UTC 176 Minutes


Approved Minutes of UTC Meeting 176
Redmond, WA — July 25-27, 2023
Hosted by Microsoft, Redmond, WA, and virtually

UTC #176 Agenda
Revision date: November 2, 2023

Members in good standing and regular attendance: 5.5 (Adobe, Apple, ETCO, Google, Microsoft, UCB); quorum is 2.75.

Tuesday, July 25, 2023

Meeting opened at 10:30am. Peter Constable opened the meeting.

A.1 Consortium membership; meeting quorum and proxies

5 full members in regular attendance represented: Adobe, Apple, ETCO, Google, Microsoft
Supporting members UCB

A.2 Agenda review

A.4 Action Item review SD2

C. Editorial Committee
C.1 Editorial Committee Report and Recommendations for UTC #176 Meeting [EDC/Ken Whistler, L2/23-161]

C.1 Section E) PRI Topics (and other feedback)
C.1 Section E.1)

[176-A1] Action Item for Roozbeh Pournader, EDC. Add explanation about spacing in Lao, parallel to the information provided about Thai, to the core specification for 16.0. See general feedback noted in L2/23-159. [Thu Jun 01 05:25:23 CDT 2023]

C.1 Section E.2)

[176-A2] Action Item for Ken Whistler, EDC. Add an appropriate annotation to the names list for U+2E3A. For Unicode 15.1. See feedback on PRI #480. [Sun Jun 11 21:40:09 CDT 2023]

[176-A3] Action Item for Ken Whistler, EDC. Add explanation about the use of U+2E3A and U+2E3B in Chinese, as well as the use of dashed boxes to display various dashes in the code charts, to the core specification for 16.0. See feedback on PRI #480. [Sun Jun 11 21:40:09 CDT 2023]

[176-A4] Action Item for Rick McGowan, Debbie Anderson, UTC. Respond to Night Koo, pointing to the resolution in L2/23-161 and thanking them for their feedback on PRI #480. [Sun Jun 11 21:40:09 CDT 2023]

C.2 PRI #464 Proposed Update UAX #41, Common References for Unicode Standard Annexes

Discussion. UTC took no action at this time.

H. Unicode Release Management
H.1 Release Management Group Report to UTC #176 [RMG/Peter Constable, L2/23-187]

[176-A5] Action Item for Markus Scherer, PAG: Evaluate alternatives for future maintenance of UAX #42 and provide a recommendation to UTC at meeting #177.

B.1 JTC 1/SC 2
B.1.1 ISO/IEC 10646

Oral report by Michel Suignard, Deborah Anderson, Peter Constable

SC2 Consent Docket [Deborah Anderson, L2/23-151] Recommendations to be taken up during D.1 (SAH recommendations) and E.1 (CJK and Unihan recommendations).

B.7 SEI Liaison Report [Anderson, L2/23-165]

Oral report from Debbie Anderson


Jan Kučera is Liaison rep; nothing to report.


No report.

B.11 TC 46

Markus Scherer is Liaison rep; nothing to report.

Jan Kučera has been participating (not as Unicode rep) in TC 46 work on transliteration. In scope for CLDR-TC; Jan will follow up with Steven Loomis.

Lunch break 12:18 to 1:30

F.4 Text terminal support

Oral report by Dustin Howett; document will be submitted to UTC doc register later (L2/23-194).
Discussion. Many industry stakeholders identified; working on engagement.
Fredrick Brennan (L2/23-153) joined the WG and concerns voiced are being taken into consideration by the WG.
UTC took no action at this time.

G. Emoji
G.1 Emoji Subcommittee Report for UTC #176 (2023Q3) [ESC/Jennifer Daniel, L2/23-162]
G.2 PRI #471 Proposed Update UTS #51, Unicode Emoji

G.1 Section 1) PRI #480 (Unicode 15.1 Beta) Feedback

[176-A6] Action Item for Ned Holbrook, ESC Add 1F1E8 1F1F6 as a new RGI_Emoji_Flag_Sequence in the emoji-sequences.txt data file, based on PRI #480 feedback ID20230523142756, for Unicode Version 16.0. [Reference: Section 1a of L2/23-162.]

[176-A7] Action Item for Rick McGowan, Debbie Anderson, UTC: Respond to the submitter of ReportID ID20230523142756. [Reference: Section 1a of L2/23-162.]

[176-A8] Action Item for Rick McGowan, Debbie Anderson, UTC: Respond to the submitter of ReportID ID20230524133634. [Reference: Section 1b of L2/23-162.]

G.1 Section 2) PRI #471 (Proposed Update UTS #51) Feedback

[176-A9] Action Item for Rick McGowan, Debbie Anderson, UTC: Respond to the submitter of ReportID ID20230422094554. [Reference: Section 2 of L2/23-162.]

G.1 Section 3) Unicode 15.1: representation of broken chain

Long discussion. UTC chose not to change the representation post beta — no action taken.

G.1 Section 4) Emoji chart images

Discussion; no opposition to simplification of the emoji charts. UTC took no action.

G.1 Section 5) Update on intake process

Discussion. No UTC action.

G.3 Variation sequences for legacy computing symbols unified with emoji [Charlotte Buff, L2/23-142]

Discussion. Remanding to ESC and PAG to review.

Break 15:02-15:24

E. CJK and Unihan
E.1 CJK & Unihan Group Recommendations for UTC #176 Meeting [Ken Lunde, L2/23-163]
E.2 PRI #467 Proposed Update UAX #38, Unicode Han Database (Unihan)
E.3 PRI #468 Proposed Update UAX #45, U-source Ideographs
E.4 GB 18030-2022 / CJK Unified Ideographs Extension I

E.1 Section 1) CJK Unified Ideographs Extension I

[176-C1] Consensus: Accept 622 ideographs in the updated CJK Unified Ideographs Extension I block with code point range U+2EBF0..U+2EE5D (block: U+2EBF0..U+2EE5F), based on document L2/23-114R and Section 01 of document L2/23-163, for Unicode Version 15.1. (This consensus supersedes 175-C10.)

[176-A10] Action Item for Michel Suignard, CJK: Apply the kIRG_GSource, kRSUnicode, and kTotalStrokes property values for the 622 ideographs in the updated CJK Unified Ideographs Extension I block, based on document L2/23-114R and Section 01 of document L2/23-163, and provide to Ken Lunde an updated Unihan data file, for Unicode Version 15.1.

[176-A11] Action Item for Ken Lunde, CJK: Update the Unihan database to add the kIRG_GSource, kRSUnicode, and kTotalStrokes property values for the 622 ideographs in the updated CJK Unified Ideographs Extension I block, based on document L2/23-114R and Section 01 of document L2/23-163, for Unicode Version 15.1.

[176-A12] Action Item for Ken Whistler, UTC: Update the pipeline to reflect the updated CJK Unified Ideographs Extension I block, based on document L2/23-114R and Section 01 of document L2/23-163, for Unicode Version 15.1.

[176-A13] Action Item for Ken Lunde, CJK: Update PRI #467 (Proposed Update UAX #38) to reflect the updated CJK Unified Ideographs Extension I block, based on document L2/23-114R and Section 01 of document L2/23-163, for Unicode Version 15.1.

[176-A14] Action Item for Markus Scherer, PAG: Update the UCD to reflect the updated CJK Unified Ideographs Extension I block, based on document L2/23-114R and Section 01 of document L2/23-163, for Unicode Version 15.1.

