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CSS Transitions allows property changes in CSS values to occur smoothly over a specified duration.
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This document was produced by the CSS Working Group (part of the Style Activity).
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This document is expected to be relatively close to last call. While some issues raised have yet to be addressed, new features are extremely unlikely to be considered for this level.
This section is not normative.
This document introduces new CSS features to enable implicit transitions, which describe how CSS properties can be made to change smoothly from one value to another over a given duration.
Normally when the value of a CSS property changes, the rendered result is instantly updated, with the affected elements immediately changing from the old property value to the new property value. This section describes a way to specify transitions using new CSS properties. These properties are used to animate smoothly from the old state to the new state over time.
For example, suppose that transitions of one second have been defined
on the ‘left
’ and ‘background-color
’ properties. The following
diagram illustrates the effect of updating those properties on an element,
in this case moving it to the right and changing the background from red
to blue. This assumes other transition parameters still have their default
Transitions are a presentational effect. The computed value of a property transitions over time from the old value to the new value. Therefore if a script queries the computed style of a property as it is transitioning, it will see an intermediate value that represents the current animated value of the property.
Only animatable CSS properties can be transitioned. See the table at the end of this document for a list of properties that are animatable.
The transition for a property is defined using a number of new properties. For example:
div { transition-property: opacity; transition-duration: 2s; }The above example defines a transition on the ‘
’ property that, when a new value is
assigned to it, will cause a smooth change between the old value and the
new value over a period of two seconds.Each of the transition properties accepts a comma-separated list, allowing multiple transitions to be defined, each acting on a different property. In this case, the individual transitions take their parameters from the same index in all the lists. For example:
div { transition-property: opacity, left; transition-duration: 2s, 4s; }This will cause the ‘
’ property to
transition over a period of two seconds and the left property to
transition over a period of four seconds. In the case where the lists of values in transition
properties do not have the same length, the length of the ‘transition-property
’ list determines the
number of items in each list examined when starting transitions. The lists
are matched up from the first value: excess values at the end are not
used. If one of the other properties doesn't have enough comma-separated
values to match the number of values of ‘transition-property
’, the UA must calculate
its used value by repeating the list of values until there are enough.
This truncation or repetition does not affect the computed value. Note: This is analogous to the behavior of the ‘background-*
’ properties, with ‘background-image
’ analogous to ‘transition-property
div { transition-property: opacity, left, top, width; transition-duration: 2s, 1s; }The above example defines a transition on the ‘
’ property of 2 seconds duration, a
transition on the ‘left
’ property of 1
second duration, a transition on the ‘top
property of 2 seconds duration and a transition on the ‘width
’ property of 1 second duration.While authors can use transitions to create dynamically changing content, dynamically changing content can lead to seizures in some users. For information on how to avoid content that can lead to seizures, see Guideline 2.3: Seizures: Do not design content in a way that is known to cause seizures ([WCAG20]).
’ Property The ‘transition-property
’ property specifies the
name of the CSS property to which the transition is applied.
Name: | transition-property |
Value: | none | <single-transition-property>
[ ‘, ’ <single-transition-property>
Initial: | all |
Applies to: | all elements, :before and :after pseudo elements |
Inherited: | no |
Animatable: | no |
Percentages: | N/A |
Media: | visual |
Computed value: | Same as specified value. |
Canonical order: | per grammar |
A value of ‘none
’ means that no property
will transition. Otherwise, a list of properties to be transitioned, or
the keyword ‘all
’ which indicates that all
properties are to be transitioned, is given.
If one of the identifiers listed is not a recognized property name or
is not an animatable property, the implementation must still start
transitions on the animatable properties in the list using the duration,
delay, and timing function at their respective indices in the lists for
’, ‘transition-delay
’, and ‘transition-timing-function
’. In other words,
unrecognized or non-animatable properties must be kept in the list to
preserve the matching of indices.
The keywords ‘none
’, ‘inherit
’, and ‘initial
’ are
not permitted as items within a list of more that one identifier; any list
that uses them is syntactically invalid. In other words, the <IDENT>
production in <single-transition-property>
matches any identifier other than these three keywords.
For the keyword ‘all
’, or if one of the
identifiers listed is a shorthand property, implementations must start
transitions for any of its longhand sub-properties that are animatable
(or, for ‘all
’, all animatable properties),
using the duration, delay, and timing function at the index corresponding
to the shorthand.
If a property is specified multiple times in the value of ‘transition-property
’ (either on its own, via a
shorthand that contains it, or via the ‘all
value), then the transition that starts uses the duration, delay, and
timing function at the index corresponding to the last item in
the value of ‘transition-property
’ that calls for animating
that property.
