UTC 173 Minutes


Approved Minutes of UTC Meeting 173
Mountain View, CA — November 1-3, 2022
Hosted by Apple, Cupertino, CA, and virtually

UTC #173 Agenda
Revision date: November 9, 2022

Day 1 - Tuesday, November 1, 2022

Meeting opened at 10:30am. Peter opened the meeting. Craig opened L2.

6.5 members in regular attendance. Quorum is 3.25.

4.5 members represented: Adobe, Apple, Google, Microsoft, UCB.

A.1 Consortium membership; meeting quorum and proxies

A.2 Agenda review

A.4 Action Item review

B.1 JTC 1/SC 2

Oral report by Michel Suignard.

[173-A1] Action Item for Deborah Anderson: Come up with a proposal for recommendations on WG2 convenorship to L2.

B.1.3 Call for project editor for ISO/IEC 14651


[173-A2] Action Item for Ken Whistler, Michel Suignard, Markus Scherer, Peter Constable: Come up with a proposal for recommendations on the future of ISO/IEC 14651.

H.1 2023 Unicode release plan and scope H.1.1 Release Management Group Recommendations for 2023-2024 Releases [Constable, L2/22-270]

[173-C1] Consensus: UTC approves the proposed scope and plan for Unicode 15.1 outlined in document L2/22-270.

F.3 Source Code Security F.3.1 Process report from the source code working group [Robin Leroy / Source Code WG, L2/22-233]


[173-A3] Action Item for Mark Davis, UTC: Forward the recommendations in L2/22-233 to the TC chairs for consideration in reform of the TC procedures.

F.3.2 Recommendations of the source code working group for UTC #173 [Leroy / SCWG, L2/22-234R] F.3.2.1 Proposed changes to Unicode properties and reports for source code handling (revised) [Leroy, Davis / SCWG, L2/22/229R]

Lunch break 13:00-14:00.

G.1 Emoji Subcommittee Report for UTC #173 (2022Q4) [ESC/Daniel, L2/22-246]

Oral report by Jennifer Daniel.

G.2 Exploring Emoji Directionality [ESC / Sean Stewart, Jennifer Daniel, L2/22-275]

Long discussion.

G.3 Guidelines for Family Emoji ZWJ Sequences that currently lack RGI tone support [ESC / Jennifer Daniel, L2/22-276]

[173-A4] Action Item for Mark Davis, Ned Holbrook, ESC: Review feedback from Rossen Mikhov and update UTS #51 as necessary. See feedback [Thu Sep 15 11:12:15 CDT 2022] in document L2/22-243.

Break 15:45 - 14:00.

F.1 PAG: UTC #173 properties feedback & recommendations [Markus Scherer, et al, L2/22-244]

[173-A5] Action Item for Asmus Freytag, EDC: Propose changes to the stability policy page to help readers understand "domain" and maybe other terms; by referencing the glossary. See L2/22-244 item UCD1.

[173-A6] Action Item for Robin Leroy, PAG: Make changes to the discussion of possible tailorings in UAX #14 as described in L2/22-244 item Seg1, for Unicode Version 15.1.

[173-A7] Action Item for Rick McGowan, UTC: Post a Public Review Issue for a proposed update of UAX #14, for Unicode version 15.1.

[173-A8] Action Item for Robin Leroy, PAG: Change UAX #14 section 3.1 “third style of line breaking” as suggested by Norbert Lindenberg. See L2/22-244 item Seg3. For Unicode 15.1.

[173-C2] Consensus: Change the line breaking class of U+1342F EGYPTIAN HIEROGLYPH V011D (𓐯) from AL to OP, for Unicode Version 15.1.

[173-A9] Action Item for Ken Whistler, PAG: Change the Line_Break value of U+1342F EGYPTIAN HIEROGLYPH V011D (𓐯) from AL to OP, for Unicode Version 15.1.

[173-A10] Action Item for Josh Hadley, PAG: In UAX #29 GCB table 1c Regex Definitions change the definition of crlf to “CR LF | CR | LF” as suggested by Rossen Mikhov, for Unicode 15.1. See L2/22-244 item Seg5.

