Community for Data Integration (CDI) | U.S. Geological Survey Skip to main content
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Community for Data Integration (CDI)

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The Community for Data Integration (CDI) is a dynamic community of practice working together to grow USGS knowledge and capacity in scientific data and information management and integration.


CDI Carpentries Workshops

CDI Carpentries Workshops

Upcoming CDI Monthly Meetings

Upcoming CDI Monthly Meetings

CDI Activities in FY 2024

CDI Activities in FY 2024


Wave runup and total water level observations from time series imagery at several sites with varying nearshore morphologies

Coastal imaging systems have been developed to measure wave runup and total water level (TWL) at the shoreline, which is a key metric for assessing coastal flooding and erosion. However, extracting quantitative measurements from coastal images has typically been done through the laborious task of hand-digitization of wave runup timestacks. Timestacks are images created by sampling a...
Mark L. Buckley, Daniel Buscombe, Justin J. Birchler, Margaret L. Palmsten, Eric Swanson, Jenna A. Brown, Michael Itzkin, Curt Storlazzi, Shawn R. Harrison

Community for Data Integration 2020 project report

The U.S. Geological Survey Community for Data Integration annually funds small projects focusing on data integration for interdisciplinary research, innovative data management, and demonstration of new technologies. This report provides a summary of the 12 projects funded in fiscal year 2020, outlining their goals, activities, and accomplishments.
Leslie Hsu, Emily G. Chapin, Theodore B. Barnhart, Amanda E. Cravens, Richard A. Erickson, Jason Ferrante, Aaron Fox, Nathaniel P. Hitt, Margaret Hunter, Katharine Kolb, Jared R. Peacock, Matthew D. Petkewich, Sasha C. Reed, Terry Sohl, Tanja N. Williamson

Urban tree cover provides consistent mitigation of extreme heat in arid but not humid cities

Urban land cover types influence the urban microclimates. However, recent work indicates the magnitude of land cover's microclimate influence is affected by aridity. Moreover, this variation in cooling and warming potentials of urban land cover types can substantially alter the exposure of urban areas to extreme heat. Our goal is to understand both the relative influences of urban land...
Peter Christian Ibsen, Benjamin R Crawford, Lucila Marie Corro, Kenneth J. Bagstad, Brandon E McNellis, G. Darrel Jenerette, James E. Diffendorfer


Developing inter-agency templates for FAIR genetic data archiving

Standardized archiving of genetic data is essential for reuse in monitoring biodiversity and data syntheses.

Developing inter-agency templates for FAIR genetic data archiving

Standardized archiving of genetic data is essential for reuse in monitoring biodiversity and data syntheses.
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A National Tool for Graphing and Synthesizing Continuous and Discrete Water-Quality Data

Provide synthesis of water quality data to better understand the Nation’s water resources

A National Tool for Graphing and Synthesizing Continuous and Discrete Water-Quality Data

Provide synthesis of water quality data to better understand the Nation’s water resources
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USGS Data in K-12 Education: Inspiring Future Scientists

Co-producing adaptable applications and trainings using USGS data to enhance data literacy in K-12 education.

USGS Data in K-12 Education: Inspiring Future Scientists

Co-producing adaptable applications and trainings using USGS data to enhance data literacy in K-12 education.
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