[176-A15] Action Item for Ken Lunde, CJK: Forward document L2/23-114R to CESI, indicating that the UTC accepted the updated CJK Unified Ideographs Extension I block for Unicode Version 15.1, and that its repertoire and ordering are therefore frozen and stable.

E.1 Section 2) Unihan Database Restoration

[176-N1] Note: The Unihan database is no longer frozen, but the only updates that are targeted for Unicode Version 15.1 are the addition of the CJK Unified Ideographs Extension I block and the correction of the kStrange property value syntax error for U+31993, based on Section 02 of document L2/23-163.

[176-A16] Action Item for Ken Lunde, CJK: Update the Unihan database to correct the kStrange property value syntax error for U+31993, based on Section 02 of document L2/23-163, for Unicode Version 15.1.

E.1 Section 3) ID20230519101601 (PRI #467 feedback)

[176-A17] Action Item for Ken Lunde, CJK: Convey to the feedback submitter the CJK & Unihan Group comments in Section 03 of document L2/23-163. See PRI #467 feedback [ID20230519101601].

E.1 Section 4) ID20230527202621 (PRI #467 feedback)

[176-A18] Action Item for Ken Lunde, CJK: Update the Unihan database to remove all 394 instances of the kPhonetic property value “990*,” based on PRI #467 feedback [ID20230527202621] and Section 04 of document L2/23-163, for Unicode Version 16.0.

[176-A19] Action Item for Ken Lunde, CJK: Convey to the feedback submitter the CJK & Unihan Group comments in Section 04 of document L2/23-163. See PRI #467 feedback [ID20230527202621].

E.1 Section 5) ID20230622075657 (PRI #468 feedback)

[176-A20] Action Item for Ken Lunde, CJK: Update the UAX #45 data file to reflect changes to IDSes, based on PRI #468 feedback [ID20230622075657] and Section 05 of document L2/23-163, for Unicode Version 15.1.

[176-A21] Action Item for Ken Lunde, CJK: Convey to the feedback submitter the CJK & Unihan Group comments in Section 05 of document L2/23-163. See PRI #468 feedback [ID20230622075657].

E.1 Section 6) ID20230526155652 (PRI #480 feedback)

[176-A22] Action Item for Ken Lunde, CJK: Convey to the feedback submitter the CJK & Unihan Group comments in Section 06 of document L2/23-163. See PRI #480 feedback [ID20230526155652].

E.1 Section 7) ID20230611130639 (PRI #480 feedback)

[176-A23] Action Item for Ken Lunde, CJK: Update the Unihan database to swap the kSimplifiedVariant and kTraditionalVariant properties for four ideographs, based on PRI #480 feedback [ID20230611130639] and Section 07 of document L2/23-163, for Unicode Version 16.0.

[176-A24] Action Item for Ken Lunde, CJK: Convey to the feedback submitter the CJK & Unihan Group comments in Section 07 of document L2/23-163. See PRI #480 feedback [ID20230611130639].

E.1 Section 8) ID20230616144439 (PRI #480 feedback)

[176-C2] Consensus: Accept the proposal to update the informative kRSUnicode and kTotalStrokes property values for U+3AB3 and U+3AC8, based on PRI #480 feedback [ID20230616144439] and Section 08 of document L2/23-163, for Unicode Version 16.0.

[176-A25] Action Item for Michel Suignard, CJK: Update the kRSUnicode and kTotalStrokes property values for U+3AB3 and U+3AC8, based on PRI #480 feedback [ID20230616144439] and Section 08 of document L2/23-163, and provide to Ken Lunde an updated Unihan data file, for Unicode Version 16.0.

[176-A26] Action Item for Ken Lunde, CJK: Update the Unihan database to update the kRSUnicode and kTotalStrokes property values for U+3AB3 and U+3AC8, based on PRI #480 feedback [ID20230616144439] and Section 08 of document L2/23-163, for Unicode Version 16.0.

[176-A27] Action Item for Ken Lunde, CJK: Convey to the feedback submitter the CJK & Unihan Group comments in Section 08 of document L2/23-163. See PRI #480 feedback [ID20230616144439].

E.1 Section 9) ID20230622205550 (PRI #480 feedback)

[176-C3] Consensus: Accept the proposal to remove “162.8” from the informative kRSUnicode property value of U+44D5 and move the normative kIRG_USource property value “UTC-02994” from U+44D5 to U+2EDE3, based on PRI #480 feedback [ID20230622205550] and as amended in Section 09 of document L2/23-163, for Unicode Version 16.0.

[176-A28] Action Item for Michel Suignard, CJK: Remove “162.8” from the kRSUnicode property value of U+44D5 and move the kIRG_USource property value “UTC-02994” from U+44D5 to U+2EDE3, based on PRI #480 feedback [ID20230622205550] and as amended in Section 09 of document L2/23-163, and provide to Ken Lunde an updated Unihan data file, for Unicode Version 16.0.

[176-A29] Action Item for Ken Lunde, CJK: Update the Unihan database to remove “162.8” from the kRSUnicode property value of U+44D5 and move the kIRG_USource property value “UTC-02994” from U+44D5 to U+2EDE3, based on PRI #480 feedback [ID20230622205550] and as amended in Section 09 of document L2/23-163, for Unicode Version 16.0.

[176-A30] Action Item for Ken Lunde, CJK: Update the record for “UTC-02994” in the UAX #45 data file, USourceData.txt, based on PRI #480 feedback [ID20230622205550] and as amended in Section 09 of document L2/23-163, for Unicode Version 15.1.

[176-A31] Action Item for Ken Lunde, CJK: Update UAX #45 and the header of the UAX #45 data file, USourceData.txt, to add “ExtI” as a new status field value, based on PRI #480 feedback [ID20230622205550] and as amended in Section 09 of document L2/23-163, for Unicode Version 15.1.

[176-A32] Action Item for Ken Lunde, CJK: Convey to the feedback submitter the CJK & Unihan Group comments in Section 09 of document L2/23-163. See PRI #480 feedback [ID20230622205550].

E.1 Section 10) ID20230522180709 (L2/23-159 Public feedback)

[176-A33] Action Item for Ken Lunde, CJK: Convey to the feedback submitter the CJK & Unihan Group comments in Section 10 of document L2/23-163. See feedback [ID20230522180709] in L2/23-159.

E.1 Section 11) ID20230522180742 (L2/23-159 Public feedback)

[176-A34] Action Item for Ken Lunde, CJK: Update the Unihan database to add “324*” as the kPhonetic property value of U+773E, based on feedback [ID20230522180742] in document L2/23-159 and Section 11 of document L2/23-163, for Unicode Version 16.0.

[176-A35] Action Item for Ken Lunde, CJK: Convey to the feedback submitter the CJK & Unihan Group comments in Section 11 of document L2/23-163. See feedback [ID20230522180742] in L2/23-159.

E.1 Section 12) ID20230522180830 (L2/23-159 Public feedback)

[176-A36] Action Item for Ken Lunde, CJK: Update the Unihan database to add “1157*” and “269” as the kPhonetic property values of U+6CB0 and U+78D7, respectively, based on feedback [ID20230522180830] in document L2/23-159 and as amended in Section 12 of document L2/23-163, for Unicode Version 16.0.

