UTC 175 Minutes


Approved Minutes of UTC Meeting 175
San José, CA — April 25-27, 2023
Hosted by Adobe, San José, CA, and virtually

UTC #175 Agenda
Revision date: October 04, 2023

Tuesday, Apr 25, 2023

Meeting opened at 10:30am. Peter Constable opened the meeting. Craig Cummings opened the L2 meeting.

6.5 members in regular attendance. Quorum is 3.25.

4.5 members represented: Adobe, Apple, Google, Microsoft, UCB

A.1 Consortium membership; meeting quorum and proxies

A.2 Agenda review

A.4 Action item review SD2

C. Editorial Committee
C.1 Editorial Committee Report and Recommendations for UTC #175 Meeting [Whistler, L2/23-080]

[175-A1] Action Item for Rick McGowan, UTC: Respond to Alexei Chimendez, pointing to the resolution in L2/23-080 and thanking him for his feedback on PRI #473. [Thu Mar 30 14:04:04 CDT 2023]

H.1 Release Management Group Report to UTC #175 [RMG/Peter Constable, L2/23-108]

Discussion. UTC took no action at this time.

B.5 TC 37/SC 2

Oral report by Peter Constable.

B.1 JTC 1/SC 2

Oral report by Michel Suignard. Discussion.

B.11 TC 46

Oral report by Jan Kučera. Discussion.

E.1 CJK & Unihan Group Recommendations for UTC #175 Meeting [Ken Lunde, L2/23-082] E.1 Section 01) Unihan Database Status

[175-N1] Note: The Unihan database will be frozen in its current state, as deployed in Unicode Version 15.1 Alpha, based on Section 01 of document L2/23-082, for Unicode Version 15.1.

[175-A2] Action Item for Ken Lunde, CJK: Restore the Unihan database and the processes for updating it, based on Section 01 of document L2/23-082, for Unicode Version 16.0.

Lunch break 12:48 - 14:00.

E.1 CJK & Unihan Group Recommendations for UTC #175 Meeting [Ken Lunde, L2/23-082]
E.1 Section 04) ID20230204120331 (PRI #467 Feedback)

[175-A3] Action Item for Ken Lunde, CJK: Add a reference to UTN #50 to the Description of the kIRG_KPSource property in UAX #38, based on PRI #467 feedback [ID20230204120331] and Section 04 of document L2/23-082, for Unicode Version 15.1.

[175-A4] Action Item for Ken Whistler, EDC: Add an entry for UTN #50 to Section 1 of UAX #41, based on PRI #467 feedback [ID20230204120331] and Section 04 of document L2/23-082, for Unicode Version 15.1.

E.1 Section 05) ID20230204120554 (PRI #467 Feedback)

[175-A5] Action Item for Ken Lunde, CJK: Change instances of “field” to “property” in the text of UAX #38 as appropriate, based on PRI #467 feedback [ID20230204120554] and Section 05 of document L2/23-082, for Unicode Version 15.1.

E.1 Section 06) ID20230305032431 (PRI #467 Feedback)

[175-A6] Action Item for Ken Lunde, CJK: Update the reference for the K6 source prefix in the Description of the normative kIRG_KSource property in UAX #38, based on PRI #467 feedback [ID20230305032431] and Section 06 of document L2/23-082, for Unicode Version 15.1.

E.1 Section 07) ID20230307213824 (PRI #467 Feedback)

[175-A7] Action Item for Ken Lunde, CJK: Update the Unihan database to add a kZhuangNumeric property value to U+4E59, based on PRI #467 feedback [ID20230307213824] and Section 07 of document L2/23-082, for Unicode Version 16.0.

[175-A8] Action Item for Ken Lunde, CJK: Convey to the feedback submitter the CJK & Unihan Group comments in Section 07 of document L2/23-082. See PRI #467 feedback [ID20230307213824].

E.1 Section 08) ID20230330141608 (PRI #467 Feedback)

[175-A9] Action Item for Ken Lunde, CJK: Update the Unihan database to adjust the provisional kDefinition property values as appropriate, based on PRI #467 feedback [ID20230330141608] and Section 08 of document L2/23-082, for Unicode Version 16.0.

[175-A10] Action Item for Ken Lunde, CJK: Convey to the feedback submitter the CJK & Unihan Group comments in Section 08 of document L2/23-082. See PRI #467 feedback [ID20230330141608].

E.1 Section 09) ID20230330074247 (PRI #467 Feedback)

[175-A11] Action Item for Ken Lunde, CJK: Update the Unihan database to change the provisional kCantonese property values for U+59DD and U+869D, based on PRI #467 feedback [ID20230330074247] and Section 09 of document L2/23-082, for Unicode Version 16.0.

E.1 Section 10) ID20230405195028 (PRI #467 Feedback)

[175-A12] Action Item for Ken Lunde, CJK: Update the bibliographic information for the sHanyuDaCidian1986 source in the table in Section 4.5 of UAX #38, based on PRI #467 feedback [ID20230405195028] and Section 10 of document L2/23-082, for Unicode Version 15.1.

E.1 Section 11) ID20230405195028 (PRI #468 Feedback)

[175-C1] Consensus: Accept the proposal to add UTC-00441 as a new kIRG_USource property value for U+9FFD, based on PRI #468 feedback [ID20230203075454] and Section 11 of document L2/23-082, for Unicode Version 16.0.

