Collaborate with us
The World Animal Health and Welfare Fund (World Fund) of the World Organisation for Animal Health (WOAH) is a multi-donor trust fund through which the Organisation collects and manages voluntary contributions from Members (in addition to their statutory contributions) as well as from intergovernmental organisations, philanthropic foundations, the private sector and other sources.
Through voluntary contributions from resource partners to the World Fund, WOAH supports the development and implementation of programs and projects which are essential to fulfilling its mandate and achieving the objectives of its Strategic Plans.
The voluntary contributions received through the World Fund complement the statutory and extraordinary contributions received from Members (Regular Budget). The World Fund is a specific account (Budget) set up in application of article 7.3 of the Financial Regulations and is managed in accordance with the administrative and financial rules of the Organisation. Created by a resolution voted by the Membership in 2004, the legal basis of the World Fund has formed part of the Basic Texts since 2011.
In the management of the World Fund, our Director General is assisted by a Management Committee and an Advisory Committee of the World Fund. The Management Committee meets annually in May to review financial performance of the Fund, recommend adoption of the World Fund annual accounts and to then transmit these accounts to the Council for endorsement and final adoption by the World Assembly. The meetings are chaired by the President of the World Assembly of Delegates.
The Advisory Committee also meets annually in May and provides a unique dialogue opportunity between resource partners, multilateral developing agencies, and selected stakeholders to help shape the Fund’s strategic vision and resource mobilisation efforts. An elected Chair presides the meetings for a five-year term, currently held by Dr Hans Wyss (WOAH Delegate for Switzerland).
The minutes of the last meeting of the World Fund Advisory Committee can be consulted here.
The Engagement & Investment Department, under the supervision and authority of the Director General, is responsible and accountable for the day-to-day operations of the World Fund. This includes mobilising resources to fund WOAH programmes, monitoring programme implementation, supporting the development of policy and strategic initiatives, monitoring & evaluation, financial management, and administration for the Fund and its Committees.
Strategic vision
The World Fund maintains a dynamic portfolio of relationships with resource partners for voluntary contributions. Through the roll-out of the Organisation’s resource mobilisation strategy, we aim to strengthen our approach to resource mobilisation, which is essential for the Organisation to fulfil its mandate and achieve its goals. One of the major objectives of the strategy is to diversify the type as well as broaden the resource base of funding that the Organisation receives through the World Fund.
Since 2020, a much more specific focus has been placed on encouraging greater flexibility and more predictability, with more emphasis being placed on thematic and strategic funding. The exploration of innovative mechanisms to capitalise on joint resource mobilisation efforts with key partners and the establishment of a whole of organisation approach to resource mobilisation, outreach and programmatic results-focused delivery are the other two principal objectives of this strategy. All our resource mobilisation efforts are underpinned by the following general principles: alignment, multilateralism, neutrality, transparency, accountability, results orientation, effectiveness, sustainability and efficiency.
Linked to this, we are listed as an ODA-eligible international organisation and is included on Annex 2 of the OECD’s Statistical Reporting Directives for DAC Statistics. Official development assistance (ODA) is official funding provided by international organisations and official agencies (including state and local governments) to support the economic development and welfare of developing countries. It is also the main source of financing for development aid. Through our inclusion on this list, we are now eligible for ODA funding streams. The communication from OECD is accessible here.
Certain resource partners have transparency policies requiring that certain project documents are made publicly available.
In compliance with article 15.1 of the grant agreement signed in October 2018 between the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (Norad) and WOAH, this agreement can be accessed through the following link.
Contractors and Grant Beneficiaries
As per the EU’s General Conditions for Pillar Assessed Grant or Delegation Agreements (PAGoDA), the table below provides a complete overview of all active Contribution Agreements signed between WOAH and the European Union (EU) in support to our programmes, projects and activities. This table also details each of the procurement contracts, grants and sub-grants that we have signed with third parties for the implementation of activities with funding by the EU.
The following information is listed below:
- the EU reference number of the project,
- the title of the contract / project,
- the date of signature of the contribution agreement, contract, grant or sub-grant,
- the procedure that was used in the selection process of the award of the contract, grant or sub-grant,
- the name of the contractor or grant beneficiary,
- the location of the contractor or grant beneficiary,
- the total EU contribution in euros.