[176-A37] Action Item for Ken Lunde, CJK: Convey to the feedback submitter the CJK & Unihan Group comments in Section 12 of document L2/23-163. See feedback [ID20230522180830] in L2/23-159.

E.1 Section 13) L2/23-128: Request for consideration to update kSBGY property in Unihan DB

[176-A38] Action Item for Ken Lunde, CJK: Update the Unihan database to move the kSBGY property value “269.42” from U+555F to U+5553, based on document L2/23-128 and Section 13 of document L2/23-163, for Unicode Version 16.0.

E.1 Section 14) L2/23-002R: Proposal to add kFanqie to Unihan Database

[176-C4] Consensus: Accept the new provisional Unihan database property, kFanqie, based on document L2/23-002R and Section 14 of document L2/23-163, for Unicode Version 16.0.

[176-A39] Action Item for Ken Lunde, CJK: Document the kFanqie property in UAX #38, based on document L2/23-002R and as amended in Section 14 of document L2/23-163, for Unicode Version 16.0.

[176-A40] Action Item for Ken Lunde, CJK: Populate the kFanqie property in the Unihan database with the property values as provided in L2/23-002R, based on Section 14 of document L2/23-163, for Unicode Version 16.0.

[176-A41] Action Item for Rick McGowan, UTC: After Unicode 15.1 has been released, post a PRI for the proposed update of UAX #38 with a closing date of 2023-10-11.

E.1 Section 15) L2/23-133: Revised 3 G-Source Glyphs [IRG N2611]

[176-C5] Consensus: Accept the proposal to change the normative kIRG_GSource property values of five ideographs, based on document L2/23-133 and Section 15 of document L2/23-163, for Unicode Version 16.0.

[176-A42] Action Item for Michel Suignard, CJK: Change the kIRG_GSource property values of U+7C51, U+9459, U+2180C, U+25D89, and U+28BBA, based on document L2/23-133 and Section 15 of document L2/23-163, and provide to Ken Lunde an updated Unihan data file, for Unicode Version 16.0.

[176-A43] Action Item for Ken Lunde, CJK: Update the Unihan database to change the kIRG_GSource property values of U+7C51, U+9459, U+2180C, U+25D89, and U+28BBA, based on document L2/23-133 and Section 15 of document L2/23-163, for Unicode Version 16.0.

E.1 Section 16) L2/23-143: Adding a self-referencing source reference “KU-03E02” to U+3E02 [WG2 N5198]

[176-C6] Consensus: Accept the proposal to add a normative kIRG_KSource property value to U+3E02, based on document L2/23-143 and Section 16 of document L2/23-163, for Unicode Version 16.0.

[176-A44] Action Item for Michel Suignard, CJK: Add the kIRG_KSource property value “KU-03E02” to U+3E02, based on document L2/23-143 and Section 16 of document L2/23-163, and provide to Ken Lunde an updated Unihan data file, for Unicode Version 16.0.

[176-A45] Action Item for Ken Lunde, CJK: Update the Unihan database to add the kIRG_KSource property value “KU-03E02” to U+3E02, based on document L2/23-143 and Section 16 of document L2/23-163, for Unicode Version 16.0.

E.1 Section 17) L2/23-144: Request for Horizontal Extension in the J-column of ISO/IEC 10646 [WG2 N5221]

[176-C7] Consensus: Accept the proposal to add 36,422 new normative kIRG_JSource property values, based on document L2/23-144 and Section 17 of document L2/23-163, for Unicode Version 16.0.

[176-A46] Action Item for Michel Suignard, CJK: Add the 36,422 new kIRG_JSource property values, based on document L2/23-144 and Section 17 of document L2/23-163, and provide to Ken Lunde an updated Unihan data file, for Unicode Version 16.0.

[176-A47] Action Item for Ken Lunde, CJK: Update the Unihan database to add the 36,422 new kIRG_JSource property values, based on document L2/23-144 and Section 16 of document L2/23-163, for Unicode Version 16.0.

E.1 Section 18) L2/23-110: Proposal to encode a Chinese character from Xiao Lin Guan Ji

[176-C8] Consensus: Accept two new U-Source ideographs as UTC-03337 and UTC-03338 with UAX #45 status values of FutureWS and NoAction, respectively, based on document L2/23-110 and Section 18 of document L2/23-163, for Unicode Version 16.0.

[176-A48] Action Item for Ken Lunde, CJK: Add two new records to the UAX #45 USourceData.txt data file and their representative glyphs to USourceGlyphs.pdf, based on document L2/23-110 and Section 18 of document L2/23-163, for Unicode Version 16.0.

[176-A49] Action Item for Ken Lunde, CJK: Convey to the author of document L2/23-110 the CJK & Unihan Group comments in Section 18 of document L2/23-163.

E.1 Section 19) L2/23-124: Proposal to add one common character used for Duanxi inkstone to UAX #45

[176-C9] Consensus: Accept one new U-Source ideograph as UTC-03339 with a UAX #45 status value of FutureWS, based on document L2/23-124 and Section 19 of document L2/23-163, for Unicode Version 16.0.

[176-A50] Action Item for Ken Lunde, CJK: Add one new record to the UAX #45 USourceData.txt data file and its representative glyph to USourceGlyphs.pdf, based on document L2/23-124 and Section 19 of document L2/23-163, for Unicode Version 16.0.

[176-C10] Consensus: Accept 10 new U-Source ideographs as UTC-03340 through UTC-03349 with a UAX #45 status value of FutureWS, based on document L2/23-126 and Section 20 of document L2/23-163, for Unicode Version 16.0.

[176-A51] Action Item for Ken Lunde, CJK: Add 10 new records to the UAX #45 USourceData.txt data file and their representative glyphs to USourceGlyphs.pdf, based on document L2/23-126 and Section 20 of document L2/23-163, for Unicode Version 16.0.

E.1 Section 21) L2/23-130: Proposal to add 36 ideographs for Japanese place names to UAX #45

[176-C11] Consensus: Accept 35 new U-Source ideographs as UTC-03350 through UTC-03384 with a UAX #45 status value of FutureWS, based on document L2/23-130 and as amended in Section 21 of document L2/23-163, for Unicode Version 16.0.

[176-A52] Action Item for Ken Lunde, CJK: Add 35 new records to the UAX #45 USourceData.txt data file and their representative glyphs to USourceGlyphs.pdf, based on document L2/23-130 and as amended in Section 21 of document L2/23-163, for Unicode Version 16.0.

[176-A53] Action Item for Ken Lunde, CJK: Convey to the author of document L2/23-130 the CJK & Unihan Group comments in Section 21 of document L2/23-163.

E.1 Section 22) L2/23-139R: Proposal to Encode Abbreviated Ideographs(Kanjis) in Japanese

[176-C12] Consensus: Accept nine new U-Source ideographs as UTC-03385 through UTC-03393 with a UAX #45 status value of FutureWS, based on document L2/23-139R and Section 22 of document L2/23-163, for Unicode Version 16.0.

[176-A54] Action Item for Ken Lunde, CJK: Add nine new records to the UAX #45 USourceData.txt data file and their representative glyphs to USourceGlyphs.pdf, based on document L2/23-139R and Section 22 of document L2/23-163, for Unicode Version 16.0.

[176-A55] Action Item for Ken Lunde, CJK: Convey to the author of document L2/23-139R the CJK & Unihan Group comments in Section 22 of document L2/23-163.

