
Improved biosecurity lowers antimicrobial use in New Caledonia

Biosecurity reduces antimicrobial use in New Caledonia_man feeding animals on a farm
Following awareness-raising campaigns and farm biosecurity training, the importation of feed containing antimicrobials in New Caledonia has completely stopped in just two years. This positive outcome, led by the whole food production sector and backed by scientific evidence, is highlighted on ANIMUSE platform by the World Organisation for Animal Health (WOAH).

While updating the annual data on the use of antimicrobials on animals in New Caledonia, Dr. Stéphanie Sourget – head of the quarantine and animal health section at the New Caledonian veterinary, food, and phytosanitary inspection service – was surprised to uncover evidence of the actual cessation of medicated feed imports in the country in just two years. Sure, training and awareness campaigns on antimicrobial resistance (AMR) had been done: it was reasonable to expect that many farmers, food providers and veterinarians were informed about the risks connected to AMR.

More importantly, Dr. Sourget noted that between 2022 and 2023, the New Caledonian pork production supply chain had completely stopped importing medicated feed. After speaking with representatives from the supply chain, Dr. Sourget found that this significant change had no negative impact on producers or animal health, nor did it lead to an increased use of other antimicrobials.

The data is clear: as reported on ANIMUSE  , in 2023 antimicrobial imports in New Caledonia dropped from 873 kg to 485 kg, a 44% decrease. The main reason is no medicated feed was imported in 2023, accounting for 93% of the overall decline in antimicrobials imports.  

Medicated feed is animal feed that has been mixed with medication or therapeutic substances. It is used to treat or prevent diseases in animals, or to promote their growth. In New Caledonia, pork ranks as the third largest meat industry after beef and poultry, supplying the entire territory with fresh swine products. Historically, this industry was a significant user of medicated feed—but not anymore. 

Graph shows antimicrobial imports to New Caledonia in kilograms, with decreases of 34% in 2022 and 44% in 2023
The graph shows antimicrobial imports to New Caledonia in kilograms, with decreases of 34% in 2022 and 44% in 2023. 93% of the decrease in 2023 is attributed to the cessation of medicated feed imports. 

A general trend toward antimicrobial reduction

New Caledonia presents a success story that aligns with many other significant achievements in the animal health sector combating AMR. It was the result of a collaborative effort driven by the New Caledonia veterinary services, with numerous awareness-raising activities on AMR, targeting feed providers, farmers, and veterinarians. The outcome was well worth it, as Dr. Sourget points out:

The decision to stop the importation of medicated feed was made by the pig industry stakeholders and resulted in a reduction of 335 kg in the importation of antibiotics contained in the feed. This represents almost the entire decrease observed for antimicrobials imported in New Caledonia between 2022 and 2023. One of the surprises was being able to completely stop the importation of medicated feed in just two years.

Dr. Sourget, head of the quarantine and animal health section at the New Caledonian veterinary, food, and phytosanitary inspection service.

“Moreover, we were concerned about the risk that this modification in piglet feed could cause high mortality rates, which could have had significant economic repercussions for the sector. However, we are pleased to note that everything is going very well, both from the perspective of farmers and feed distributors—who have recorded a growth reduction of only 1 kg—and from an animal health standpoint”, she adds.

Dr. Coralie Lussiez, head of the biosecurity division of the Caledonian veterinary, food, and phytosanitary inspection service and WOAH’s delegate for New Caledonia, echoes Dr. Sourget’s enthusiasm: “We are very pleased with the results of our campaigns and efforts: a major achievement that we aim to sustain in the coming years. This success is also an excellent example of One Health collaboration across sectors. In fact, beyond extensively communicating with various stakeholders to raise awareness about the risks of AMR, we have participated in investigations into the presence of resistant bacteria in New Caledonia, working closely with human health, environmental, and research sectors”

The importance of biosecurity

The case of New Caledonia is also an example of good use of opportunities and resources. Like many other parts of the world, also New Caledonian authorities had to prepare against the spread of African swine fever (ASF) over the last years.

As part of the prevention measures to maintain the ASF free status of New Caledonia, between 2020 and 2023, the pig farmers representatives and the private veterinarian association organised several trainings on biosecurity in pig farms against ASF, thanks to the support of the local veterinary services and financial support of the provinces and the rural agency. Dr. Stéphanie Sourget noted: “Even though this awareness campaign was more focused on the threat of African swine fever, it helped spread advice on general biosecurity best practices, which also assist farmers in improving their practices to limit health risks”

The veterinary, food, and phytosanitary inspection service is now willing to share with all the stakeholders involved the results of this coordinated strategy. It will also be possible through ANIMUSE  , the database developed by WOAH collecting and making publicly available data and studies on the use of antimicrobials all over the world. By providing this resource, ANIMUSE encourages decision makers to take data-driven decisions to reduce antimicrobial use. As Dr. Coralie Lussiez explained: 

Our commitment to reducing antibiotic use in livestock in New Caledonia dates back to 2015, when we began submitting data to WOAH through the ANIMUSE project. Accessing detailed facts and figures on the platform has further reinforced our dedication to this goal.

Dr. Coralie Lussiez, head of the biosecurity division of the Caledonian veterinary, food, and phytosanitary inspection service and WOAH’s delegate for New Caledonia.

To reduce antimicrobial use, an alternative to drugs and medicated feed is needed, as the New Caledonia effort to improve biosecurity measures shows.  Dr. Morgan Jeannin, project manager at WOAH’s AMR Department, found in this story some useful insights for the future: “It is very encouraging to see that biosecurity actions have had a cross-cutting and lasting impact on good farming practices. These are fundamental principles that we advocate for at the highest levels, as demonstrated by the resolution passed at the United Nations last September. It is wonderful to see the real on-the-ground effects of applying these principles”

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