Note: The ‘all
’ value and
’ shorthand property work in similar
ways, so the ‘all
’ value is just like a
shorthand that covers all properties.
’ Property The ‘transition-duration
’ property defines the
length of time that a transition takes.
Name: | transition-duration |
Value: | <time> [, <time>]* |
Initial: | 0s |
Applies to: | all elements, :before and :after pseudo elements |
Inherited: | no |
Animatable: | no |
Percentages: | N/A |
Media: | interactive |
Computed value: | Same as specified value. |
Canonical order: | per grammar |
This property specifies how long the transition from the old value to
the new value should take. By default the value is ‘0s
’, meaning that the transition is immediate (i.e.
there will be no animation). A negative value for ‘transition-duration
’ renders the declaration
’ Property The ‘transition-timing-function
’ property describes
how the intermediate values used during a transition will be calculated.
It allows for a transition to change speed over its duration. These
effects are commonly called easing functions. In either case, a
mathematical function that provides a smooth curve is used.
Timing functions are either defined as a stepping function or a cubic Bézier curve. The timing function takes as its input the current elapsed percentage of the transition duration and outputs the percentage of the way the transition is from its start value to its end value. How this output is used is defined by the interpolation rules for the value type.
A stepping function is defined by a number that divides the domain of operation into equally sized intervals. Each subsequent interval is a equal step closer to the goal state. The function also specifies whether the change in output percentage happens at the start or end of the interval (in other words, if 0% on the input percentage is the point of initial change).
A cubic
Bézier curve is defined by four control points, P0 through
P3 (see Figure 1). P0 and P3 are always
set to (0,0) and (1,1). The ‘transition-timing-function
’ property is used
to specify the values for points P1 and P2. These
can be set to preset values using the keywords listed below, or can be set
to specific values using the ‘cubic-bezier
function. In the ‘cubic-bezier
’ function,
P1 and P2 are each specified by both an X and Y
Name: | transition-timing-function |
Value: | <single-transition-timing-function>
[ ‘, ’ <single-transition-timing-function>
Initial: | ease |
Applies to: | all elements, :before and :after pseudo elements |
Inherited: | no |
Animatable: | no |
Percentages: | N/A |
Media: | interactive |
Computed value: | Same as specified value. |
Canonical order: | per grammar |
The timing functions have the following definitions.
’ or ‘end
’, and
specifies the point at which the change of values occur within the
interval. If the second parameter is omitted, it is given the value
’ Property The ‘transition-delay
’ property defines when the
transition will start. It allows a transition to begin execution some some
period of time from when it is applied. A ‘transition-delay
’ value of ‘0s
’ means the transition will execute as soon as the
property is changed. Otherwise, the value specifies an offset from the
moment the property is changed, and the transition will delay execution by
that offset.
If the value for ‘transition-delay
’ is a negative time offset
then the transition will execute the moment the property is changed, but
will appear to have begun execution at the specified offset. That is, the
transition will appear to begin part-way through its play cycle. In the
case where a transition has implied starting values and a negative ‘transition-delay
’, the starting values are
taken from the moment the property is changed.
Name: | transition-delay |
Value: | <time> [, <time>]* |
Initial: | 0s |
Applies to: | all elements, :before and :after pseudo elements |
Inherited: | no |
Animatable: | no |
Percentages: | N/A |
Media: | interactive |
Computed value: | Same as specified value. |
Canonical order: | per grammar |
’ Shorthand Property The ‘transition
’ shorthand property combines the
four properties described above into a single property.
Name: | transition |
Value: | <single-transition> [
‘, ’ <single-transition> ]*
Initial: | see individual properties |
Applies to: | all elements, :before and :after pseudo elements |
Inherited: | no |
Animatable: | no |
Percentages: | N/A |
Media: | interactive |
Computed value: | see individual properties |
Canonical order: | per grammar |
Note that order is important within the items in this property: the first value that can be parsed as a time is assigned to the transition-duration, and the second value that can be parsed as a time is assigned to transition-delay.
If there is more than one <single-transition> in the shorthand,
and any of the transitions has ‘none
’ as the <single-transition-property>,
then the declaration is invalid.
When the computed value of an animatable property changes,
implementations must decide what transitions to start based on the values
of the ‘transition-property
’, ‘transition-duration
’, ‘transition-timing-function
’, and ‘transition-delay
’ properties at the time the
animatable property would first have its new computed value. This means
that when one of these ‘transition-*
properties changes at the same time as a property whose change might
transition, it is the new values of the ‘transition-*
’ properties that control the transition.