E.1 Section 23) L2/23-112: Proposal for missing Kana-Ligatures

[176-A56] Action Item for Ken Lunde, CJK: Convey to the author of document L2/23-112 the CJK & Unihan Group comments in Section 23 of document L2/23-163, and forward to the author the comments from the Japan National Body.

E.1 Section 24) L2/23-118: Proposal for superscript katakana letters for Ryukyuan languages; L2/23-123: Feedback on L2/23-118 (Proposal for superscript katakana letters for Ryukyuan languages)

[176-A57] Action Item for Ken Lunde, CJK: Convey to the author of document L2/23-118 the CJK & Unihan Group comments in Section 24 of document L2/23-163, and forward to the author the comments from the Japan National Body, along with a contact name and email address.

E.1 Section 25) L2/23-127: Introduction on two unencoded Katakana letters

Discussion. UTC took no action at this time.


Ken Lunde is Liaison rep; no IRG meeting since last UTC meeting, so nothing to report.

Adjourn for the day at 5:20pm.

Wednesday, July 26, 2023

Meeting opened at 9:30am.

A.1 Consortium membership; meeting quorum and proxies

5 full members in regular attendance represented: Adobe, Apple, ETCO, Google, Microsoft
Supporting members UCB

A.3 Approval of minutes of prior meeting [Peter Constable, L2/23-076]

[176-C13] Consensus: Approve corrected minutes of UTC #175.

[176-A58] Action Item for Rick McGowan, UTC: Make the following corrections to minutes for UTC #175 and post final minutes:

A.5 Calendar review [Calendar]

Added meeting 180, July 23 – 25, 2024; to be hosted by Microsoft in Redmond, WA.

F. Properties and Algorithms
F.1 PAG: UTC #176 properties feedback & recommendations [Markus Scherer, et al, L2/23-160]
F.2 Proposed updates to Unicode Standard Annexes
F.2.1 PRI #460 Proposed Update UAX #9, Unicode Bidirectional Algorithm
F.2.2 PRI #461 Proposed Update UAX #14, Unicode Line Breaking Algorithm
F.2.3 PRI #470 Proposed Update UAX #24, Unicode Script Property
F.2.4 PRI #469 Proposed Update UAX #29, Unicode Text Segmentation
F.2.5 PRI #462 Proposed Update UAX #31, Unicode Identifiers and Syntax
F.2.6 PRI #481 Proposed Update UAX #42, Unicode Character Database in XML
F.2.7 PRI #465 Proposed Update UAX #44, Unicode Character Database
F.3 Proposed updates to Unicode Technical Standards
F.3.1 PRI #477 Proposed Update UTS #10, Unicode Collation Algorithm
F.3.3 PRI #463 Proposed Update UTS #39, Unicode Security Mechanisms
F.3.4 PRI #478 Proposed Update UTS #46, Unicode IDNA Compatibility Processing
F.3.5 PRI #474 Draft UTS #55, Unicode Source Code Handling

F.1 Section 1: Core spec
F.1 Section 1.1)

[176-A59] Action Item for Asmus Freytag, EDC: Change definition D79 to look like a definition, and add bullet points noting the use of the term to refer to the three UTF and suggesting the term “standard Unicode encoding forms” for clarity. Update mentions of “the [three] Unicode encoding forms” throughout the core specification as appropriate, for Unicode Version 16.0. See L2/23-160 item 1.1.

[176-C14] Consensus: UTC authorizes a proposed update of UTR #17 based on Section 1.1 of L2/23-160.

[176-A60] Action Item for Ken Whistler, EDC: Prepare a proposed update of UTR #17, changing mentions of “the [three] Unicode encoding forms” to use the phrase “standard Unicode encoding forms” as appropriate. See L2/23-160 item 1.1.

[176-A61] Action Item for Rick McGowan, UTC: Post a PRI for PU UTR #17 with a closing date of 2023-10-11.

[176-A62] Action Item for Asmus Freytag, EDC: In the FAQ and Glossary, change mentions of “the [three] Unicode encoding forms” to use the phrase “standard Unicode encoding forms” as appropriate. See L2/23-160 item 1.1.

F.1 Section 1.2)

[176-A63] Action Item for Markus Scherer, Robin Leroy, PAG: Propose wording defining the phrase “simple case folding” in Section 3.13 of The Unicode Standard, and changing the misleading and undefined phrase “locale-independent” case folding in Table 4-3 and Section 5.18 to case folding (which is locale-independent). See L2/23-160 item 1.2. For Unicode Version 16.0.

F.1 Section 2: UCD
F.1 Section 2.1)

[176-C15] Consensus: The UTC approves the ArabicShaping.txt entries in L2/23-160 item 2.1 (a), replacing those recommended by L2/22-116 and previously approved in UTC-172-C3.

[176-C16] Consensus: The UTC approves the code point change for TULU-TIGALARI LETTER DHA to U+113A4, from the conflicting U+113A5 approved by UTC-170-C9. TULU-TIGALARI LETTER NA remains at U+113A5.

[176-C17] Consensus: The UTC approves the change of canonical combining class for U+0897 ARABIC PEPET to ccc=230, from ccc=0 as approved by UTC-172-C3.

F.1 Section 2.2)

[176-C18] Consensus: Add the characters U+30FB KATAKANA MIDDLE DOT and U+FF65 HALFWIDTH KATAKANA MIDDLE DOT to Other_ID_Continue and its derivative properties, as described in L2/23-160 item 2.2, for Unicode Version 15.1.

[176-A64] Action Item for Robin Leroy, PAG: Add the characters U+30FB KATAKANA MIDDLE DOT and U+FF65 HALFWIDTH KATAKANA MIDDLE DOT to Other_ID_Continue and its derivative properties, as described in L2/23-160 item 2.2, for Unicode Version 15.1.

[176-A65] Action Item for Robin Leroy, PAG: Remove the table in Section 3.3.2 of DUTS #55, and change the last paragraph to say that there are no incompatibilities when using a definition based on earlier versions of the UCD. For Unicode Version 15.1.

[176-A66] Action Item for Robin Leroy, PAG: In Table 3a of UAX #31, remove the line for U+30FB KATAKANA MIDDLE DOT. For Unicode Version 15.1.

F.1 Section 2.3)

[176-A67] Action Item for Markus Scherer, Mark Davis, PAG: In SpecialCasing.txt clarify that additional language-specific and orthography-specific case mapping behavior is or will be documented in CLDR, along the lines of suggested text in L2/23-160 item 2.3; for Unicode 16.0.

[176-A68] Action Item for Markus Scherer, Asmus Freytag, PAG: In the core spec, near Table 3-17 “Context Specification for Casing” and in chapter 5.18 “Case Mappings”, document that additional language-specific and orthography-specific case mapping behavior is or will be documented in CLDR; see also L2/23-160 item 2.3; for Unicode 16.0.

F.1 Section 3: New scripts & characters

[176-N2] Note: The ARABIC BIBLICAL END OF VERSE was originally proposed with gc=So. The consensus 175-C13 was based on the original proposal. This character should instead have gc=Po, and L2/23-103R from 2023-07-10 reflects that now.

F.1 Section 5: IDNA
F.1 Section 5.1)

[176-A69] Action Item for Markus Scherer, PAG: In UTS #46, limit all of the Validity Criteria tests to non-empty labels; for Unicode 15.1. See L2/23-160 item 5.1.

