Translations of the DOM Level 1 Specification


Translations of the Document Object Model Level 1 Specifications

This version:

August 6, 2001. Maintained by the W3C DOM Working Group.

About the Document Object Model Level 1 Specification

The Document Object Model Level 1 Specification was produced by the Document Object Model Working Group (DOM WG) as part of the Document Object Model Activity.

The normative versions of the Document Object Model Level 1 Specification are in English. If English is not your first language, volunteers are working to provide translations in other languages.

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Translators must give W3C permission to republish the translated version and to allow readers to make copies without restrictions. The copyright details for translations of W3C specifications are explained in section 5.7 of W3C's IPR FAQ.

Yoshito TERAMOTO Wakayama, Japan
Ramzi Guetari, Jean-Jacques Thomasson, Xavier Legalles, Yves Bazin, Stphane Bonhomme, Hubert Borderiou, Olivier Collioud, Lionel Fiol, Lucas Fournier
Juan R. Pozo