[175-A13] Action Item for Michel Suignard, CJK: Add UTC-00441 as a new kIRG_USource property value for U+9FFD, based on PRI #468 feedback [ID20230203075454] and Section 11 of document L2/23-082, and provide to Ken Lunde an updated Unihan data file, for Unicode Version 16.0.

[175-A14] Action Item for Ken Lunde, CJK: Update the Unihan database to add UTC-00441 as a new kIRG_USource property value for U+9FFD, based on PRI #468 feedback [ID20230203075454] and Section 11 of document L2/23-082, for Unicode Version 16.0.

[175-A15] Action Item for Ken Lunde, CJK: Update the UAX #45 data file to reflect the proposed changes to UTC-00441, based on PRI #468 feedback [ID20230203075454] and Section 11 of document L2/23-082, for Unicode Version 15.1.

[175-A16] Action Item for Michel Suignard, CJK: Prepare chart update for horizontal extension of U+9FFD based on PRI #468 feedback [ID20230203075454], for Unicode Version 16.0.

E.1 Section 12) ID20230213042821 (PRI #468 Feedback)

[175-A17] Action Item for Ken Lunde, CJK: Update the UAX #45 data file to reflect the proposed IDS changes to the records for UTC-03177, UTC-03199, and UTC-03237, based on PRI #468 feedback [ID20230213042821] and as amended in Section 12 of document L2/23-082, for Unicode Version 15.1.

[175-A18] Action Item for Ken Lunde, CJK: Convey to the feedback submitter the CJK & Unihan Group comments in Section 12 of document L2/23-082. See PRI #468 feedback [ID20230213042821].

E.1 Section 13) ID20230305211021 (PRI #468 Feedback)

[175-C2] Consensus: Accept the proposal to add UTC-00087 as a new kIRG_USource property value for U+3136B, based on PRI #468 feedback [ID20230305211021] and Section 13 of document L2/23-082, for Unicode Version 16.0.

[175-A19] Action Item for Michel Suignard, CJK: Add UTC-00087 as a new kIRG_USource property value for U+3136B, based on PRI #468 feedback [ID20230305211021] and Section 13 of document L2/23-082, and provide to Ken Lunde an updated Unihan data file, for Unicode Version 16.0.

[175-A20] Action Item for Ken Lunde, CJK: Update the Unihan database to add UTC-00087 as a new kIRG_USource property value for U+3136B, based on PRI #468 feedback [ID20230305211021] and Section 13 of document L2/23-082, for Unicode Version 16.0.

[175-A21] Action Item for Ken Lunde, CJK: Update the UAX #45 data file to reflect the proposed changes to the record for UTC-00087, based on PRI #468 feedback [ID20230305211021] and Section 13 of document L2/23-082, for Unicode Version 15.1.

[175-A22] Action Item for Michel Suignard, CJK: Prepare chart update for horizontal extension of U+3136B based on PRI #468 feedback [ID20230305211021], for Unicode Version 16.0.

E.1 Section 14) ID20230320114925 (PRI #468 Feedback)

[175-C3] Consensus: Accept the proposal to add UTC-03133 as a new kIRG_USource property value for U+3A9C, based on PRI #468 feedback [ID20230320114925] and Section 14 of document L2/23-082, for Unicode Version 16.0.

[175-A23] Action Item for Michel Suignard, CJK: Add UTC-03133 as a new kIRG_USource property value for U+3A9C, based on PRI #468 feedback [ID20230320114925] and Section 14 of document L2/23-082, and provide to Ken Lunde an updated Unihan data file, for Unicode Version 16.0.

[175-A24] Action Item for Ken Lunde, CJK: Update the Unihan database to add UTC-03133 as a new kIRG_USource property value for U+3A9C, based on PRI #468 feedback [ID20230320114925] and Section 14 of document L2/23-082, for Unicode Version 16.0.

[175-A25] Action Item for Ken Lunde, CJK: Update the UAX #45 data file to reflect the proposed changes to the records for nine U-source ideographs, based on PRI #468 feedback [ID20230320114925] and Section 14 of document L2/23-082, for Unicode Version 15.1.

[175-A26] Action Item for Ken Lunde, CJK: Remove the “WS-2017” status value from the text of UAX #45 and from the header of the UAX #45 data file, based on PRI #468 feedback [ID20230320114925] and Section 14 of document L2/23-082, for Unicode Version 15.1.

[175-A27] Action Item for Michel Suignard, CJK: Prepare chart update for horizontal extension of U+3A9C based on PRI #468 feedback [ID20230320114925], for Unicode Version 16.0.

E.1 Section 15) ID20230321104527 (PRI #468 Feedback)

[175-A28] Action Item for Ken Lunde, CJK: Update the UAX #45 data file to reflect the proposed changes to 85 UK-source ideographs, based on PRI #468 feedback [ID20230321104527] and as amended in Section 15 of document L2/23-082, for Unicode Version 15.1.

[175-A29] Action Item for Ken Lunde, CJK: Remove the “UK-2015” status value from the text of UAX #45 and from the header of the UAX #45 data file, based on PRI #468 feedback [ID20230321104527] and as amended in Section 15 of document L2/23-082, for Unicode Version 15.1.

[175-A30] Action Item for Ken Lunde, CJK: Convey to the feedback submitter the CJK & Unihan Group comments in Section 15 of document L2/23-082. See PRI #468 feedback [ID20230321104527].