F.1 Section 5.2)

[176-C19] Consensus: In UTS #46 map U+1E9E capital sharp s to U+00DF small sharp s instead of to "ss", for Unicode 15.1.

[176-A70] Action Item for Mark Davis, Markus Scherer, PAG: In UTS #46 Mapping Table Derivation step 1 (base mapping) substep 1 (exceptional characters), map U+1E9E capital sharp s to U+00DF small sharp s. Add a note that this changes the mapping of the capital sharp s. For Unicode 15.1.

[176-A71] Action Item for Mark Davis, Markus Scherer, PAG: In IdnaMappingTable.txt map U+1E9E capital sharp s to U+00DF small sharp s instead of to "ss", for Unicode 15.1.

[176-A72] Action Item for Markus Scherer, PAG: Include mention of the change of UTS #46 mapping of capital sharp s in the Implications for Migration section of the Unicode 15.1 landing page.

F.1 Section 5.3)

[176-C20] Consensus: In UTS #46 section 4 Processing step 1 Map, do not record an error for disallowed characters, for Unicode 15.1.

[176-A73] Action Item for Markus Scherer, PAG: In UTS #46 section 4 Processing step 1 Map, do not record an error for disallowed characters. Instead, note that the 4.1 Validity Criteria include a check for disallowed characters. For Unicode 15.1. (These changes have been applied during the beta period.)

[176-A74] Action Item for Markus Scherer, PAG: Modify IdnaTestV2.txt so that it never records error P1 from the Processing.Map step, for Unicode 15.1. (These changes have been applied during the beta period.)


B.5 TC 37/SC 2
B.5.1 ISO 12199 forward (ISO/TC 37/SC2 N 1071) [TC 37/SC 2, L2/23-125]

Oral report by Peter Constable.

B.1.2 Maintenance of ISO/IEC 14651

Oral report by Michel Suignard, Peter Constable

[176-A75] Action Item for Ken Whistler, PAG: Prepare a document proposing an update of UTS #10 for version 16.0 to add an annex to document the CTT format used for ISO/IEC 14651, and to provide the CTT data file.

F.1 PAG: UTC #176 properties feedback & recommendations [Markus Scherer, et al, L2/23-160]

F.1 Section 6: Collation
F.1 Section 6.1)

[176-C21] Consensus: The position of the Unicode Consortium is that ISO 12199 should be withdrawn in its entirety with no replacement (option 4 in L2/23-125).

[176-A76] Action Item for Peter Constable, UTC: Communicate to ISO/TC 37/SC 2 that the position of the Unicode Consortium is that ISO 12199 should be withdrawn in its entirety with no replacement (option 4 in L2/23-125).

F.1 Section 6.2)

[176-A77] Action Item for Markus Scherer, PAG: Respond to Jae Woong Lee about ReportID: ID20230613081245 with information from doc L2/23-160 item 6.2.

F.1 Section 7: Security
F.1 Section 7.1

Discussion. UTC took no action at this time.

F.1 Section 7.2)

[176-C22] Consensus: Update the conformance clauses in UTS #39 as proposed in L2/23-160 item 7.2. For Unicode 15.1.

[176-A78] Action Item for Mark Davis, Michel Suignard, PAG: Update the conformance clauses in UTS #39 as proposed in L2/23-160 item 7.2. For Unicode 15.1.

F.1 Section 7.3)

[176-C23] Consensus: Approve Draft UTS #55 for publication as Unicode Technical Standard # 55, Unicode Source Code Handling (L2/23-179), including changes noted in section 7.3 of L2/23-160, and as amended in UTC #176.

[176-A79] Action Item for Rick McGowan, UTC: Close PRI #474.

[176-A80] Action Item for Robin Leroy, PAG: Prepare a proposal for the publication of test cases for the conversion to plain text algorithm for a future version of UTS #55.

F.1 Section 4: Text segmentation
F.1 Section 4.1)

[176-C24] Consensus: UTC approves changing the Line_Break property for characters corresponding to [[:PCM:]-\u070F] to lb=Numeric.

[176-A81] Action Item for Ken Whistler, PAG: Change lb=Numeric to include the list of characters corresponding to [[:PCM:]-\u070F]. For Unicode 15.1.

[176-A82] Action Item for Josh Hadley, PAG: Change UAX #29 to remove the list of [[:PCM:]-\u070F] characters from the WB=Numeric definition. For Unicode 15.1.

F.1 Section 4.2)

[176-C25] Consensus: Generalize conjoining behavior to include Kirat Rai vowel signs, and set the Grapheme_Cluster_Break property of the Kirat Rai vowel signs {E, AI, AA, O, AU} to "V". For Unicode 16.0. See L2/23-160 item 4.2.

[176-A83] Action Item for Robin Leroy, PAG: Set the Grapheme_Cluster_Break property of the Kirat Rai vowel signs {E, AI, AA, O, AU} to "V". For Unicode 16.0. See L2/23-160 item 4.2.

[176-A84] Action Item for Robin Leroy, PAG: Add the use of Grapheme_Cluster_Break for non-Hangul vowels (and the difference between GCB=V and HST=V) to the notable issues for the beta review of Unicode 16.0.

[176-A85] Action Item for Asmus Freytag, PAG: Generalize TUS 3.12 Conjoining Jamo Behavior, with Kirat Rai vowel signs as an example. For Unicode 16.0. See L2/23-160 item 4.2.

[176-A86] Action Item for Josh Hadley, Robin Leroy, PAG: In UAX #29, generalize conjoining behavior to include Kirat Rai vowel signs, in descriptive text and in lists of code points for GCB values. For Unicode 16.0. See L2/23-160 item 4.2.

Lunch: 12:23 to 1:30

B.10 JTC 1/SC 22
B.10.1 ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 22 liaison report to UTC #175 [Robin Leroy, L2/23-132]

F. Properties and Algorithms
F.1 PAG: UTC #176 properties feedback & recommendations [Markus Scherer, et al, L2/23-160]

F.1 Section 4.3)

[176-C26] Consensus: Add a new informative derived enumerated property Indic_Conjunct_Break (InCB) to DerivedCoreProperties.txt, with values Linker, Consonant, and Extend that correspond respectively to the macros ConjunctLinker, LinkingConsonant, and ExtCccZwj from draft 2 of the the Proposed Update to Unicode Standard Annex #29, Unicode Text Segmentation, and with a default value of None (None), for Unicode Version 15.1.

[176-A87] Action Item for Robin Leroy, PAG: Add the new enumerated property Indic_Conjunct_Break (InCB), with values Linker, Consonant, and Extend to PropertyAliases.txt, PropertyValueAliases.txt, and DerivedCoreProperties.txt, for Unicode Version 15.1. See document L2/23-160 item 4.3.

[176-A88] Action Item for Josh Hadley, PAG: Update rule GB9c Unicode Standard Annex #29, Unicode Text Segmentation, to use the Indic_Conjunct_Break property instead of macros, for Unicode Version 15.1. See document L2/23-160 item 4.3.

[176-A89] Action Item for Ken Whistler, PAG: Add the informative property Indic_Conjunct_Break to the Property Table of Unicode Standard Annex #44, Unicode Character Database, for Unicode Version 15.1. This property should be listed as to be available in property APIs. See document L2/23-160 item 4.3.

[176-A90] Action Item for Mark Davis, PAG: Add Indic_Conjunct_Break to the list of Full Properties in Section 2.7 of UTS #18, Unicode Regular Expressions, for a future revision of that UTS. See document L2/23-160 item 4.3.