This provides a way for authors to specify different values of the
’ properties for the
“forward” and “reverse” transitions (but see below for special reversing behavior when an
incomplete transition is interrupted). Authors can specify the
value of ‘transition-duration
’, ‘transition-timing-function
’, or ‘transition-delay
’ in the same rule where they
specify the value that triggers the transition, or can change these
properties at the same time as they change the property that triggers the
transition. Since it's the new values of these ‘transition-*
’ properties that affect the transition,
these values will be used for the transitions to the associated
transitioning values. For example:
li { transition: background-color linear 1s; background: blue; } li:hover { background-color: green; transition-duration: 2s; /* applies to the transition *to* the :hover state */ }
When a list item with these style rules enters the :hover state, the
computed ‘transition-duration
’ at the time that
’ would have its new
value (‘green
’) is ‘2s
’, so the transition from ‘blue
’ to ‘green
’ takes 2
seconds. However, when the list item leaves the :hover state, the
transition from ‘green
’ to ‘blue
’ takes 1 second.
Various things can cause the computed style of an element to change, or for an element to start or stop having computed style. (For the purposes of this specification, an element has computed style when it is in the document tree, and does not have computed style when it is not in the document tree.) These include insertion and removal of elements from the document tree (which both changes whether those elements have computed styles and can change the styles of other elements through selector matching), changes to the document tree that cause changes to which selectors match elements, changes to style sheets or style attributes, and other things. This specification does not define when computed styles are updated. However, when an implementation updates the computed style for an element to reflect one of these changes, it must update the computed style for all elements to reflect all of these changes at the same time (or at least it must be undetectable that it was done at a different time). This processing of a set of simultaneous style changes is called a style change event. (Implementations typically have a style change event to correspond with their desired screen refresh rate, and when up-to-date computed style is needed for a script API that depends on it.)
Since this specification does not define when a style change event occurs, and thus what changes to computed values are considered simultaneous, authors should be aware that changing any of the transition properties a small amount of time after making a change that might transition can result in behavior that varies between implementations, since the changes might be considered simultaneous in some implementations but not others.
When a style change event occurs, implementations must start transitions based on the computed styles that changed in that event. If an element does not have a computed style either before or after the style change event, then transitions are not started for that element in that style change event. Otherwise, define the before-change style as the computed style for the element as of the previous style change event, except with any styles derived from declarative animations such as CSS Transitions, CSS Animations ([CSS3-ANIMATIONS]), and SMIL Animations ([SMIL-ANIMATION], [SVG11]) updated to the current time. Likewise, define the after-change style as the computed style for the element based on the information known at the start of that style change event, in other words, excluding any changes resulting from CSS Transitions that start during that style change event.
This wording needs to handle already-running transitions better! Need to cancel a transition that hasn't moved yet when we're resetting to its start value! Define cancelling as not firing transition events. And point to other occurrence of cancelling in reversing section.
Note that this definition of the after-change style means that a single
change can start a transition on the same property on both an ancestor
element and its descendant element. This can happen when a property
change is inherited from one element with ‘transition-*
’ properties that say to animate the
changing property to another element with ‘transition-*
’ properties that also say to animate the
changing property.
When this happens, both transitions will run, and the transition on the descendant will override the transition on the ancestor because of the normal CSS cascading and inheritance rules ([CSS3CASCADE]).
If the transition on the descendant completes before the transition on the ancestor, the descendant will then resume inheriting the (still transitioning) value from its parent. This effect is likely not a desirable effect, but it is essentially doing what the author asked for.
For each element with a before-change
style and an after-change style, and
each property (other than shorthands) for which the before-change style is different from the
after-change style, implementations must
start transitions based on the relevant item (see the definition of ‘transition-property
’) in the computed value of
’. Corresponding to this
item there is a matching transition duration, a
matching transition delay, and a matching transition
timing function in the computed values of ‘transition-duration
’, ‘transition-delay
’, and ‘transition-timing-function
’ (see the rules on matching lists). Define the combined duration of the transition as the sum
of max(matching transition duration, ‘0s
’) and
the matching transition-delay. When the combined duration is greater than
’, then a transition starts based on the
values of the matching transition duration, the matching transition delay,
and the matching transition-timing-function; in other cases transitions do
not occur. The start time of this transition is
defined as the time of the style change
event plus the matching transition delay. The end
time of this transition is defined as the start time plus the matching transition duration.
The start value of this transition is defined as
the value of the transitioning property in the before-change style, and the end value of this transition is defined as the value of
the transitioning property in the after-change style. Except in the cases
described in the section on reversing of
transitions, the reversing-adjusted start value is
the same as the start value, and the reversing shortening factor is 1.