[173-A11] Action Item for Rick McGowan, UTC: Post a Public Review Issue for a proposed update of UAX #29, for Unicode version 15.1.

[173-A12] Action Item for Josh Hadley, PAG: In UAX #29 section 7 Testing, after “Testing two adjacent characters is insufficient for determining a boundary” remove “except for the case of the default grapheme clusters”; for Unicode 15.1. See L2/22-244 item Seg6.

[173-A13] Action Item for Robin Leroy, PAG: In UAX #14 section 5.2 Dictionary Usage, change the examples to use the intended characters, rather than workarounds, and calling out the code points only where they are relevant to the point being made (how to encode the text to get appropriate LB classes); for Unicode 15.1. For details see L2/22-244 item Seg7.

[173-A14] Action Item for Robin Leroy, Asmus Freytag, PAG: Consider moving much of UAX #14 section 5.2 Dictionary Usage into the core spec, for Unicode 16.0. For details see L2/22-244 item Seg7.

[173-A15] Action Item for Ken Whistler, Markus Scherer, PAG: For UCA 15.1 DUCET, move U+10A7F OLD SOUTH ARABIAN NUMERIC INDICATOR to sort among punctuation.

[173-A16] Action Item for Mark Davis, PAG: In UTS #18 section 1.3 Subtraction and Intersection change the last example to [\P{Script=Greek}&&\P{Basic_Emoji}]. See document L2/22-244 item Regex1.

[173-A17] Action Item for Rick McGowan, UTC: Post a Public Review Issue for a proposed update of UTS #18.

F.4 Line breaking at orthographic syllable boundaries

F.4.1 Line breaking at orthographic syllable boundaries (revised) [Norbert Lindenberg, et al, L2/22-080]

F.4.2. Specification updates for orthographic syllables and line breaking [Norbert Lindenberg, L2/22-086]

[173-A18] Action Item for Norbert Lindenberg, PAG: Prepare a background document and related demo for a PRI related to L2/22-080.

[173-A19] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Post the PRI on L2/22-080.

Meeting adjourned for the day at 17:16.

Day 2, Wednesday, November 2, 2022

Meeting opened at 9:30.

4.5 members represented: Adobe, Apple, Google, Microsoft, UCB

A.3 Approval of minutes of prior meeting [L2/22-121]

[173-C3] Consensus: Approve minutes of UTC #172, L2/22-121.

[173-A20] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Post the approved minutes of UTC #172.

F.3.2 Recommendations of the source code working group for UTC #173 [Leroy/SCWG, L2/22-234]
F.3.2.1 Proposed changes to Unicode properties and reports for source code handling (revised) [Leroy/Davis/SCWG, L2/22-229

Long discussion.

Short break 11:02-11:12.

Discussion continued.

Lunch break 12:30-13:30.

E.1 CJK & Unihan Group Recommendations for UTC #173 Meeting [Ken Lunde, L2/22-247]
E.1.1 Public review feedback (July 11 - October 27, 2022) routed to Script Ad-Hoc Group [McGowan, L2/22-243]

E.1 02) 2022-07-31 20:08:08 CDT

[173-A21] Action Item for Peter Edberg, CJK: Ask the CLDR-TC to check the proposed kMandarin property value change, then report back to the UTC. See feedback [Sun Jul 31 20:08:08 CDT 2022] in document L2/22-243 and Section 02 of document L2/22-247.

E.1 03) 2022-08-08 07:25:17 CDT

[173-C4] Consensus: Accept the proposal to move the kIRG_USource property value of U+9855, UTC-00355, to U+29530, based on feedback [Mon Aug 8 07:25:17 CDT 2022] in document L2/22-243 and Section 03 of document L2/22-247, for for Unicode Version 15.1.

