcode:2014EnPlD..32...75W. doi:10.1068/d21911. S2CID 144077154. 原先內容歸檔喺24 October 2018. 喺30 June 2017搵到.
  19. James, Paul; with Magee, Liam; Scerri, Andy; Steger, Manfred B. (2015). Urban Sustainability in Theory and Practice: Circles of Sustainability. London: Routledge. pp. 28, 30. ISBN 978-1315765747. 原先內容歸檔喺1 March 2020. 喺20 December 2017搵到. Against those writers who, by emphasizing the importance of financial exchange systems, distinguish a few special cities as 'global cities'—commonly London, Paris, New York and Tokyo—we recognize the uneven global dimensions of all the cities that we study. Los Angeles, the home of Hollywood, is a globalizing city, though perhaps more significantly in cultural than economic terms. And so is Dili globalizing, the small and 'insignificant' capital of Timor Leste—except this time it is predominantly in political terms...
  20. Kaplan (2004), 99–106.
  21. Kaplan (2004), pp. 91–95. "The United States is also dominant in providing high-quality, global engineering-design services, accounting for approximately 50 percent of the world's total exports. The disproportionate presence of these U.S.-headquartered firms is attributable to the U.S. role in overseas automobile production, the electronics and petroleum industries, and various kinds of construction, including work on the country's numerous overseas air and navy military bases."
  22. Kaplan (2004), pp. 90–92.
  23. Samers, Michael (2002-06-28). "Immigration and the Global City Hypothesis: Towards an Alternative Research Agenda". International Journal of Urban and Regional Research. 26 (2): 389–3402. doi:10.1111/1468-2427.00386. ISSN 0309-1317. 原先內容歸檔喺2020-03-01. And not withstanding some major world cities that do not have comparatively high levels of immigration, like Tokyo, it may in fact be the presence of such large-scale immigrant economic 'communities' (with their attendant global financial remittances and their ability to incubate small business growth, rather than their complementarity to producer services employment) which partially distinguishes mega-cities from other more nationally oriented urban centres.
  24. Willis, Jane; Datta, Kavita; Evans, Yara; Herbert, Joanna; May, John; McIlwane, Cathy (2010). Wills, Jane (編). Global cities at work: new migrant divisions of labour. London: Pluto Press. p. 29. ISBN 978-0-7453-2799-0. These apparently rather different takes on London's 'global city' status are of course not so far removed from one another as they may first appear. Holding them together is the figure of the migrant worker. The reliance of London's financial institutions and business services industries on the continuing flow of highly skilled labour from overseas is now well known (Beaverstock and Smith 1996). Less well known is the extent to which London's economy as a whole is now dependent upon the labour power of low-paid workers from across the world.
  25. Sanderson, Matthew R; Derudder, Ben; Timberlake, Michael; Witlox, Frank (June 2015). "Are world cities also world immigrant cities? An international, cross-city analysis of global centrality and immigration". International Journal of Comparative Sociology. 56 (3–4): 173–197. doi:10.1177/0020715215604350. ISSN 0020-7152. S2CID 153828266.
  26. Latham et al. 2009, pp. 49–50.
  27. Charlie Jeffery, "Sub-National Authorities and European Integration: Moving Beyond the Nation-State? 互聯網檔案館歸檔,歸檔日期3 November 2018.", presented at the Fifth Biennial International Conference of the European Community Studies Association, 29 May–1 June 1997, Seattle, US.
  28. Jing Pan, "The Role of Local Government in Shaping and Influencing International Policy Frameworks 互聯網檔案館歸檔,歸檔日期2017-10-10.", PhD thesis accepted at De Montfort University, April 2014.
  29. Herrschel & Newman (2017), p. "In Europe, the EU provides incentives and institutional frameworks for multiple new forms of city and regional networking and lobbying, including at the international EU level. But a growing number of cities and regions also seek to 'go it alone' by establishing their own representations in Brussels, either individually or in shared accommodation, as the base for European lobbying."
  30. Marks, Gary; Haesly, Richard; Mbaye, Heather A.D. (Autumn 2002). "What Do Subnational Offices Think They Are Doing in Brussels?" (PDF). Regional & Federal Studies. 12 (3): 1–23. doi:10.1080/714004755. ISSN 1359-7566. S2CID 154556467. 原先內容歸檔 (PDF)喺2018-01-28.
  31. Carola Hein, "Cities (and regions) within a city: subnational representations and the creation of European imaginaries in Brussels 互聯網檔案館歸檔,歸檔日期16 November 2018."; International Journal of the Urban Sciences 19(1), 2015. See also websites of individual city embassies cited therein, including Hanse Office 互聯網檔案館歸檔,歸檔日期1 January 2017. (Hamburg and Schleswig-Holstein) and City of London "City Office in Brussels 互聯網檔案館歸檔,歸檔日期2017-08-16."; and CoR's [cor.europa.eu/en/regions/Documents/regional-offices.xls spreadsheet of regional offices] in Brussels.
  32. Latham et al. 2009, pp. 45–47.
  33. 35.0 35.1 Bouteligier, Sofie (2013). "Inequality in new global governance arrangements: the North–South divide in transnational municipal networks". Innovation: The European Journal of Social Science Research. 26 (3): 251–267. doi:10.1080/13511610.2013.771890. ISSN 1351-1610. S2CID 143765511. 原先內容歸檔喺2017-10-10.
  34. 36.0 36.1 Herrschel & Newman (2017), p. 82.
  35. Nancy Duxbury & Sharon Jeannotte, "Global Cultural Governance Policy 互聯網檔案館歸檔,歸檔日期29 April 2021."; Chapter 21 in The Ashgate Research Companion to Planning and Culture; London: Ashgate, 2013.
  36. 而家改名做全球市長盟約;睇: "Global Covenant of Mayors – Compact of Mayors". 原著喺14 October 2016歸檔. 喺13 October 2016搵到.


  • Latham, Alan; McCormack, Derek; McNamara, Kim; McNeill, Donald (2009-01-14). Key Concepts in Urban Geography. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications Limited. ISBN 978-1-4129-3041-3.