[176-A91] Action Item for Robin Leroy, PAG: Add a note to the migration section of the Unicode 15.1 landing page describing the new InCB property.

F.1 Section 4.4)

[176-C27] Consensus: Change rules LB15a and LB15b in UAX #14 so that they treat class ZW like BK, as described in L2/23-160 item 4.4, for Unicode Version 15.1.

[176-A92] Action Item for Robin Leroy, PAG: Make the changes to rules LB15a and LB15b in the Proposed Update for UAX #14 described in L2/23-160 item 4.4. For Unicode Version 15.1.

[176-A93] Action Item for Robin Leroy, PAG: Change the tooling that generates LineBreakTest.txt and LineBreakTest.html to adjust for the changes to the Proposed Update for UAX #14 described in L2/23-160 item 4.4. For Unicode Version 15.1.

F.1 Section 4.5)

[176-A94] Action Item for Josh Hadley, PAG: Update UAX29 Table 1c for consistency of use of "ri-sequence"; for Unicode 15.1. See ReportID: ID20230616211348.

F.1 Section 4.6)

[176-A95] Action Item for Josh Hadley, PAG: Review the feedback from Norbert Lindenberg re: the set of characters with Indic_Conjunct_Break=Extend (formerly ExtCccZwj) for Unicode 16.0. See document L2/23-160 item 4.6 and ReportID: ID20230620135108.

F.1 Section 4.7)

[176-A96] Action Item for Robin Leroy, Mark Davis, PAG: Review regular expression syntax throughout the Unicode Standard & Annexes, including how regex syntax used in the standard is defined and referenced, and provide recommendations to the UTC for Unicode 16.0. See L2/23-160 item 4.7 and ID20230621102117.

F.1 Section 4.8)

[176-A97] Action Item for Mark Davis, PAG: Change Section 3 of Unicode Standard Annex #29 to clarify the usage of the term default and to remove references to ancient terminology, as described in L2/23-160 item 4.8. See ReportID 20230623113010 on PRI-469. For Unicode Version 15.1.

F.1 Section 4.9)

[176-A98] Action Item for Josh Hadley, PAG: Remove note in UAX29 Section 3 about boundaries for Unicode 15.1. See ReportID: ID20230623113048.

F.1 Section 4.10)

[176-A99] Action Item for Josh Hadley, PAG: Correct the description of UAX29 table 2a according to feedback. See L2/23-160 item 4.10 and ID20230623113150; for Unicode 15.1.

F.1 Section 4.11)

Discussion. UTC took no action at this time.

F.1 Section 4.12)

[176-A100] Action Item for Josh Hadley, PAG: In UAX29, update the paragraph below figure 2 to indicate that the relationship of line break/word break boundaries is script-specific; for Unicode 15.1. See document L2/23-160 item 4.12.

[176-A101] Action Item for Norbert Lindenberg, PAG: For UAX29, propose improved wording for the last paragraph of the introduction of Section 4; for Unicode 16.0. See document L2/23-160 item 4.12.

F.1 Section 4.13)

Discussion. UTC took no action at this time.

F.1 Section 4.14)

Discussion. UTC took no action at this time.

F.1 Section 4.15)

[176-A102] Action Item for Josh Hadley, PAG: In Unicode Standard Annex #29, ensure the definition of the conjunctCluster regular expression incorporates the first sequence of Extend characters in the parenthesized group. See document L2/23-160 item 4.15. For Unicode Version 15.1.

F.1 Section 4.16)

[176-A103] Action Item for Josh Hadley, PAG: Correct UAX29 as described in document L2/23-160 item 4.16, for Unicode Version 15.1. See ID20230704173903.

F.1 Section 4.17)

Discussion. UTC took no action at this time.

F.1 Section 4.18)

[176-A104] Action Item for Manish Goregaokar, Josh Hadley, PAG: Revise UAX29: Retain the phrase “user-perceived characters” to anchor the concept to the reader's intuition, but clarify that this is a useful approximation in most cases. There are some cases where the clusters are not related to “characters”. There are many situations, including different use cases, where tailoring is expected. See L2/23-160 item 4.18 and L2/23-140; for Unicode 16.0.

F.1 Section 4.19)

[176-A105] Action Item for Robin Leroy, Manish Goregaokar, Mark Davis, PAG: Work with SAH and CLDR to review the proposal in L2/23-141 to prevent grapheme cluster breaks within certain conjunct forms, without complications for handling degenerate sequences, and to enable appropriate implementations; and report back to UTC. See document L2/23-160 item 4.19.

Done with the PAG report at 14:25pm

F.3.2 PRI #475 Proposed Update UTS #18, Unicode Regular Expressions

[176-C28] Consensus: UTC authorizes the release of PU UTS #18 as amended in discussion at UTC #176.

[176-A106] Action Item for Mark Davis, PAG: Update PU UTS #18 and prepare for publication.

[176-A107] Action Item for Rick McGowan, UTC: Close PRI #475.


Oral report by Michel Suignard.


Oral report by Markus Scherer.


Oral report by Mark Davis.


F.5 Unicode Conformance Model House Cleaning [Asmus Freytag, L2/23-192]

[176-A108] Action Item for Asmus Freytag, PAG: Review document L2/23-192 and provide recommendations for a future UTC meeting.

[176-A109] Action Item for Asmus Freytag, Ken Whistler, PAG: Prepare a working draft proposed update of UTR #33 for review by UTC.

D. Scripts

D.5 Other work in progress
D.5.1 Do Not Emit data (Roozbeh Pournader)

Targeting Unicode 16.0.

D.5.2 ScriptExemplars (Roozbeh Pournader)

[176-A110] Action Item for Roozbeh Pournader, SAH: Submit a document to the UTC register providing representative examples of script exemplar data being compiled and open issues to be resolved, and present at a future UTC meeting.

D.1 Recommendations to UTC #176 July 2023 on Script Proposals [Anderson, et al, L2/23-164]
D.2 PRI #479: Proposed Update UTR #53, Unicode Arabic Mark Rendering
D.3 PRI #482: Proposed Draft UTR #56, Unicode Cuneiform Sign Lists

D.1 Section 1: Egyptian Hieroglyphs

[176-C29] Consensus: Provisionally assign 3,994 code points U+13460..U+143F9 in a new Egyptian Hieroglyphs Extended-A block at U+13460..U+143FF for 3,994 Egyptian Hieroglyph characters as described in L2/23-181. (Reference: Section 1 of L2/23-164)

[176-A111] Action Item for Ken Whistler, UTC: Update the Pipeline to add the following as provisionally assigned code points: 3,994 code points for Egyptian Hieroglyph characters from U+13460..U+143F9 in a new block Egyptian Hieroglyphs Extended-A at U+13460..U+143FF. (Reference: L2/23-181 and Section 1 of L2/23-164)

[176-C30] Consensus: Authorize a proposed draft UAX with the title Unicode Standard Annex #57, Unicode Properties for Egyptian Hieroglyphs. (Reference: Section 1 of L2/23-164)

[176-A112] Action Item for Michel Suignard, SAH: Create Proposed Draft Unicode Standard Annex #57, Unicode Properties for Egyptian Hieroglyphs.

[176-A113] Action Item for Rick McGowan, UTC: Post a PRI for Proposed Draft Unicode Standard Annex #57, Unicode Properties for Egyptian Hieroglyphs, with a closing date of 2023-10-11.

