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WIESS '02 Abstract

Building an "Impossible" Verifier on a Java Card

Damien Deville and Gilles Grimaud, University of Lille


Java is a popular development platform for mobile code systems. It ensures application portability and mobility for a variety of systems, while providing strong security features. The intermediate code (byte code) allows the virtual machine to verify statically (during the loading phase) that the program is well-behaved. This is done by a software security module called the byte code verifier. Smart Cards that provide a Java Virtual Machine, called Java Card, are not supplied with such a verifier because of its complexity. Alternatives are being studied to provide the same functionality outside the card. In the present paper, we propose to integrate the whole verifier inside the smart card. This ensures that the smart card becomes entirely autonomous, which allows full realization of smart cards potential as pervasive computing devices. Our verifier uses a specialized encoding and a software cache with a variety of cache polices to adapt to the hardware constraints of smart card. Our experimental results confirm the feasibility of such a security system being implemented in a smart card.
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