Once the transition of a property has started, it must continue running
based on the original timing function, duration, and delay, even if the
’, ‘transition-duration
’, or ‘transition-delay
’ property changes before the
transition is complete. However, if the ‘transition-property
’ property changes such
that the transition would not have started, the transition must stop (and
the property must immediately change to its final value).
Implementations must not start a transition when the computed value of a property changes as a result of declarative animation (as opposed to scripted animation).
Implementations also must not start a transition when the computed value changes because it is inherited (directly or indirectly) from another element that is transitioning the same property.
Many common transitions effects involve transitions between two states, such as the transition that occurs when the mouse pointer moves over a user interface element, and then later moves out of that element. With these effects, it is common for a running transition to be interrupted before it completes, and the property reset to the starting value of that transition. An example is a hover effect on an element, where a transition starts when the pointer enters the element, and then the pointer exits the element before the effect has completed. If the outgoing and incoming transitions are executed using their specified durations and timing functions, the resulting effect can be distractingly asymmetric because the second transition takes the full specified time to move a shortened distance. Instead, the expected behavior is that the second transition is shorter.
To meet this expectation, when a transition is started for a property on an element (henceforth, the new transition) that has a currently-running transition whose reversing-adjusted start value is the same as the end value of the new transition (henceforth, the old transition), implementations must cancel the old transition link to definition above and adjust the new transition as follows (prior to following the rules for computing the combined duration, start time, and end time):
Note that these rules do not fully address the problem for transition patterns that involve more than two states.
Note that these rules lead to the entire timing function of the new transition being used, rather than jumping into the middle of a timing function, which can create a jarring effect.
This was one of several possibilities that was considered by the working group. See the reversing demo demonstrating a number of them, leading to a working group resolution made on 2013-06-07 and edits made on 2013-11-11.
When a property on an element is undergoing a transition (that is, when or after the transition has started and before the end time of the transition) the transition adds a style to the CSS cascade at the level defined for CSS Transitions in [CSS3CASCADE].
Note that this means that computed values resulting from CSS transitions can inherit to descendants just like any other computed values. In the normal case, this means that a transition of an inherited property applies to descendant elements just as an author would expect.
Implementations must add this value to the cascade if and only if that property is not currently undergoing a CSS Animation ([CSS3-ANIMATIONS]) on the same element.
Note that this behavior of transitions not applying to the cascade when an animation on the same element and property is running does not affect whether the transition has started or ended. APIs that detect whether transitions are running (such as transition events) still report that a transition is running.
If the current time is at or before the start time of the transition (that is, during the delay phase of the transition), this value is a specified style that will compute to the start value of the transition.
If the current time is after the start time of the transition (that is, during the duration phase of the transition), this value is a specified style that will compute to the result of interpolating the property using the start value of the transition as Vstart, using the end value of the transition as Vend, and using (current time - start time) / (end time - start time) as the input to the timing function.
The completion of a CSS Transition generates a corresponding DOM Event. An event is fired for each property that undergoes a transition. This allows a content developer to perform actions that synchronize with the completion of a transition.
Each event provides the name of the property the transition is associated with as well as the duration of the transition.
The TransitionEvent
interface provides specific contextual information associated with
[Constructor(DOMString type, optional TransitionEventInit transitionEventInitDict)] interface TransitionEvent : Event { readonly attribute DOMString propertyName; readonly attribute float elapsedTime; readonly attribute DOMString pseudoElement; }; dictionary TransitionEventInit : EventInit { DOMString propertyName = ""; float elapsedTime = 0.0; DOMString pseudoElement = ""; }
type DOMString
, readonly
of type
, readonly
type DOMString
, readonly
is an event
There is one type of transition event available.
occurs at the completion of the transition. In the case where a
transition is removed before completion, such as if the
transition-property is removed, then the event will not fire.
When interpolating between two values, Vstart and Vend, interpolation is done using the output p of the timing function, which gives the portion of the value space that the interpolation has crossed. Thus the result of the interpolation is Vres = (1 - p) ⋅ Vstart + p ⋅ Vend.
However, if this value (Vres) is outside the allowed range of values for the property, then it is clamped to that range. This can occur if p is outside of the range 0 to 1, which can occur if a timing function is specified with a y1 or y2 that is outside the range 0 to 1.
The following describes how each property type undergoes transition or animation.
’ function that is the
sum of a length and a percentage (each possibly zero), and these ‘calc()
’ functions have each half interpolated as real
’, interpolated as a
discrete step where values of the timing function between 0 and 1 map to
’ and other values of the timing
function (which occur only at the start/end of the transition or as a
result of ‘cubic-bezier()
’ functions with Y
values outside of [0, 1]) map to the closer endpoint; if neither value is
’ then not interpolable.