E.1 Section 16) ID20230208102800 (PRI #473 Feedback)

[175-C4] Consensus: Accept the proposal to change the normative kRSUnicode property value of U+2CC7B, based on PRI #473 feedback [ID20230208102800] and as amended in Section 16 of document L2/23-082, for Unicode Version 16.0.

[175-A31] Action Item for Michel Suignard, CJK: Change the normative kRSUnicode property value of U+2CC7B, based on PRI #473 feedback [ID20230208102800] and as amended in Section 16 of document L2/23-082, and provide to Ken Lunde an updated Unihan data file, for Unicode Version 16.0.

[175-A32] Action Item for Ken Lunde, CJK: Update the Unihan database to change the normative kRSUnicode property value of U+2CC7B, based on PRI #473 feedback [ID20230208102800] and as amended in Section 16 of document L2/23-082, for Unicode Version 16.0.

E.1 Section 17) ID20230208104306 (PRI #473 Feedback)

[175-C5] Consensus: Accept the proposal to add a second normative kRSUnicode property value to four ideographs, based on PRI #473 feedback [ID20230208104306] and Section 17 of document L2/23-082, for Unicode Version 16.0.

[175-A33] Action Item for Michel Suignard, CJK: Add a second normative kRSUnicode property value to four ideographs, based on PRI #473 feedback [ID20230208104306] and Section 17 of document L2/23-082, and provide to Ken Lunde an updated Unihan data file, for Unicode Version 16.0.

[175-A34] Action Item for Ken Lunde, CJK: Update the Unihan database to add a second normative kRSUnicode property value to four ideographs, based on PRI #473 feedback [ID20230208104306] and Section 17 of document L2/23-082, for Unicode Version 16.0.

E.1 Section 18) ID20230226035243, ID20230304102152 & ID20230312192826 (PRI #473 Feedback)

Discussion. No action needed on this section.

E.1 Section 19) ID20230226073921 (PRI #473 Feedback)

[175-A35] Action Item for Ken Lunde, CJK: Update the Unihan database to remove six kSpoofingVariant property values, add eight new kZVariant property values, and add two new kSemanticVariant property values, based on PRI #473 feedback [ID20230226073921] and as amended in Section 19 of document L2/23-082, for Unicode Version 16.0.

E.1 Section 20) ID20230119150919 (L2/23-078 Public Feedback)

[175-A36] Action Item for Ken Lunde, CJK: Update the Unihan database to change the provisional kDefinition property values of U+45E3 and U+6AAC, based on feedback [ID20230119150919] in document L2/23-078 and Section 20 of document L2/23-082, and discussion in the meeting, for Unicode Version 16.0.

E.1 Section 21) ID20230326201057 (L2/23-078 Public Feedback)

Discussion. No action needed on this section.

E.1 Section 22) L2/23-059: Additional kRSUnicode Values

[175-C6] Consensus: Accept the proposal to add a second normative kRSUnicode property value to 77 ideographs, based on document L2/23-059 (Jenkins) and Section 22 of document L2/23-082, for Unicode Version 16.0.

[175-A37] Action Item for Michel Suignard, CJK: Add a second normative kRSUnicode property value to 77 CJK Unified Ideographs, based on document L2/23-059 (Jenkins) and Section 22 of document L2/23-082, and provide to Ken Lunde an updated Unihan data file, for Unicode Version 16.0.

[175-A38] Action Item for Ken Lunde, CJK: Update the Unihan database to reflect a second normative kRSUnicode property value for 77 CJK Unified Ideographs, based on document L2/23-059 (Jenkins) and Section 22 of document L2/23-082, for Unicode Version 16.0.

E.1 Section 23) L2/23-058: US/Unicode Activity Report for IRG #60 [IRG N2599]

Discussion. No action needed on this section.

E.1 Section 24) L2/23-087: IRG Meeting #60 Recommendations and Action Items [IRG N2600]

[175-A39] Action Item for Rick McGowan, EDC: Update the “Calendar of Future Meetings and Events” page to reflect the dates and locations for the four future IRG meetings, IRG #61 through IRG #65, based on document L2/23-087 (IRG Convenor) on Section 24 of document L2/23-082.

E.1 Section 25) L2/23-088: Editorial Report on Miscellaneous Issues [IRG N2605]

Discussion. No action needed on this section.

E.1 Section 26) L2/23-085: Request to Update Glyph for U+31D5A [IRG N2577]

[175-C7] Consensus: Accept the proposal to change the T-source representative glyph for U+31D5A, based on document L2/23-085 (Chan et al.) and Section 26 of document L2/23-082, for Unicode Version 15.1.

[175-A40] Action Item for Michel Suignard, CJK: Apply the T-source representative glyph change for U+31D5A to the code charts for the CJK Unified Ideographs Extension H block with an updated font provided by TCA, based on document L2/23-085 (Chan et al.) and Section 26 of document L2/23-082, for Unicode Version 15.1.

E.1 Section 27) L2/23-089: G glyphs for U+25D89 and U+28BBA [IRG N2609]

[175-C8] Consensus: Accept the proposal to change the G-source representative glyphs for U+25D89 and U+28BBA, based on document L2/23-089 (Chung) and Section 27 of document L2/23-082, for Unicode Version 15.1.

[175-A41] Action Item for Michel Suignard, CJK: Apply the G-source representative glyph changes for U+25D89 and U+28BBA to the code charts for the CJK Unified Ideographs Extension B block with an updated font provided by China, based on document L2/23-089 (Chung) and Section 27 of document L2/23-082, for Unicode Version 15.1.