[173-A22] Action Item for Michel Suignard, CJK: Move the kIRG_USource property value of U+9855, UTC-00355, to U+29530, based on feedback [Mon Aug 8 07:25:17 CDT 2022] in document L2/22-243 and Section 03 of document L2/22-247, and provide to John Jenkins an updated Unihan data file, for for Unicode Version 15.1.

[173-A23] Action Item for John Jenkins, CJK: Update the Unihan database to move the kIRG_USource property value of U+9855, UTC-00355, to U+29530, based on feedback [Mon Aug 8 07:25:17 CDT 2022] in document L2/22-243 and Section 03 of document L2/22-247, for for Unicode Version 15.1.

[173-A24] Action Item for John Jenkins, CJK: Update the record for UTC-00355 in UAX #45 to reflect ExtB as Field 1, U+29530 as Field 2, 19 as Field 8, and 2 as Field 9, based on feedback [Mon Aug 8 07:25:17 CDT 2022] in document L2/22-243 and Section 03 of document L2/22-247, for for Unicode Version 15.1.

[173-A25] Action Item for Ken Lunde, CJK: Convey to the feedback submitter the CJK & Unihan Group comments in Section 03 of document L2/22-247. See feedback [Mon Aug 8 07:25:17 CDT 2022] in document L2/22-243.

E.1 04) 2022-08-09 05:28:31 CDT

[173-C5] Consensus: Accept the proposal to change the kRSUnicode property value of U+31D40, based on feedback [Tue Aug 9 05:28:31 CDT 2022] in document L2/22-243 and Section 04 of document L2/22-247, for Unicode Version 15.1.

[173-A26] Action Item for Michel Suignard, CJK: Change the kRSUnicode property value of U+31D40 to add 93.16 as a second property value, based on feedback [Tue Aug 9 05:28:31 CDT 2022] in document L2/22-243 and Section 04 of document L2/22-247, and provide to John Jenkins an updated Unihan data file, for Unicode Version 15.1.

[173-A27] Action Item for John Jenkins, CJK: Update the Unihan database to add 93.16 as a second kRSUnicode property value for U+31D40, based on feedback [Tue Aug 9 05:28:31 CDT 2022] in document L2/22-243 and Section 04 of document L2/22-247, for Unicode Version 15.1.

[173-A28] Action Item for Ken Lunde, CJK: Convey to the feedback submitter the CJK & Unihan Group comments in Section 04 of document L2/22-247. See feedback [Tue Aug 9 05:28:31 CDT 2022] in document L2/22-243.

E.1 05) 2022-08-09 06:18:28 CDT

[173-C6] Consensus: Accept the proposal to change the kRSUnicode property value of U+31DBF, based on feedback [Tue Aug 9 06:18:28 CDT 2022] in document L2/22-243 and Section 05 of document L2/22-247, for Unicode Version 15.1.

[173-A29] Action Item for Michel Suignard, CJK: Change the kRSUnicode property value of U+31DBF to add 85.9 as a second property value, based on feedback [Tue Aug 9 06:18:28 CDT 2022] in document L2/22-243 and Section 05 of document L2/22-247, and provide to John Jenkins an updated Unihan data file, for Unicode Version 15.1.

[173-A30] Action Item for John Jenkins, CJK: Update the Unihan database to add 85.9 as a second kRSUnicode property value for U+31DBF, based on feedback [Tue Aug 9 06:18:28 CDT 2022] in document L2/22-243 and Section 05 of document L2/22-247, for Unicode Version 15.1.

[173-A31] Action Item for Ken Lunde, CJK: Convey to the feedback submitter the CJK & Unihan Group comments in Section 05 of document L2/22-247. See feedback [Tue Aug 9 06:18:28 CDT 2022] in document L2/22-243.

E.1 06) 2022-09-05 08:44:48 CDT

[173-A32] Action Item for Peter Edberg, CJK: Ask the CLDR-TC to check the proposed kMandarin property value change, then report back to the UTC. See feedback [Mon Sep 5 08:44:48 CDT 2022] in document L2/22-243 and Section 06 of document L2/22-247.

