“A Campus that Nurtures People”
Focusing on three pillars, Waseda University will aims to achieve a zero carbon campus by 2032, the 150th anniversary of Waseda University’s founding.
Waseda University, as “A Campus that Nurtures People”, aims to design a campus that fosters human resources who will contribute to carbon neutrality. Achieving carbon neutrality is not easy for us, as we emit approximately 40,000 to 50,000 tons of CO2 annually. Waseda University’s mission is to quickly establish a scheme for achieving carbon neutrality on campus, share this scheme with society at large, and, after fostering students that are carbon-neutrality-conscious, send as many of them as possible out into society. As for achieving carbon neutrality on the Waseda Campus, we are working on energy saving, energy creation, use of renewable energy, and other efforts in parallel, and are working not only with faculty members and students but also around 660,000 alumni across industry and government bodies around the world, to achieve carbon neutrality.
Waseda University Faculty of Science and Engineering Professor
Shin-ichi Tanabe
For each type of greenhouse gas emission specified by the GHG Protocol (Scope 1 Emissions: Direct emissions from the operating entity; Scope 2 Emissions: Indirect emissions from the use of electricity, etc. supplied by other companies; Scope 3 Emissions: Other indirect emissions related to the activities of the operating entity), we make sure to understand the amount of greenhouse gas emissions from Waseda University (approximation for Scope 3 emissions) and then strive to reduce this amount. For Scope 3 emissions, we will also develop and verify an efficient calculation method for such emissions at Waseda University.
In collaboration with on-campus researchers, we will verify what kind of initiatives are effective for encouraging behavioral changes and energy saving towards achieving carbon neutrality, and then share the results broadly across society.
We will strive to make effective use of various on-campus resources, including petroleum resources, and aim to build a resource recycling society in collaboration with companies, local governments, and local residents.