E.1 Section 28) L2/23-086: A revised proposal requesting a Horizontal Extension of 150 Hanja chars [IRG N2588R]

[175-C9] Consensus: Accept the 134-ideograph horizontal extension, based on document L2/23-086 (Shin et al.) and Section 28 of document L2/23-082, for Unicode Version 16.0.

[175-A42] Action Item for Michel Suignard, CJK: Add the 134 new kIRG_KSource property values, based on document L2/23-086 (Shin et al.) and Section 28 of document L2/23-082, and provide to Ken Lunde an updated Unihan data file, for Unicode Version 16.0.

[175-A43] Action Item for Ken Lunde, CJK: Update the Unihan database to add the 134 new kIRG_KSource property values, based on document L2/23-086 (Shin et al.) and Section 28 of document L2/23-082, for Unicode Version 16.0.

[175-A44] Action Item for Michel Suignard, CJK: Prepare chart update for horizontal extension of 134 ideographs with kIRG_KSource property values, based on document L2/23-086 (Shin et al.) and Section 28 of document L2/23-082 for Unicode Version 16.0.

E.1 Section 29) L2/23-073: About the Encoding Model on Han Ligatures

Discussion. UTC took no action at this time.

E.1 Section 30) WG2 N5211: 14-Column Seal Script Glyph Comparison Chart

Discussion. UTC took no action at this time.

E.1 Section 2) L2/23-057

[175-N2] Note: The UTC notes that none of the US National Body feedback on the first draft of the GB 18030-2022 amendment in document L2/23-057 were adopted.

E.1 03) L2/23-100: GB 18030-2022 Amendment, Draft 2 + Disposition of Comments, Draft 1

Discussion. UTC took no action at this time.

E.4.2 Proposal to provisionally assign or accept 603 urgently-needed ideographs [Ken Lunde, L2/23-106]

Long discussion.

[175-C10] Consensus: Accept 603 CJK Unified Ideographs in a new CJK Unified Ideographs Extension I block with code point range U+2EBF0..U+2EE4A (block: U+2EBF0..U+2EE4F), based on document L2/23-106 (see “The Alternate Proposal—Unicode Version 15.1”), for Unicode Version 15.1.

[175-A45] Action Item for Michel Suignard, CJK: Apply the kIRG_GSource, kRSUnicode, and kTotalStrokes property value additions for the 603 CJK Unified Ideographs in the new CJK Unified Ideographs Extension I block, based on document L2/23-106 (see “The Alternate Proposal—Unicode Version 15.1”), and provide to Ken Lunde an updated Unihan data file, for Unicode Version 15.1.

[175-A46] Action Item for Ken Lunde, CJK: Update the Unihan database file Unihan_IRGSources.txt to add the kIRG_GSource, kRSUnicode, and kTotalStrokes property values for the 603 CJK Unified Ideographs in the new CJK Unified Ideographs Extension I block, based on document L2/23-106 (see “The Alternate Proposal—Unicode Version 15.1”), for Unicode Version 15.1.

[175-A47] Action Item for Ken Whistler, EDC: Update the pipeline to include the new CJK Unified Ideographs Extension I block, based on document L2/23-106 (see “The Alternate Proposal—Unicode Version 15.1”), for Unicode Version 15.1.

[175-A48] Action Item for Ken Lunde, CJK: Document the new CJK Unified Ideographs Extension I block in PRI #467 (Proposed Update UAX #38), based on document L2/23-106 (see “The Alternate Proposal—Unicode Version 15.1”), for Unicode Version 15.1.

[175-A49] Action Item for Ken Lunde, EDC: Document the new CJK Unified Ideographs Extension I block in the Core Specification, based on document L2/23-106 (see “The Alternate Proposal—Unicode Version 15.1”), for Unicode Version 16.0.

[175-A50] Action Item for Ken Lunde, CJK: Forward document L2/23-106 to CESI as feedback to the second draft of the GB 18030-2022 amendment before 2023-05-06, indicating that the UTC accepted the proposal in the “The Alternate Proposal—Unicode Version 15.1” section.

E.4.3 Member / vendor considerations

Long discussion.

Meeting adjourned for the day at 17:40.

Wednesday April 26, 2023

Meeting opened at 9:30.

A.1 Quorum

4.5 members represented: Adobe, Apple, Google, Microsoft, UCB,

A.3 Review of UTC #174 minutes

[175-C11] Consensus: Approve minutes of UTC #174.

A.5 Calendar review

Added meeting UTC#179, April 23-25, 2024 tentatively hosted by Adobe, San José.

Roll call adjustment. 09:45 - ETCO now present.

5.5 members represented: Adobe, Apple, ETCO, Google, Microsoft, UCB,

E.4.2 Proposal to provisionally assign or accept 603 urgently-needed ideographs [Ken Lunde, L2/23-106] (continued)

[175-A51] Action Item for Ken Lunde, UTC: Prepare a document for submission to JTC 1/SC 2 proposing addition of 603 ideographs to CDAM 2, based on L2/23-106, and recommend to INCITS/CS&I that that document be submitted to SC2 as a US contribution, along with comments on CDAM 2 requesting that the repertoire be added to CDAM 2.

[175-A52] Action Item for Peter Constable, UTC: Prepare a liaison contribution to SC2 mentioning UTC action to approve 603 ideographs as CJK Extension I for Unicode Version 15.1, contingent on support in SC 2.