E.1 07) L2/22-181: Proposal for new provisional Unihan database property: kJapanese

[173-C7] Consensus: Accept the new provisional Unihan database property, kJapanese, based on document L2/22-181 and Section 07 of document L2/22-247, for Unicode Version 15.1.

[173-A33] Action Item for John Jenkins, CJK: Document the provisional kJapanese property in UAX #38, based on document L2/22-181 and Section 07 of document L2/22-247, for Unicode Version 15.1.

[173-A34] Action Item for John Jenkins, CJK: Populate the kJapanese property in the Unihan database with the property values as provided in L2/22-181, based on Section 07 of document L2/22-247, for Unicode Version 15.1.

[173-A35] Action Item for Rick McGowan, UTC: Post the PRI for the proposed update of UAX #38, to close 2023-01-03.

E.1 08) L2/22-187: Proposal for new provisional Unihan database property: kMojiJoho

[173-C8] Consensus: Accept the new provisional Unihan database property, kMojiJoho, based on document L2/22-187 and Section 08 of document L2/22-247, for Unicode Version 15.1.

[173-A36] Action Item for John Jenkins, CJK: Document the provisional kMojiJoho property in UAX #38, based on document L2/22-187 and Section 08 of document L2/22-247, for Unicode Version 15.1.

[173-A37] Action Item for John Jenkins, CJK: Update the Unihan Database Lookup tool to link Moji Jōhō Kiban database serial numbers to the online version of the Moji Jōhō Kiban database, based on document L2/22-187 and Section 08 of document L2/22-247, for Unicode Version 15.1.

[173-A38] Action Item for John Jenkins, CJK: Populate the kMojiJoho property in the Unihan database with the property values as provided in L2/22-187, for Unicode Version 15.1.

[173-A39] Action Item for Ken Lunde, CJK: As the Unicode Consortium’s liaison contact for CITPC, convey to CITPC the Moji Jōhō Kiban database mapping issues that were identified by Henry Chan, based on Section 08 of document L2/22-247.

E.1 09) L2/22-188: Proposal to remove/improve provisional Unihan database properties

[173-C9] Consensus: Remove the provisional Unihan database property, kIRGDaiKanwaZiten, based on document L2/22-188 and Section 09 of document L2/22-247, for Unicode Version 15.1.

[173-A40] Action Item for John Jenkins, CJK: Revise the Syntax and Description of the provisional kMorohashi property in UAX #38, based on document L2/22-188 and as amended in Section 09 of document L2/22-247, for Unicode Version 15.1.

[173-A41] Action Item for John Jenkins, CJK: Remove the provisional Unihan database property, kIRGDaiKanwaZiten, and replace the existing kMorohashi property values in the Unihan database with the property values as provided in L2/22-188 and as amended in Section 09 of document L2/22-247, for Unicode Version 15.1.

E.1 10) L2/22-204R: Proposal to Add Two New Fields to the Unihan Database

[173-C10] Consensus: Accept the two new provisional Unihan database properties, kSMSZD2003Index and kSMSZD2003Readings, based on document L2/22-204R, Section 10 of document L2/22-247, and as amended in discussion, for Unicode Version 15.1.

[173-A42] Action Item for John Jenkins, CJK: Document the provisional kSMSZD2003Index and kSMSZD2003Readings properties in UAX #38 and remove the sSoengmou2003 source from the table in Section 4.5, based on document L2/22-204R, as amended in Section 10 of document L2/22-247, and as amended in discussion, for Unicode Version 15.1.

[173-A43] Action Item for John Jenkins, CJK: Populate the kSMSZD2003Index and kSMSZD2003Readings properties in the Unihan database with the property values as provided in L2/22-204R and as amended in discussion, and change sSoengmou2003 to kSMSZD2003Index in property values that reference the former as amended in Section 10 of document L2/22-247, for Unicode Version 15.1.

