「misandry」の意味や使い方 わかりやすく解説 Weblio辞書

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出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 (2024/06/14 14:55 UTC 版)

ミサンドリー: misandry)とは、男性への嫌悪あるいは憎悪[1][2]男性嫌悪(だんせいけんお)・男性憎悪(だんせいぞうお)などともいう。男性への性差別、中傷、暴力、性的対象化[3]など様々な表現に使われる。類似概念に女性への嫌悪であるミソジニー: misogyny)がある。語源はギリシャ語で、“憎悪”(: μῖσοςmísos)と“男”(: ἀνδρόςandrós)から[4]。“ミサンドリスト”という言葉は1871年にThe Spectator誌の中で初めて使われた[5]

  1. ^ "Misandry" at Oxford English Dictionary Online (ODO), Third Edition, June 2002. Accessed through library subscription on 25 July 2014. Earliest recorded use: 1885. Blackwood's Edinb. Mag, Sept. 289/1 No man whom she cared for had ever proposed to marry her. She could not account for it, and it was a growing source of bitterness, of misogyny as well as misandry.
  2. ^ "Misandry" at Merriam-Webster online ("First Known Use: circa 1909")
  3. ^ Peter West (2014年9月5日). “For Father's Day, give us men who aren't shown as fools and clowns”. The Conversation. 2015年2月17日閲覧。
  4. ^ Oxford Dictionaries http://oxforddictionaries.com/definition/english/misandry
  5. ^ Review of novel "Blanche Seymour", The Spectator, London, 1 Apr. 1871, p. 389. “We cannot, indeed, term her an absolute misandrist, as she fully admits the possibility, in most cases at least, of the reclamation of men from their naturally vicious and selfish state, though at the cost of so much trouble and vexation of spirit to women, that it is not quite clear whether she does not regard their existence as at best a mitigated evil.”
  6. ^ Echols, Nicole. Daring to Be Bad: Radical Feminism in America, 1967–1975. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1989, pp. 104-105, ISBN 978-0-8166-1786-9.
  7. ^ Dworkin, Andrea (Summer 1978). “Biological Superiority: The World's Most Dangerous and Deadly Idea”. HERESIES: A Feminist Publication on Art and Politics. No. 2 (New York City, NY, USA: Heresies Collective, Inc.) 2 (#6): 46. ISSN 0146-3411. http://heresiesfilmproject.org/wp-content/uploads/2011/10/heresies6.pdf 2015年5月12日閲覧。. 
  8. ^ hooks, bell. (1984), Feminist Theory: From Margin to Center, South End Press; Boston.
  9. ^ hooks, bell. (2005), The Will To Change: Men, Masculinity and Love, New York; Washington Square Press.
  10. ^ hooks, bell, 1952- author.『Feminism is for everybody : passionate politics』2000年。ISBN 978-1-77256-128-9OCLC 1099776942http://worldcat.org/oclc/10997769422020年9月7日閲覧。"原文: "Our theoretical work critiquing the demonization ofmen as the enemy did not change the perspectives of women who were anti-male.""。 
  11. ^ hooks, bell. Feminist Theory from Margin to Center. Boston, MA: South End, 1984. Print.
  12. ^ (Nathanson & Young 2001, p. xiv) "[ideological feminism,] one form of feminism—one that has had a great deal of influence, whether directly or indirectly, on both popular culture and elite culture—is profoundly misandric".
  13. ^ a b Gilmore, David G. (2009). Misogyny: The Male Malady (英語). University of Pennsylvania Press. ISBN 978-0-8122-1770-4.


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