B.7 SEI Liaison Report [L2/23-084 Anderson]

Oral report by Deborah Anderson. Discussion.


Oral report by Deborah Anderson. Discussion.

D.2 Seal script
D.2.1 UCS Seal Script Source Mapping Data [Richard Cook, L2/22-279]
D.2.2 Considerations concerning the Small Seal encoding initiative [Michel Suignard, WG2/5209]
D.2.3 14-Column Seal Script Glyph comparison chart 2017-12-06 [Suzuki Toshiya, Richard Cook, WG2/N5211]

Discussion. UTC took no action at this time.

D.3 Draft encoding proposal for an extended Egyptian Hieroglyphs repertoire [Michel Suignard, et al, L2/23-109]

Discussion. UTC took no action at this time.

Short break.

F.6 Complex Script Support in Text Terminals [Li, L2/23-107]


[175-C12] Consensus: UTC supports the formation of a limited duration working group under the PAG to work on text terminal support issues, chaired by Dustin Howett.

[175-A53] Action Item for Dustin Howett: Create a working group with at least the following individuals: Manish Goregaokar, Robin Leroy, Roozbeh Pournader, Mark Shoulson, Liang Hai, Steven Loomis, Jan Kučera, Ned Holbrook; and report to UTC #176 on plans for engagement with other stakeholders and on the development plan for a specification.

Lunch break 12:16 - 13:20.

D.7 Encoding proposal templates
D.7.1 Draft Template for character additions to an existing script in Unicode [Deborah Anderson, L2/23-104]
D.7.2 Draft Template for new script proposal [Deborah Anderson, L2/23-105]

Discussion. UTC took no action at this time.

D.1 Recommendations to UTC #175 April 2023 on Script Proposals [Anderson, et al, L2/23-083]

D.1.1.1 Proposal for ARABIC BIBLICAL END OF VERSE [Lorna Priest Evans, L2/23-103]

[175-C13] Consensus: Provisionally assign U+10ED0 ARABIC BIBLICAL END OF VERSE, with name and glyph as given in L2/23-103. (Reference: Section 1 of L2/23-083)

[175-A54] Action Item for Lorna Evans, SAH: Provide a font to Michel Suignard and the Charts group for U+10ED0 ARABIC BIBLICAL END OF VERSE. (Reference Section 1 of L2/23-083)

[175-A55] Action Item for Ken Whistler, UTC: Update the Pipeline to add U+10ED0 ARABIC BIBLICAL END OF VERSE as a provisionally assigned character. (Reference Section 1 of L2/23-083)

D.1.1.2 Unicode Cuneiform Sign Lists [Robin Leroy, L2/23-071]

[175-C14] Consensus: The UTC authorizes a PRI for Proposed Draft UTR #56, Unicode Cuneiform Sign Lists, based on L2/23-071. (Reference Section 2 of L2/23-083)

[175-A56] Action Item for Robin Leroy, SAH: Shepherd the production of UTR #56.

[175-A57] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Post the PRI for Proposed Draft UTR #56, Unicode Cuneiform Sign Lists.

D.1.1.3 Proposal to encode a blank character for Khitan Small Script [Andrew West, L2/23-065]

[175-C15] Consensus: Provisionally assign U+18CFF KHITAN SMALL SCRIPT CHARACTER-18CFF, with name, annotation, and glyph as given in L2/23-065. (Reference: Section 3 of L2/23-083)

[175-A58] Action Item for Ken Whistler, UTC: Update the Pipeline to add U+18CFF KHITAN SMALL SCRIPT CHARACTER-18CFF as a provisionally assigned character. (Reference Section 3 of L2/23-083)

D.1.1.4 Glyph Corrections for Eight Tangut Ideographs [Andrew West, L2/23-066]

[175-C16] Consensus: Accept the glyph changes for 7 Tangut ideographs (U+17105, U+172A4, U+17BD1, U+17BD2, U+17BD3, U+17EF9, and U+18136) and update the Tangut data file for U+17105, based on document L2/23-066 for Unicode version 15.1. (Reference Section 4 of L2/23-083)

[175-A59] Action Item for Michel Suignard, PAG: Update the Tangut data file for U+17105. (Reference Section 4 of L2/23-083)

D.1.1.5 Revised designs of the alchemical symbols block [Kirk Miller, L2/23-069]

[175-C17] Consensus: Accept the glyph changes for the Alchemical Symbols block as given in L2/23-069R for version 15.1 of the standard. (Reference Section 5 of L2/23-083)

[175-A60] Action Item for Debbie Anderson, SAH: Send the font to Michel Suignard and the Charts group. (Reference Section 5 of L2/23-083)

[175-A61] Action Item for Debbie Anderson, EDC: Prepare a glyph erratum notice for alchemical symbols for 15.1. (Reference Section 5 of L2/23-083)


Discussion. UTC took no action at this time.

D.1.1.7 [Response to] Request to replace "start" with "star" in the name for U+06DE [Kamal Mansour, L2/23-061]

[175-A62] Action Item for Lorna Evans, Kamal Mansour, EDC: Add text to Core Spec on U+06DE ARABIC START OF RUB EL HIZB in section 9.2, based on L2/23-061 and Section 7 of L2/23-083.