E.1 11) L2/22-223: Proposed Updates and Expansions of Unihan Numeric Fields

[173-C11] Consensus: Accept the two new provisional Unihan database properties, kVietnameseNumeric and kZhuangNumeric, based on document L2/22-223 and as amended in Section 11 of document L2/22-247, for Unicode Version 15.1.

[173-A44] Action Item for John Jenkins, CJK: Adjust the Descriptions of the kAccountingNumeric, kOtherNumeric, and kPrimaryNumeric properties in UAX #38, based on document L2/22-223, as amended in Section 11 of document L2/22-247, and as amended in discussion, for Unicode Version 15.1.

[173-A45] Action Item for John Jenkins, CJK: Apply the adjustments to the kAccountingNumeric, kOtherNumeric, and kPrimaryNumeric properties, based on document L2/22-223, as amended in Section 11 of document L2/22-247, and excluding any property values greater than that for U+4EAC, for Unicode Version 15.1.

[173-A46] Action Item for John Jenkins, CJK: Document the provisional kVietnameseNumeric and kZhuangNumeric properties in UAX #38, based on document L2/22-223 and Section 11 of document L2/22-247, for Unicode Version 15.1.

[173-A47] Action Item for John Jenkins, CJK: Populate the kVietnameseNumeric and kZhuangNumeric properties in the Unihan database with the property values as provided in L2/22-223 and as amended in L2/22-247, for Unicode Version 15.1.

E.1 12) L2/22-195: Proposal to remove the kRSKangXi property from the Unihan database

[173-C12] Consensus: Remove the provisional Unihan database property, kRSKangXi, and accept 123 kRSUnicode property changes, based on document L2/22-195 and as amended in Section 12 of document L2/22-247, for Unicode Version 15.1.

[173-A48] Action Item for John Jenkins, CJK: Remove the provisional Unihan database property, kRSKangXi, from UAX #38, based on L2/22-195 and Section 12 of document L2/22-247, for Unicode Version 15.1.

[173-A49] Action Item for John Jenkins, CJK: Remove the provisional Unihan database property, kRSKangXi, from the Unihan database, based on L2/22-195 and Section 12 of document L2/22-247, for Unicode Version 15.1.

[173-A50] Action Item for Michel Suignard, CJK: Change the 123 kRSUnicode property values, based on L2/22-195 and as amended in Section 12 of document L2/22-247, and provide to John Jenkins an updated Unihan data file, for Unicode Version 15.1.

[173-A51] Action Item for John Jenkins, CJK: Update the Unihan database to reflect the 123 kRSUnicode property value changes, based on L2/22-195 and as amended in Section 12 of document L2/22-247, for Unicode Version 15.1.

E.1 13) L2/22-186: Proposal to Correct Several kMandarin Readings For Japanese-made Kanji

[173-A52] Action Item for Peter Edberg, CJK: Ask the CLDR-TC to check the proposed kMandarin property value changes, then report back to the UTC. See document L2/22-186 and Section 13 of document L2/22-247.

E.1 14) L2/22-200: Proposal to enhance the kRSUnicode property for non-Chinese simplified radicals

[173-C13] Consensus: Accept the change to the informative kRSUnicode property to accommodate non-Chinese simplified radicals, the changes and additions to the UCD’s CJKRadicals.txt data file, and the corresponding 70 kRSUnicode property value changes, based on document L2/22-200, as amended in Section 14 of document L2/22-247, and as amended in discussion, for Unicode Version 15.1.

[173-A53] Action Item for John Jenkins, CJK: Revise the Syntax and Description of the informative kRSUnicode property in UAX #38, update the sorting algorithm in Section 2.1.2 of UAX #38, and update Section 3.6 of UAX #38 to reflect non-Chinese simplified radicals, based on document L2/22-200 and as amended in Section 14 of document L2/22-247, for Unicode Version 15.1.

[173-A54] Action Item for Markus Scherer, PAG: Update the UCD’s CJKRadicals.txt data file, based on Section 14 of document L2/22-247, its attached CJKRadicals-20221021.txt data file, and as amended in discussion, for Unicode Version 15.1.