D.1 Section 2: Latin
D.1 Section 2a)

[176-C31] Consensus: Provisionally assign U+A7DA LATIN CAPITAL LETTER LAMBDA, U+A7DB LATIN SMALL LETTER LAMBDA, and U+A7DC LATIN CAPITAL LETTER LAMBDA WITH STROKE, as given in L2/23-191. (Reference: Section 2a of L2/23-164)

[176-A114] Action Item for Ken Whistler, UTC: Update the Pipeline with the provisionally assigned characters U+A7DA LATIN CAPITAL LETTER LAMBDA, U+A7DB LATIN SMALL LETTER LAMBDA, U+A7DC LATIN CAPITAL LETTER LAMBDA WITH STROKE. (Reference: Section 2a of L2/23-164)

[176-A115] Action Item for Debbie Anderson, SAH: Work with Kevin King to send the font to Michel Suignard and the Charts Group. (Reference: Section 2a of L2/23-164)

[176-A116] Action Item for Mark Davis, PAG: Update confusable data for UTS #39 considering U+A7DA LATIN CAPITAL LETTER LAMBDA, U+A7DB LATIN SMALL LETTER LAMBDA, U+A7DC LATIN CAPITAL LETTER LAMBDA WITH STROKE. (Reference: Section 2a of L2/23-164)

D.1 Section 2b)

[176-C32] Consensus: Provisionally assign U+A7D2 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER DOUBLE THORN and U+A7D4 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER DOUBLE WYNN as given in L2/23-135. (Reference: Section 2b of L2/23- 164)

[176-A117] Action Item for Ken Whistler, UTC: Update the Pipeline to add U+A7D2 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER DOUBLE THORN and U+A7D4 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER DOUBLE WYNN as provisionally assigned characters. (Reference: L2/23-135 and Section 2b of L2/23-164)

[176-A118] Action Item for Debbie Anderson and Ken Whistler, SAH: Write a document with guidance on the complications and contraindications of introducing case to non-casing orthographies and send to the Unicode document register for posting. (Reference: Section 2b of L2/23-164)

D.1 Section 3: Arabic
D.1 Section 3a)

[176-C33] Consensus: Provisionally assign U+10EC6 ARABIC LETTER THIN NOON, as given in L2/23-121. (Reference: Section 3a of L2/23-164)

[176-A119] Action Item for Lorna Evans, SAH: Provide a font to Michel Suignard and the Charts group for U+10EC6 ARABIC LETTER THIN NOON (Reference: Section 3a of L2/23-164)

[176-A120] Action Item for Ken Whistler, UTC: Update the Pipeline to add U+10EC6 ARABIC LETTER THIN NOON as a provisionally assigned character. (Reference: Section 3a of L2/23-164)

[176-A121] Action Item for Lorna Evans and Roozbeh Pournader, EDC: Add ARABIC LETTER THIN NOON to TUS Table 9-7 Dual-Joining Arabic Characters and add a note about other forms not being attested (as thin yeh). (Reference: Section 3a of L2/23-164)

D.1 Section 3b)

[176-A122] Action Item for Roozbeh Pournader and Lorna Evans, SAH: Write a document recommending UTR #53 become a UAX, listing related actions that are needed.

D.1 Section 3c)

[176-A123] Action Item for Ken Whistler, EDC: Add annotations to the names list for U+06CC, as described in L2/23-120. (Reference: Section 3c of L2/23-164)

[176-A124] Action Item for Lorna Evans, EDC: Update Chapter 9 of the Core Spec on U+06CC, as described in L2/23-120. (Reference: Section 3c of L2/23-164)

D.1 Section 4: Sumero-Akkadian Cuneiform

[176-A125] Action Item for Robin Leroy, SAH: Add the proposed text to PDUTR #56. (Reference: Section 4 of L2/23-164)

D.1 Section 5: Tangut

[176-A126] Action Item for Ken Whistler and the Roadmap Committee: Add a new Tangut Component Supplement block spanning U+18D80..U+18DFF and move Khitan Ideographs so it starts at U+18E00. (Reference: Section 5 of L2/23-164)

D.1 Section 6: Sharada

[176-C34] Consensus: Provisionally assign U+11B60..U+11B67 for eight Sharada characters for Kashmiri in a new block Sharada Supplement at U+11B60..U+11B7F, as given in L2/23-122. (Reference: Section 6 of L2/23-164)

[176-A127] Action Item for Debbie Anderson, SAH: Work with Vinodh Rajan to provide a font to Michel Suignard and the Charts group for eight Sharada characters for Kashmiri (U+11B60..U+11B67). (Reference: Section 6 of L2/23-164)

[176-A128] Action Item for Ken Whistler, UTC: Update the Pipeline to add eight Sharada characters for Kashmiri U+11B60..U+11B67 as provisionally assigned characters. (Reference: Section 6 of L2/23-164)

[176-A129] Action Item for Mark Davis, Jan Kučera, PAG: Update confusable data for UTS #39 considering new provisionally assigned Sharada Supplement code points and Devanagari. (Reference: Section 6 of L2/23-164)

Adjourn for the day at 5:25pm.

Thursday, July 27, 2023

Meeting opened at 9:40am.

A.1 Consortium membership; meeting quorum and proxies

4 full members in regular attendance represented: Adobe, Apple, Google, Microsoft
Supporting members UCB

D. Scripts
D.1 Recommendations to UTC #176 July 2023 on Script Proposals [Anderson, et al, L2/23-164]
D.2 PRI #479: Proposed Update UTR #53, Unicode Arabic Mark Rendering
D.3 PRI #482: Proposed Draft UTR #56, Unicode Cuneiform Sign Lists

D.1 Section 7: Compound tone diacritics

[176-C35] Consensus: Provisionally assign U+1AD0..U+1AD5 for six compound tone diacritics, as given in L2/23-188. (Reference: Section 7 of L2/23-164)

[176-A130] Action Item for Ken Whistler, UTC: Update the Pipeline to add the following as provisionally assigned characters:

(Reference: Section 7 of L2/23-164)

[176-A131] Action Item for Debbie Anderson and Kirk Miller, SAH: Send Michel Suignard and the Charts Group a font for the six compound tone diacritics. (Reference: Section 7 of L2/23-164)

D.1 Section 18: IPA compound tone diacritic

Discussion. UTC took no action at this time.

D.1 Section 8: FORINT SIGN

[176-N3] Note: UTC declined to approve the proposal for FORINT SIGN.

D.1 Section 9: Two arrows

[176-C36] Consensus: Provisionally assign U+1F8C0 LEFTWARDS ARROW FROM DOWNWARDS ARROW and U+1F8C1 RIGHTWARDS ARROW FROM DOWNWARDS ARROW, as given in L2/23-185 with properties as amended in discussion (gc=So). (Reference: Section 9 of L2/23-164)

[176-A132] Action Item for Ken Whistler, UTC: Update the Pipeline to add U+1F8C0 LEFTWARDS ARROW FROM DOWNWARDS ARROW and U+1F8C1 RIGHTWARDS ARROW FROM DOWNWARDS ARROW as provisionally assigned characters. (Reference: L2/23-185 and Section 9 of L2/23-164)

[176-A133] Action Item for Debbie Anderson and Michel Suignard, EDC: Add text to the Core Spec on the reading direction arrows as described in L2/23-185. (Reference: L2/23-185 and Section 9 of L2/23-164)

[176-N4] Note: These arrows should be encoded in the same version of Unicode as Egyptian Hieroglyphs Extended-A.