[175-A63] Action Item for Lorna Evans, Kamal Mansour, Ken Whistler, EDC: Propose an annotation to U+06DE ARABIC START OF RUB EL HIZB in the names list for 15.1, based on L2/23-061 and Section 7 of L2/23-083.

D.1.2 Recommendations on Unicode 16.0

[175-C18] Consensus: Approve all characters and scripts accepted for a future version for Unicode Version 16.0.

[175-A64] Action Item for Ken Whistler, UTC: Update the Pipeline, identifying all characters and scripts “accepted for a future version” on the Pipeline as accepted for Unicode Version 16.0.

Short break.

B.4.1 CLDR Keyboard Subcommittee

Oral report by Andrew Glass. Discussion. https://cldr.unicode.org/index/keyboard-workgroup

D.1 Recommendations to UTC #175 April 2023 on Script Proposals [Anderson, et al, L2/23-083]

Discussion of L2/23-083, Section D and Section 18c. UTC took no action at this time.

D.5 Text representation and shaping manual of the Mongolian script L2/23-101


[175-N3] Note:Mongolia has legislated in their law for use of Mongolian language that government agencies will begin using both Mongolian and Cyrillic scripts for documents beginning January 1, 2025.

Meeting adjourned for the day at 17:40.

Thursday, April 27, 2023

Meeting opened at 09:35.

A.1 Quorum

4.5 members represented: Adobe, Apple, Google, Microsoft, UCB,

G.1 Emoji Subcommittee Report for UTC #175 (2023Q2) [ESC/Jennifer Daniel, L2/23-081] G.2 ESC Priorities for Unicode Version 16.0 & Beyond [ESC/Jennifer Daniel, L2/23-091]

[175-A65] Action Item for Rick McGowan, ESC: Respond to the PRI #473 feedback submitters for ReportIDs ID20230302075201, ID20230403162043, and ID20230403171513.

G.3 PRI #471 Proposed Update UTS #51, Unicode Emoji



Oral report by Michel Suignard.


Oral report by Markus Scherer.

B.10 JTC 1/SC 22

Oral report by Robin Leroy.


Oral report by Mark Davis.

Short break at 11:00.

F.1 PAG: UTC #175 properties feedback & recommendations [Markus Scherer, et al, L2/23-079]
F.1 Section 2.1

[175-C19] Consensus: Add Simple_Case_Folding mappings for U+1FD3, U+1FE3, and U+FB05, see L2/23-062; for Unicode Version 15.1.

[175-A66] Action Item for Markus Scherer, PAG: In CaseFolding.txt, add Simple_Case_Folding mappings for U+1FD3, U+1FE3, and U+FB05, see L2/23-062; for Unicode Version 15.1.

F.1 Section 2.2

[175-A67] Action Item for Robin Leroy, EDC: Publish the annotated version of the UAX #14, Unicode Line Breaking Algorithm, as a new UTN (Unicode Technical Note).

F.1 Section 2.4

[175-A68] Action Item for Markus Scherer, Asmus Freytag, PAG: Modify UAX #31 removing the use of "grandfathered" or replacing it with other language as appropriate without creating novel terms, for Unicode 15.1. See L2/23-079 item 2.4.

F.1 Section 2.5

[175-C20] Consensus: Change the name of the informative property created by Consensus 174-C2 to NFKC_Simple_Casefold, with a low line between the words Simple and Casefold. Its alias NFKC_SCF and its definition are unchanged. For Unicode Version 15.1.

[175-A69] Action Item for Ken Whistler, PAG: Update the name of the property NFKC_SCF in the Property Table of Unicode Standard Annex #44, Unicode Character Database, for Unicode Version 15.1. See document L2/23-079 item 2.5.

F.1 Section 4.1

[175-C21] Consensus: The UTC will not add further characters to the Unicode Standard with both (a) canonical decompositions, and (b) Bidi_Paired_Bracket_Type ≠ None. Unicode will also not add further characters where the canonical decompositions *contain* characters whose Bidi_Paired_Bracket_Type ≠ None. See L2/23-079 item 4.1.

[175-C22] Consensus: The UTC establishes the above Consensus 175-C21 as a precedent according to TC procedures 10.5.2.

[175-A70] Action Item for Manish Goregaokar, PAG: Change UAX #9 to point out that an implementation of the UBA need not perform normalization / canonical equivalence in general, and explicitly list the pairs of paired bracket characters relevant for canonical equivalence and merely motivate this list via normalization; note that this list is immutable unless Unicode overturns precedent 175-C21; for Unicode Version 15.1. See L2/23-079 item 4.1.

Lunch break 12:18 - 13:10.

F.1 Section 5.1

[175-C23] Consensus: Replace rule LB 15 by LB 15a and LB 15b in UAX #14, as described in L2/23-063 Line breaking around quotation marks, changing the references to the sets [:Pi:] and [:Pf:] to [[:Pi:]&QU] and [[:Pf:]&QU], respectively, for Unicode Version 15.1.

[175-A71] Action Item for Robin Leroy, PAG: Make the changes to the Proposed Update for UAX #14 described in L2/23-063 with modifications noted in above consensus 175-C23. For Unicode Version 15.1.

[175-A72] Action Item for Robin Leroy, PAG: Change the tooling that generates LineBreakTest.txt and LineBreakTest.html to adjust for the changes to the Proposed Update for UAX #14 described in L2/23-063 with modifications noted in above consensus 175-C23. For Unicode Version 15.1.