[173-A55] Action Item for Michel Suignard, CJK: Change the 70 kRSUnicode property values, based on L2/22-200 and as amended in Section 14 of document L2/22-247, and provide to John Jenkins an updated Unihan data file, for Unicode Version 15.1.

[173-A56] Action Item for John Jenkins, CJK: Update the Unihan database to reflect the 70 kRSUnicode property value changes, based on document L2/22-200 and as amended in Section 14 of document L2/22-247, for Unicode Version 15.1.

[173-A57] Action Item for John Jenkins, CJK: Improve the documentation about simplified radicals in the Core Specification, based on Section 14 of document L2/22-247, for a future version of the Unicode Standard.

[173-A58] Action Item for Ken Whistler, EDC: Add the numbered annotations for the 214 characters in the Kangxi Radicals block to NamesList.txt, based Section 14 of document L2/22-247 and its attached NamesList-20221021.txt data file, for Unicode Version 15.1.

[173-A59] Action Item for Ken Lunde, CJK: Prepare a proposal for adding numbered annotations for the radicals in the CJK Radicals Supplement block, based on Section 14 of document L2/22-247.

E.1 16) L2/22-190: Proposal for kStrange property value changes and additions

[173-A60] Action Item for John Jenkins, CJK: Apply the property value additions and changes to the kStrange property, based on document L2/22-190 and Section 16 of document L2/22-247, for Unicode Version 15.1.

E.1 23) L2/22-257: An item WG2 N5194 requests a feedback from IRG [IRG N2583]

[173-C14] Consensus: Accept the proposal to change the kIRG_GSource property value of U+31F68 from GXM-00175 to GU-31F68, based on document L2/22-257 and Section 23 of document L2/22-247, for Unicode Version 15.1.

[173-A61] Action Item for Michel Suignard, CJK: Change the kIRG_GSource property value of U+31F68 from GXM-00175 to GU-31F68, based on document L2/22-257 and Section 23 of document L2/22-247, and provide to John Jenkins an updated Unihan data file, for Unicode Version 15.1.

[173-A62] Action Item for John Jenkins, CJK: Update the Unihan database to change the kIRG_GSource property value of U+31F68 from GXM-00175 to GU-31F68, based on document L2/22-257 and Section 23 of document L2/22-247, for Unicode Version 15.1.

E.1 24) L2/22-256: T-Source Glyph Correction and Horizontal Extension [IRG N2580R]

[173-C15] Consensus: Accept the proposal to change the representative glyphs of 21 T-Source ideographs and a four-ideograph horizontal extension, based on document L2/22-256 and Section 24 of document L2/22-247, for Unicode Version 15.1.

[173-A63] Action Item for Michel Suignard, CJK: Add the four new kIRG_TSource property values, based on document L2/22-256 and Section 24 of document L2/22-247, and provide to John Jenkins an updated Unihan data file, for Unicode Version 15.1.

[173-A64] Action Item for John Jenkins, CJK: Update the Unihan database to add the four new kIRG_TSource property values, based on document L2/22-256 and Section 24 of document L2/22-247, for Unicode Version 15.1.

[173-A65] Action Item for Michel Suignard, CJK: Apply the 21 T-Source representative glyph changes to the code chart for the CJK Unified Ideographs (aka URO) block with an updated font provided by TCA, based on document L2/22-256 and Section 24 of document L2/22-247, for Unicode Version 15.1.

E.1 25) L2/22-258: Changing glyphs and IDSs of 97 KR Hanja chars containing ‘叱 (U+53F1)’ [IRG N2549 ROK Response]

[173-C16] Consensus: Accept the proposal to change the representative glyphs of 66 K-Source ideographs, based on document L2/22-258 and Section 25 of document L2/22-247, for Unicode Version 15.1.

[173-A66] Action Item for Michel Suignard, CJK: Apply the 66 K-Source representative glyph changes to the code charts for the CJK Unified Ideographs (aka URO), Extension A, Extension C, Extension F, Extension G, and Extension H blocks with an updated font provided by ROK, based on document L2/22-258 and Section 25 of document L2/22-247, for Unicode Version 15.1.