D.1 Section 10: Duployan (L2/23-159 Public feedback, ID20230703124220), ID20230703125212)

[176-A134] Action Item for Debbie Anderson, EDC: Add text to the Core Spec, which refers to the existing UTN #37 DUPLOYAN SHORTHAND RENDERING MODEL. (Reference: Section 10 of L2/23-164)

[176-A135] Action Item for Ken Whistler, EDC: Add annotations to the names list for characters whose representative glyphs include arrows indicating direction of writing or dots indicating orientation, noting that the arrows/dots should not typically be part of the glyphs in actual fonts, for Unicode 15.1. (Reference: Section 10 of L2/23- 164)

D.1 Section 11: Initial Teaching Alphabet (L2/23-159 Public feedback, ID20230417171214)

[176-A136] Action Item for Debbie Anderson, SAH: Respond to David Corbett regarding his feedback dated Mon Apr 17 17:12:14 CDT 2023 with comments from Section 11 of L2/23-164.

D.1 Section 12: Khitan Small Script (L2/23-159 Public feedback, ID20230518114242)

[176-A137] Action Item for Debbie Anderson, EDC: Include a note on U+18CFF in the Core Spec, based on feedback dated Thu May 18 11:42:42 CDT 2023 in L2/23-159. (Reference: Section 12 of L2/23-164)

D.1 Section 13: Symbols for legacy computers supplement (L2/23-159 Public feedback, ID20230626124827)

[176-C37] Consensus: Change the name of U+1CE07 TOP RIGHT BLACK LEFT-POINTING SMALL TRIANGLE to TOP LEFT BLACK LEFT-POINTING SMALL TRIANGLE for Unicode version 16.0. (Reference: Section 13 of L2/23-164)

[176-A138] Action Item for Ken Whistler, UTC: Update the Pipeline with the name change for U+1CE07 TOP RIGHT BLACK LEFT-POINTING SMALL TRIANGLE to TOP LEFT BLACK LEFT-POINTING SMALL TRIANGLE. (Reference: Section 13 of L2/23-164)

D.1 Section 14: Tai Yo (L2/23-159 Public feedback, ID20230626215409)

[176-C38] Consensus: Change the name of provisionally assigned character U+1E6FE TAI YO SYMBOL MEUANG to TAI YO SYMBOL MUEANG. (Reference: Section 14 of L2/23-164)

[176-A139] Action Item for Ken Whistler, UTC: Update the Pipeline with the name change for the provisionally assigned character U+1E6FE to TAI YO SYMBOL MUEANG. (Reference: Section 14 of L2/23-164)

D.1 Section 15: Aiha
D.1 Section 16: Arabic Sindhi heh
D.1 Section 17: Bliss
D.1 Section 19: Combining overcurl
D.1 Section 22: Latin additions for Somali
D.1 Section 23: Proto-Cuneiform
D.1 Section 24: Seal
D.1 Section 25: Tangut glyph corrections
D.1 Section 26: Arabic Biblical end of verse
D.1 Section 27: Kana
D.1 Section 28: Core spec note on click letters

Discussion of above topics. UTC took no action at this time.

D.1 Section 20: Proposal to encode dashed-box symbols in Plane 14 [Michael Everson, L2/23-090]

[176-N5] Note: UTC declined to approve the proposal for dash-box symbols.

D.1 Section 21: Revised proposal for the addition of LATIN CAPITAL LETTER TURNED W [Michael Everson, L2/23-134]

[176-N6] Note: UTC declined to approve the proposal for Latin turned W.

D.5 Other work in progress
D.5.3 Orthographic syllable structures (Lawrence Wolf-Sonkin et al)

Oral report by Lawrence Wolf-Sonkin.

D.4 Mongolian

Discussion. UTC took no action at this time.

I.1 Other feedback

All feedback was covered in earlier agenda items.

H.1 Release Management Group Report to UTC #176 [RMG/Peter Constable, L2/23-187]
H.2 Unicode 15.1
H.2.1 PRI #480 Unicode 15.1 Beta
H.2.2 Unicode 15.1 Release

[176-C39] Consensus: The UTC authorizes the release of Unicode 15.1 and synchronized standards UTS #10, UTS #39, UTS #46 and UTS #51, incorporating the results of consensuses and actions as recorded during UTC #176, with a target release date of September 12, 2023.

[176-A140] Action Item for Ken Whistler, PAG: Prepare an updated NamesList.txt for Unicode Version 15.1, synched with the final Unicode Version 15.1 repertoire, as finalized during UTC #176.

[176-A141] Action Item for Michel Suignard, Rick McGowan, RMG: Prepare a set of Unicode Version 15.1 final candidate code charts for posting.

[176-A142] Action Item for Ken Whistler, PAG: Prepare final candidate data files for the UCD, and the data directories for UTS #10, UTS #39, and UTS #46, for the Unicode Version 15.1 release.

[176-A143] Action Item for Ned Holbrook, ESC: Prepare final candidate data files for the data directory of UTS #51, and a complete set of emoji final charts for Emoji 15.1.

[176-A144] Action Item for Peter Constable, RMG: Complete all tasks associated with the 15.1 release.

[176-A145] Action Item for Rick McGowan, UTC: Close PRIs ## 460 – 465, 467 – 471, 477, 478, 480, 481.

A.6 PRI closing dates

UTC discussed PRI closing dates prior to UTC #177 and settled on October 11, 2023.

[176-A146] Action Item for Rick McGowan, UTC: Extend closing dates for PRI #479 (PU UTR #53) and PRI #482 (PD UTR #56) to 2023-10-11.

A.7 L2 representatives


Thanks to the host, Microsoft.

Meeting adjourned for the week at 2:05pm

Members Represented

Roll Call July 25 July 26 July 27
Full Member
Adobe yy y
Apple yy y
ETCO (Oman) y y  
Google yy y
Microsoft yy y
Supporting Member
Bangladesh, MSICT
Oman (MARA)
Tamil Nadu, TVA
UCB y y y
Associate Member      
Yat Labs

UTC Attendance

Name Representing
Andrew GlassMicrosoft
Bora AhnApple
Craig CummingsUnicode
Deborah AndersonUC Berkeley
CheonHyeong SimSelf
Dustin HowettMicrosoft
Greg EckSelf
Jan Kučeraself
Jennifer 8. LeeEmojination
Jennifer DanielGoogle
Joshua HadleyAdobe
Judy Safran-AasenMicrosoft
Kamile DemirAdobe
Karljurgen Feuerheimself
Ken LundeApple
Ken WhistlerUnicode
Lawrence Wolf-Sonkinself
Liang HaiUnicode
Marcel Fabian Krügerself
Mark DavisGoogle
Mark Shoulsonself
Markus SchererGoogle
Michel SuignardUnicode
Ned HolbrookApple
Peter ConstableMicrosoft
Peter EdbergApple
Renzhi LiMicrosoft
Rich GillanApple
Robin LeroyGoogle
Roozbeh PournaderUnicode
Salim Al MandhariETCO
Samantha SunneEmojination
Sharon ChenApple
Sudip Iglesias Murmu (SiM)self
Tex TexinXencraft
Zhaoqin JIANG (Kushim)self
Zhiyu YUANself