F.1 Section 5.2

[175-C24] Consensus: Change the Word_Break property of U+0600–U+0605, U+06DD, U+0890, U+0891, U+08E2, U+110BD, and U+110CD from Format to Numeric, and the Word_Break property of U+070F from Format to ALetter, for Unicode Version 15.1. See L2/23-079 item 5.2.

[175-A73] Action Item for Josh Hadley, PAG: Update Table 3 of Unicode Standard Annex #29, Unicode Text Segmentation, to exclude GCB=Prepend from Word_Break=Format, include U+0600–U+0605, U+06DD, U+0890, U+0891, U+08E2, U+110BD, and U+110CD in Word_Break=Numeric, and include U+070F in Word_Break=ALetter. For Unicode Version 15.1.

[175-A74] Action Item for Robin Leroy, PAG: Update WordBreakProperty.txt according to L2/23-079 item 5.2. For Unicode Version 15.1.

F.1 Section 5.3

[175-C25] Consensus: Add U+17D4 KHMER SIGN KHAN & U+17D5 KHMER SIGN BARIYOOSAN to Sentence_Terminal and Sentence_Break=STerm, for Unicode 15.1.

[175-A75] Action Item for Josh Hadley, PAG: Add U+17D4 KHMER SIGN KHAN & U+17D5 KHMER SIGN BARIYOOSAN to Sentence_Terminal and Sentence_Break=STerm, for Unicode 15.1.

F.1 Section 5.5

[175-C26] Consensus: Modify Indic grapheme clusters in UAX #29 as described in L2/23-079 item 5.5, for Unicode Version 15.1.

[175-A76] Action Item for Mark Davis, PAG: In UAX #29, add the three macros Virama, LinkingConsonant, and ExtCccZwj, as well as the new rule 9.c, as described in L2/23-079 item 5.5, for Unicode 15.1. Break out the list of scripts into a separate scriptript set. Also fix the lack of sc=.

F.1 Section 5.6

[175-C27] Consensus: Add line breaking classes AF, AK, AP, AS, VI, and VF, as well as a new line breaking rule LB 28b, and change Line_Break property values, as described in L2/23-072.

[175-A77] Action Item for Robin Leroy, PAG: Incorporate the changes to UAX #14 described in L2/23-072 into the Proposed Update. For Unicode Version 15.1.

[175-A78] Action Item for Robin Leroy, PAG: Incorporate the changes to UAX #29 described in L2/23-072 into the Proposed Update. For Unicode Version 15.1.

[175-A79] Action Item for Norbert Lindenberg, PAG: Provide an updated description for line breaking class BA, classifying the additions to that class from L2/23-072. For Unicode Version 15.1.

[175-A80] Action Item for Robin Leroy, PAG: Provide an updated description for line breaking class GL, conveying that characters such as hieroglyphic joiners and the Brahmi number joiner are included in this class. For Unicode Version 15.1.

[175-A81] Action Item for Robin Leroy, PAG: Update LineBreak.txt and PropertyValueAliases.txt as described in L2/23-072. For Unicode Version 15.1.

F.1 Section 5.7

[175-A82] Action Item for Josh Hadley, PAG: In Unicode Standard Annex #29, add a note to the Grapheme Cluster Boundary rules stating that each emoji sequence (UTS #51 ED-17) is a single grapheme cluster. For Unicode Version 15.1.

[175-A83] Action Item for Mark Davis, ESC: In Unicode Technical Standard #51, update the section on emoji ZWJ sequences to state that an emoji sequence is a single grapheme cluster, with a reference to UAX #29, and reword the section on emoji modifier sequences accordingly. For Unicode Version 15.1.

[175-A84] Action Item for Manish Goregaokar, PAG: Provide a proposal for changes to Unicode Standard Annex #29 and Unicode Technical Standard #51 highlighting that, depending on fonts and rendering engines, some grapheme clusters can be rendered as multiple glyphs, which are perceived as separate units by the user; and some single code points can appear to be multiple grapheme clusters. For Unicode Version 16.0.

F.1 Section 6.1

[175-C28] Consensus: Change UTS #46 to say that the transitional processing and the deviation mappings are deprecated, for Unicode Version 15.1.

[175-A85] Action Item for Markus Scherer, PAG: Change UTS #46 to say that the transitional processing and the deviation mappings are deprecated, and note that implementations generally only use the nontransitional processing, for Unicode Version 15.1.

F.1 Section 6.2

[175-C29] Consensus: In IdnaMappingTable.txt, change U+2260 (≠), U+226E (≮), and U+226F (≯) from disallowed_STD3_valid to valid, for Unicode 15.1.

[175-N4] Note: In the above consensus 175-C29, the designation of valid does not imply that these are to be used in an IDNA2008 context.

[175-A86] Action Item for Mark Davis, Markus Scherer, PAG: In IdnaMappingTable.txt, change U+2260 (≠), U+226E (≮), and U+226F (≯) from disallowed_STD3_valid to valid, for Unicode 15.1.

[175-A87] Action Item for Mark Davis, Markus Scherer, PAG: In UTS46 section 4.1.1 UseSTD3ASCIIRules, remove the special behavior of U+2260 (≠), U+226E (≮), and U+226F (≯); modify section 6 Mapping Table Derivation (especially Step 7) as necessary so that these characters are no longer disallowed; for Unicode 15.1.

F.1 Section 6.3

[175-A88] Action Item for Mark Davis, PAG: Review IdnaTestV2.txt and ensure that the documentation and output of status codes conforms to the specification; see L2/23-079 item 6.3 for a report of mismatches; for Unicode Version 15.1.