E.1 26) L2/22-259: V-Source Glyph and Codes Updates (Revised) [IRG N2556R2]

[173-C17] Consensus: Accept the proposal to change the representative glyphs of 33 V-Source ideographs, change the two kIRG_VSource property values, change the seven kRSUnicode property values, change the five kTotalStrokes property values, and incorporate the six-ideograph horizontal extension, based on document L2/22-259 and Section 26 of document L2/22-247, for Unicode Version 15.1.

[173-A67] Action Item for Michel Suignard, CJK: Change the two kIRG_VSource property values, change the seven kRSUnicode property values, change the five kTotalStrokes property values, and add the six new kIRG_VSource property values, based on document L2/22-259 and Section 26 of document L2/22-247, and provide to John Jenkins an updated Unihan data file, for Unicode Version 15.1.

[173-A68] Action Item for John Jenkins, CJK: Update the Unihan database to change the two kIRG_VSource property values, change the seven kRSUnicode property values, change the five kTotalStrokes property values, and add the six new kIRG_VSource property values, based on document L2/22-259 and Section 26 of document L2/22-247, for Unicode Version 15.1.

[173-A69] Action Item for Michel Suignard, CJK: Apply the 33 V-Source representative glyph changes to the code charts for the CJK Unified Ideographs (aka URO), Extension B, Extension C, and Extension E blocks with an updated font provided by Vietnam, based on document L2/22-259 and Section 26 of document L2/22-247, for Unicode Version 15.1.

E.1 29) L2/22-191: Proposal to encode five new Ideographic Description Characters [IRG N2572]
L2/22-227: SAT Feedback to “Preliminary proposal to add a new provisional kIDS property (Unihan)” (IRGN2492) and “Proposal to encode five new Ideographic Description Characters” (IRGN2572)
L2/22-228: Feedback on IRGN2572 “Proposal to encode 5 new ideograph description characters”

[173-C18] Consensus: UTC accepts the following five characters, with names, glyphs, and properties as provided in L2/22-191 and as amended in Section 29 of document L2/22-247, for Unicode Version 15.1


[173-A70] Action Item for Ken Whistler, UTC: Update the Pipeline to add the following five characters


[173-C19] Consensus: UTC accepts the creation of a new binary property of code points, IDS_Unary_Operator, based on document L2/22-191 and Section 29 of document L2/22-247, for Unicode Version 15.1.

[173-A71] Action Item for Ken Whistler, PAG: Update UAX #44 to reflect the new IDS_Unary_Operator property, based on document L2/22-191 and Section 29 of document L2/22-247.

[173-A72] Action Item for Markus Scherer, PAG: Update the UCD’s PropList.txt and PropertyAliases.txt data files to reflect the new IDS_Unary_Operator property, based on document L2/22-191 and Section 29 of document L2/22-247.

[173-A73] Action Item for Rick McGowan, UTC: Post the PRI for the proposed update of UAX #44, to close 2023-01-03.

[173-A74] Action Item for Mark Davis, PAG: Add the new binary property of code points IDS_Unary_Operator to UTS #18 section 2.7 Full Properties. See document L2/22-247.

[173-A75] Action Item for Ken Lunde, CJK: Prepare a description of the five new IDC characters for future incorporation into the Unicode 15.1 landing page.

E.1 27) L2/22-185: Proposed Changes to UAX #45 Status Values

[173-C20] Consensus: Accept the change of the UAX #45 status values N, V, W, and X to FutureWS, Variant, Rejected, and NoAction, respectively, based on document L2/22-185 and Section 27 of document L2/22-247, for Unicode Version 15.1.

[173-A76] Action Item for John Jenkins, CJK: Change the UAX #45 status values N, V, W, and X to FutureWS, Variant, Rejected, and NoAction, respectively, in UAX #45 and in the header of the UAX #45 USourceData.txt data file, based on document L2/22-185 and Section 27 of document L2/22-247, for Unicode Version 15.1.

