Message from the President | 山梨中央銀行

Message from the President

To Our Shareholders

I would like to take this opportunity to thank our shareholders and other stakeholders for their steadfast support of Yamanashi Chuo Bank.

At present, we are aiming to become a financial group that will answer the expectation of all our stakeholders, under our long-term vision, "Value Creation Bank," covering the period up to our 150th founding anniversary in 2027.

To achieve this vision, we will work under our new medium-term management plan, "TRANS3 ("Trans Cube") 2025," for the next three years, from April 2022 until March 2025.
The medium-term management plan positions "AX (alliance)," "DX (digital)," and "SX (sustainability)" as the three drivers of transformation in order to develop a sustainable business model through initiatives to transform our bank.

We will also take proactive measures to bring about sustainable local communities, by taking decarbonization measures and promoting diversity,equity,and inclusion and inclusion. By raising these non-financial indicators as quantitative targets in our management plan, we will further accelerate our initiatives to advance our sustainable management.

At the same time as devising this medium-term management plan, and to answer questions such as, "Why do we exist and undertake our business activities, and what value will we continue to offer to our stakeholders," we have raised "Exploring an enriching future from Yamanashi" as our fundamental purpose in society.

Last but not least, we look forward to your continued support as directors and employees of the Yamanashi Chuo Bank Group will continue to take up the challenge of keeping up with the accelerating changes in our environment during the COVID pandemic, in pursuit of sustainability for our bank and our local communities.

Yoshiaki Furuya