F.1 Section 7.1

[175-C30] Consensus: The UTC authorizes a proposed update of UTS #18 for the purpose of addressing action items 174-A9, 174-A22, 173-A16, 172-A104, 170-A17, 168-A13, and 166-A70, and 162-A23 if appropriate.

F.1 Section 8.1

[175-A89] Action Item for Mark Davis, PAG: Consider the feedback in L2/23-079 item 8.1 for a future update of the confusables data.

F.1 Section 8.2

[175-A90] Action Item for Robin Leroy, PAG: Add an example of the application of protocol HL4 to URL display to the Proposed Update for Unicode Standard Annex #9, Unicode Bidirectional Algorithm. See L2/23-079 item 8.2. For Unicode Version 15.1.

[175-A91] Action Item for Mark Davis, PAG: In a future revision of Unicode Technical Report #36, add a mention of the applicability of the UTS #55 Basic Ordering to URLs and a reference to the example in UAX #9. See L2/23-079 item 8.2.

F.1 Section 8.3

[175-N5] Note: The UTC notes the amendments to Draft Unicode Technical Standard #55, Unicode Source Code Handling, mentioned in L2/23-079 item 8.3.

F.2.4 PRI #469 Proposed Update UAX #29, Unicode Text Segmentation F.2.4.1 Conformance clauses in UAX #29 [Mark Davis, L2/23-111]

[175-C31] Consensus: Add conformance clauses to Proposed Update UAX #29 as described in L2/23-111, for Unicode Version 15.1.

[175-A92] Action Item for Mark Davis, PAG: Add conformance clauses to Proposed Update UAX #29 as described in L2/23-111, for Unicode Version 15.1.

D.8 Do Not Emit data


I.1 Other feedback


H.2.2 Unicode 15.1 Beta

[175-C32] Consensus: The UTC authorizes starting the beta review for Unicode Version 15.1.

[175-A93] Action Item for Ken Whistler, PAG: Prepare an updated NamesList.txt for Unicode 15.1 repertoire, as finalized during UTC #175.

[175-A94] Action Item for Michel Suignard, Rick McGowan, RMG: Prepare a set of Unicode Version 15.1 beta review code charts for posting.

[175-A95] Action Item for Ken Whistler, PAG: Prepare an updated and complete set of data files for the UCD, and the data directories for UTS #10, UTS #39, and UTS #46, for the beta review of Unicode Version 15.1.

[175-A96] Action Item for Ned Holbrook, ESC: Prepare an updated and complete set of data files for the data directory of UTS #51, and a complete set of emoji beta review charts for Emoji 15.1.

[175-A97] Action Item for Peter Constable, RMG: Coordinate the publication of the Unicode 15.1 beta review.

[175-A98] Action Item for Ken Whistler, RMG: Prepare a background document for a PRI on the Unicode 15.1 beta review.

[175-A99] Action Item for Rick McGowan, RMG: Post the PRI for the Unicode 15.1 beta review, to close July 4, 2023.

[175-A100] Action Item for Rick McGowan, UTC: Close PRI #472. Revisions to UAX #14 will be incorporated into Unicode Version 15.1. See document L2/23-072, and section 5.6 of L2/23-079.

[175-A101] Action Item for Rick McGowan, UTC: Extend PRIs to close July 4, 2023, for the open UAXes targeted for Unicode Version 15.1, and also PRI #474 for Draft UTS #55.

A.7 L2 representatives


Thanks to the host, Adobe.

Meeting adjourned for the week at 16:04.

L2 continued.

Members Represented

Roll Call April 25 April 26 April 27
Full Member
Adobe yy y
Apple Inc. yy y
ETCO (Oman)   y  
Google, LLC yy y
Microsoft Corporation yy y
Yat Labs
Supporting Member
Bangladesh, MSICT
Oman (MARA)
Tamil Nadu, TVA
UCB y y y
Associate Member      
SIL   y y

UTC Attendance

Name Representing
Salim Al MandhariETCO
Debbie AndersonUCB
Christopher ChapmanAdobe
Peter ConstableMicrosoft
Toral CowiesonUnicode
Craig CummingsUnicode
Jennifer DanielGoogle
Mark DavisGoogle
Kamile DemirAdobe
Peter EdbergApple
Lorna EvansSIL
Asmus Freytagself
Richard GillamApple
Andrew GlassMicrosoft
Manish GoregaokarGoogle
Mike GrieseMicrosoft
Joshua HadleyAdobe
Ned HolbrookApple
Anushah HossainUCB/Stanford
Dustin HowettMicrosoft
Zhaoqin Jiang (Kushim)self
Jan Kučeraself
Jennifer 8 LeeEmojination
Robin LeroyGoogle
Renzhi LiMicrosoft
Hai LiangUnicode
Steven LoomisUnicode
Ken LundeApple
Rick McGowanUnicode
Sudip Iglesias Murmuself
Anand OrkhonMongolian Govt?
Roozbeh PournaderUnicode
Josh RudolfEthereum Foundation
Judy Safran-AasenMicrosoft
Markus SchererGoogle
Zachary Quinn ScheurenAdobe
Mark Shoulsonself
CheonHyeong Simself
Michel SuignardUnicode
Samantha SunneEmojination
Tex TexinXencraft
Ken WhistlerUnicode
Demin YanVMware