’ and the other is not, then the result for that
shadow matches the inputs; otherwise the entire list is not interpolable.
If the lists of shadows have different lengths, then the shorter list is
padded at the end with shadows whose color is ‘transparent
’, all lengths are ‘0
’, and whose ‘inset
’ (or
not) matches the longer list.
’ is repeated to the
length of the ‘background-image
’ list) or
repeated infinitely will smoothly transition between any values, and so
that the computed value will properly represent the result (and
potentially be inherited correctly).
Future specifications may define additional types that can be animated.
See the definition of ‘transition-property
’ for how animation of
shorthand properties and the ‘all
’ value is
applied to any properties (in the shorthand) that can be animated.
The definition of each CSS property defines when the values of that property can be interpolated by referring to the definitions of property types in the previous section. Values are animatable when both the from and the to values of the property have the type described. (When a composite type such as "length, percentage, or calc" is listed, this means that both values must fit into that composite type.) When multiple types are listed in the form "either A or B", both values must be of the same type to be interpolable.
For properties that exist at the time this specification was developed, this specification defines whether and how they are animated. However, future CSS specifications may define additional properties, additional values for existing properties, or additional animation behavior of existing values. In order to describe new animation behaviors and to have the definition of animation behavior in a more appropriate location, future CSS specifications should include an "Animatable:" line in the summary of the property's definition (in addition to the other lines described in [CSS21], section 1.4.2). This line should say "no" to indicate that a property cannot be animated or should reference an animation behavior (which may be one of the behaviors in the Animation of property types section above, or may be a new behavior) to define how the property animates. Such definitions override those given in this specification.
The following definitions define the animation behavior for properties in CSS Level 2 Revision 1 ([CSS21]) and in Level 3 of the CSS Color Module ([CSS3COLOR]).
Property Name | Type |
background-color | as color |
background-position | as repeatable list of simple list of length, percentage, or calc |
border-bottom-color | as color |
border-bottom-width | as length |
border-left-color | as color |
border-left-width | as length |
border-right-color | as color |
border-right-width | as length |
border-spacing | as simple list of length |
border-top-color | as color |
border-top-width | as length |
bottom | as length, percentage, or calc |
clip | as rectangle |
color | as color |
font-size | as length |
font-weight | as font weight |
height | as length, percentage, or calc |
left | as length, percentage, or calc |
letter-spacing | as length |
line-height | as either number or length |
margin-bottom | as length |
margin-left | as length |
margin-right | as length |
margin-top | as length |
max-height | as length, percentage, or calc |
max-width | as length, percentage, or calc |
min-height | as length, percentage, or calc |
min-width | as length, percentage, or calc |
opacity | as number |
outline-color | as color |
outline-width | as length |
padding-bottom | as length |
padding-left | as length |
padding-right | as length |
padding-top | as length |
right | as length, percentage, or calc |
text-indent | as length, percentage, or calc |
text-shadow | as shadow list |
top | as length, percentage, or calc |
vertical-align | as length |
visibility | as visibility |
width | as length, percentage, or calc |
word-spacing | as length |
z-index | as integer |
All properties defined as animatable in the SVG specification, provided they are one of the property types listed above.
The following are the substantive changes made since the Working Draft dated 12 February 2013:
’ properties and transitionable properties
even clearer.
For more details on these changes, see the version control change logs, which are split in two parts because of a file renaming: change log since 2013 March 28, change log before 2013 March 28.
For changes in previous working drafts, see the ChangeLog, and the above version control logs.
Thanks especially to the feedback from Tab Atkins, Carine Bournez, Aryeh Gregor, Vincent Hardy, Anne van Kesteren, Cameron McCormack, Alex Mogilevsky, and all the rest of the www-style community.
Property | Values | Initial | Applies to | Inh. | Percentages | Media |
transition | <single-transition> [ ‘,’ <single-transition> ]* | see individual properties | all elements, :before and :after pseudo elements | no | N/A | interactive |
transition-delay | <time> [, <time>]* | 0s | all elements, :before and :after pseudo elements | no | N/A | interactive |
transition-duration | <time> [, <time>]* | 0s | all elements, :before and :after pseudo elements | no | N/A | interactive |
transition-property | none | <single-transition-property> [ ‘,’ <single-transition-property> ]* | all | all elements, :before and :after pseudo elements | no | N/A | visual |
transition-timing-function | <single-transition-timing-function> [ ‘,’ <single-transition-timing-function> ]* | ease | all elements, :before and :after pseudo elements | no | N/A | interactive |