藤本 隆宏 ビジネス・ファイナンス研究センター 研究院教授(FUJIMOTO, Takahiro) – 早稲田大学 大学院経営管理研究科

Waseda Business School (Graduate School of Business and Finance)早稲田大学 大学院経営管理研究科


藤本 隆宏 ビジネス・ファイナンス研究センター 研究院教授(FUJIMOTO, Takahiro)




1979年東京大学経済学部卒。三菱総合研究所、ハーバード大学博士課程を経て、1990年~2021年東京大学経済学部助教授・教授。2003年~2021年東京大学ものづくり経営研究センター長。専門は技術・生産管理、進化経済学。進化経済学会フェロー。米国デザインマネジメント協会Jai Doblin賞、日経図書文化賞、組織学会高宮賞、Shingo賞、日本学士院賞・恩賜賞、日経BP・BizTech図書賞日経日本建築学会著作賞等。主な著書(共著・編著を含む:日本語のみに『製品開発力』『生産システムの進化論』『成功する製品開発』『ビジネス・アーキテクチャ』『生産マネジメント入門ⅠⅡ』『能力構築競争』『日本のもの造り哲学』ものづくり経営学』『日本型プロセス産業』『人工物複雑化の時代』『ものづくりからの復活』『建築ものづくり論』『現場から見上げる企業戦略論』など。2021年4月より現職。



Lim, C and T. Fujimoto (2019). “Frugal innovation and design changes expanding the cost-performance frontier: A Schumpeterian approach.” Research Policy. pp.1016-1029  

Fujimoto, T.(2017) “An architectural analysis of green vehicles – possibilities of technological, architectural and firm diversity.” Int. J. Automotive Technology and Management, Vol. 17. pp.123-150. 

Fujimoto, T. and Y. Park (2914) “Balancing supply chain competitiveness and robustness through “virtual dual sourcing”: Lessons from the Great East Japan Earthquake.” International. Journal of Production Economics 147, 2014 P429-436  

Fujimoto, T. (2014) “Innovation Management in Japan.”  The Oxford Handbook of Innovation Management, Ch. 17, pp.335-374. 

Fujimoto, T. (2014) “The Long Tail of the Auto Industry Life Cycle.” The Journal Product Innovation Management 2014; 31(1); P8-16 

Inamizu, N., Fukuzawa, M., Fujimoto, T., Shintaku, J. and Suzuki, N.(2014), “Group leaders and teamwork in the over-lean production system” Journal of Organizational Change, 27(2), pp.188-205. 

Fujimoto, T. (2014). “Evolution of Firms and industries” Evolutionary and Institutional Economics Review 9.1:1-10、2013 

Fujimoto, T. (2012). “An Economic Analysis of Architecture and Coordination: Applying Ricardian Comparative Advantage to Design Costs and Locations.” Evolutionary and Institutional Economics Review 9(1), 51-124, Dec 2012. 

Fujimoto, T. and Y. Shiozawa (2011). “Inter and intra company competition in the age of global competition : A micro and macro interpretation of Ricardian trade theory (1) (2).” Evolutionary and Institutional Economics Review, 8(1), 1-37; 8(2), pp.193-231.  

MacDuffie, J.P. and T. Fujimoto (2010).  “Why dinosaurs will keep ruling the auto industry. Industry” Harvard Business Review, 88(6), pp.23-25.  

Fujimoto, T. and D. Ge (2007) “The Architectural Attributes of Auto Parts and Transaction Patterns on Design Drawings.” International Journal of Automotive Technology Management, 6, 4.   

Fujimoto, T. (2007). “Architecture-based comparative advantage – a design information view of manufacturing.”  Evolutionary and Institutional Economics Review, 4(1), pp.55-112.  

Pil, F.K. and T. Fujimoto (2007). “Lean and reflective production: the dynamic nature of production models.” International Journal of Production Research, 45(16), pp.3741-3761. 

Heller, D. A., G. Mercer and T. Fujimoto (2006) The Long-term Value of M&A Activity that Enhances Learning Organizations. International Journal of Automotive Technology Management, 6 (2): pp.157-176 

Yasumoto, M. and T. Fujimoto (2005) Does Cross-functional Integration Lead to Adaptive Capabilities? Lessons from 188 Japanese product development projects.  International Journal of Technology Management, 30 (3/4): 265-298.  

Fujimoto, T., & Oh, J. (2004) Electronic technology and parts procurement. International Journal of Automotive Technology and Management, 4(4), 324-335. 

Fujimoto, T. and A. Takeishi (2001). “Modularization in the auto industry: interlinked multiple hierarchies of product, production and supplier systems.” International Journal of Automotive Technology and Management, 1(4): pp.379-396. 

