W3C Scalable Vector Graphics Logos and Policies


W3C Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) Logos and Policies

The SVG logo is based on a design by UK artist Harvey Rayner. It was selected by the SVG Working Group from among hundreds of entries in a contest conducted in 2006 by supporters and vendors of the SVG format. This unofficial logo was quickly adopted by the community, and many variations were incorporated into SVG-related materials. The versions presented here were adopted as the official W3C SVG logo in 2009, with the permission of the original artist and the conductors of the contest.

The following World Wide Web Consortium Scalable Vector Graphics Logos have specific usage policies.

1. W3C SVG Logos: Let Your Creativity Flower!

SVG Logos
W3C-SVG Horizontal logo
W3C-SVG Vertical logo
SVG Logo Alone and with "SVG"
SVG Horizontal logo
SVG logo
(png, svg)

SVG logo

The flower-like structure of the SVG logo evokes creativity and growth, while the connected nodes indicate integration with other technologies.

W3C anticipates using the SVG logo in conjunction with other imagery related to open Web standards.

2. W3C SVG Technology Buttons

SVG SVG button - blue
SVG button - green
SVG button - orange
SVG button - gray
SVG button - magenta

3. Usage

These policies were adopted from the Semantic Web logos, based on feedback from the community.

SVG Logos and Technology Buttons that include "W3C"

Not-for-profit use is governed by the W3C Document License with the following exceptions:

For-profit use of these logos REQUIRES permission from W3C. Please send requests to w3t-pr@w3.org.

SVG Logo alone and with "SVG" (no W3C logo)

At your option, use is governed by either:

The W3C Document License with the following exceptions:


The Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0) license. Attribution of the image should be "W3C SVG Logo".

4. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Until now W3C has not had an official SVG logo. The new technology-specific buttons have been designed to be part of the SVG brand. As we move forward, we are likely to create and use more specific imagery for some of the technologies that make up SVG, e.g., for T-shirts or mugs.

2. May I change the foreground and background colors of the text in the Technology buttons?


3. May I change the logo colors?

If there is a "W3C" in the logo, no. Otherwise, yes.

4. May I change the size of all of the above logos?

Yes. This is particularly easy to do with the SVG versions of the logo.

5. May I change the foreground or background color of the "W3C" logo?


6. May I create a local copy of a SVG logo or button?

Yes. If you make local copies, you should check periodically for updates from W3C (e.g., to account for small changes or new formats).

7. Where is it appropriate to use the SVG logo?

Anywhere you are promoting SVG. This could be a button or logo on a site which uses SVG, slide presentations where you talk about SVG, conventions or interest groups where SVG is a topic, and so on. For commercial uses, such as selling stickers or t-shirts, you will need the explicit permission of W3C. Note that the "W3C" logo, and versions of the SVG logo that contain the "W3C" logo, should not be used without explicit permission of W3C in situations that imply W3C support (such as for a convention where W3C is not present). If you have a corner case which isn't covered here and you want to be sure about the licensing, feel free to contact us.

8. May I use the SVG logo on product packaging or advertisements?

Yes, if your product renders or outputs SVG natively, without the use of plug-ins, you are encouraged to promote your product using the SVG logo. Please note that in order to do so, however, you must obtain explicit permission from W3C, which shall be granted without prejudice or fee.

9. Why did you use the W3C Document License rather than a Creative Commons license?

Our goal is to allow certain types of derivative works (changes in size, colors) and to require attribution in a certain way (alt text or a specific URI). It is not clear from the Creative Commons Web site whether we can use a Creative Commons license to achieve this. On the one hand, we find, for example for "by-nd" this text: "You must attribute the work in the manner specified by the author or licensor (but not in any way that suggests that they endorse you or your use of the work)." However, in section 4(b) of the detailed licensing terms, we find: "The credit required by this Section 4(b) may be implemented in any reasonable manner;...." which seems to be in contradiction with (or at least more permissive than) the first assertion.

The W3C Document License is very similar to "by-nd", and adding a constraint on not-for-profit use is similar to "by-nc-nd." If we learn more and there turns out not to be a contradiction, we may also start to use the appropriate Creative Commons license in this policy.

Coralie Mercier, Head of W3C Marketing & Communications (w3t-pr@w3.org)
Last modified: $Date: 2020/08/31 18:23:33 $