Fujimoto T. (2001). “The Japanese automobile parts supplier system: the triplet of effective inter-firm routines.” International Journal of Automotive Technology and Management, 1(1), 1-34. 

Thomke, S. and T. Fujimoto (2000). “The Effect of ‘Front-Loading’ Problem Solving on Product Development Performance.” Journal of Product Innovation Management 17, 128-142. 

Fujimoto, T., M. Iansiti and K. B. Clark (1996) “External integration in product development.” In T. Nishiguchi ed., Managing Product Development, New York, Oxford University Press. Chapter 6. pp. 121-161. 

Asaba, S., and T. Fujimoto (1994) . “Processing and Product Development Systems in the Japanese Wool Textile and Apparel Industry.” In Findlay, C., and M. Itoh, ed., Wool in Japan. Harper Educational, Pymble, Australia:  pp. 45 – 64. 

Fujimoto, T. (1993).”Information Asset Map and Cumulative Concept Translation in Product Development.” Design Management Journal, Vol. 4, No, 4, Fall, pp. 34-42. 

Fujimoto, T. (1991). “Product integrity and the role of designer – as integrator”, Design Management Journal, 2(2), Spring, pp. 29-34. 

Clark, K.B. and T. Fujimoto (1990). The power of product integrity, Harvard Business Review, 68(6), 107-118, 1990 

Clark, K.B. and T. Fujimoto (1989). Reducing the time to market: The case of the World Auto Industry, Design Management Journal, 1 (1), pp. 49-57. 

Clark, K.B. and T. Fujimoto (1989). “Lead Time in Automobile Product Development: Explaining the Japanese Advantage.”  Journal of Technology and Engineering Management, 6, pp. 25 – 58. 

Clark, K.B., B. Chew and T. Fujimoto (1987) “Product development in the world Auto Industry.” Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, 3, 729-771 

Organizations for Effective Product Development – The Case of the Global Automobile Industry. Unpublished D.B.A. dissertation, Harvard University Graduate School of Business Administration (1989) 





Fujimoto, T. and F. Ikuine, ed. (2018) Industrial Competitiveness and Design Evolution. Spinger Verlag. 

Fujimoto, T. and D. A. Heller, ed. (2018) Industries and Disasters: Building Robust and Competitive Supply Chains. Nova Science Publishers.  

藤本隆宏(2017)『現場から見上げる企業戦略論』角川新書 KADOKAWA  




藤本隆宏・朴英元(2015)『ITを活かすものづくり』の編著 日本経済新聞出版社 


藤本隆宏編(2013)『「人工物」複雑化の時代 設計立国日本の産業競争力』有斐閣 






Lecler, Y., T. Yoshimoto and T. Fujimoto, ed. (2011) The Dynamics of Regional Innovation. World Scientific.  


藤本隆宏・キム B.クラーク(2009)『増補版 製品開発力』ダイヤモンド社 

Shimokawa, K. and T. Fujimoto, ed. (2009), The Birth of Lean. The Lean Enterprise Institute. (O Nascimento do Lean, bookman, 2011.) 

Fujimoto, T. (2007) Competing to be Really, Really Good. International House of Japan.    

『ものづくり経営学』光文社, 2007(東京大学ものづくり経営研究センターと共編著) 

Ohno, K., and T. Fujimoto, ed.  (2006) Industrialization of Developing Countries: Analyses by Japanese Economists.  National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies 

藤本隆宏・新宅純二郎共編著(2005)『中国製造業のアーキテクチャ分析』東洋経済新報社, 2005 

藤本隆宏・高橋伸夫・新宅純二郎・阿部誠・粕谷誠(2005)『リサーチマインド 経営学研究法 Field-Based Research Methodd』有斐閣 





Fujimoto T., and M. Yasumoto (2002). The impact of product-industry characteristics on product development organizations. Nigmegen lectures on innovation management (Dankbaar B., ed.), volume 9. Nijmegen University, Netherlands.  


藤本隆宏(2001)『生産マネジメント入門 Ⅰ/生産システム編』日本経済新聞社 

藤本隆宏(2001)『生産マネジメント入門 Ⅱ/生産資源・技術管理編』日本経済新聞社 


Lung, Y., J. Chanaron, T. Fujimoto and D. Raff (1999). Coping with Variety: Flexible Productive Systems for Product Variety in the Auto Industry. Ashgate Publishing, Aldershot.   

Fujimoto, T. (1999) The Evolution of a Manufacturing System at Toyota. Oxford University Press. 

  1. Shimokawa, and U. Juergens, T. Fujimoto, eds. (1997) Transforming Automobile Assembly. Springer Verlag.




Clark, K. B. and T. Fujimoto (1991). Product Development Performance.  Harvard Business School Press, Boston.(邦訳:『製品開発力』田村明比古訳,ダイヤモンド社,1993; 新訳・製品開発力) 






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