[173-A77] Action Item for John Jenkins. CJK: Change the UAX #45 status values N, V, W, and X to FutureWS, Variant, Rejected, and NoAction, respectively, in the corresponding records of the UAX #45 USourceData.txt data file, based on document L2/22-185 and Section 27 of document L2/22-247, for Unicode Version 15.1.

[173-A78] Action Item for Rick McGowan, UTC: Post the PRI for the proposed update of UAX #45, to close 2023-01-03.

E.1 28) L2/22-206: Proposal to add 38 characters used for the Chinese traditional musical notation to UAX #45

[173-C21] Consensus: Accept 38 new U-Source ideographs as UTC-03298 through UTC-03335 with a UAX #45 status value of FutureWS, based on document L2/22-206, Section 28 of document L2/22-247, and as amended in discussion, for Unicode Version 15.1.

[173-A79] Action Item for John Jenkins, CJK: Add 38 new records to the UAX #45 USourceData.txt data file and their representative glyphs to USourceGlyphs.pdf, based on document L2/22-206 and as amended in Section 28 of document L2/22-247, for Unicode Version 15.1.

E.1 35) L2/22-238: Proposal to consider adding CodeCharts support for kIRG_KPSource representative glyphs

[173-A80] Action Item for Michel Suignard, CJK: Add the remaining kIRG_KPSource representative glyphs to the code charts for the CJK Unified Ideographs (aka URO), Extension A, and Extension B blocks, based on document L2/22-238 and as amended in Section 35 of document L2/22-247, for a future version of the Unicode Standard.

E.1 15) L2/22-193: Proposal for kRSUnicode and kTotalStrokes changes

[173-C22] Consensus: Accept the nine kRSUnicode and 246 kTotalStrokes property value changes, based on document L2/22-193 and Section 15 of document L2/22-247, for Unicode Version 15.1.

[173-A81] Action Item for Michel Suignard, CJK: Change the nine kRSUnicode and 246 kTotalStrokes property values, based on L2/22-193 and Section 15 of document L2/22-247, and provide to John Jenkins an updated Unihan data file, for Unicode Version 15.1.

[173-A82] Action Item for John Jenkins, CJK: Update the Unihan database to reflect the nine kRSUnicode and 246 kTotalStrokes property value changes, based on document L2/22-193 and Section 15 of document L2/22-247, for Unicode Version 15.1.

E.1 17) L2/22-192: Proposal for kSimplifiedVariant and kTraditionalVariant changes and additions

[173-A83] Action Item for John Jenkins, CJK: Apply the property value additions and changes to the kSimplifiedVariant and kTraditionalVariant properties, based on document L2/22-192 and as amended in Section 17 of document L2/22-247, for Unicode Version 15.1.

[173-A84] Action Item for John Jenkins, CJK: Update Section 3.7.1 of UAX #38 to cover cases of simplified/traditional pairs that are affected by the Source Separation Rule, based on Section 17 of document L2/22-247, for Unicode Version 15.1.

E.1 18) L2/22-226: Five consolidated public feedback items L2/22-255: Response to Feedback Regarding kSimplifiedVariant/kTraditionalVariant Values

[173-A85] Action Item for John Jenkins, CJK: Apply the Unihan database property value removals, additions, and changes, based on documents L2/22-226 and L2/22-255, and as amended in Section 18 of document L2/22-247, for Unicode Version 15.1.

[173-A86] Action Item for John Jenkins, CJK: Update the text of UAX #38 to clarify that some simplified/traditional mappings are informal and do not necessarily agree with formal (aka prescriptive) definitions, based on Section 18 of document L2/22-247, for Unicode Version 15.1.

[173-A87] Action Item for Ken Lunde, CJK: Convey to the feedback submitter the CJK & Unihan Group comments in Section 18 of document L2/22-247. See documents L2/22-226 and L2/22-255.

E.1 19) L2/22-182: New kFourCornerCode values for 660 ideographs

[173-A88] Action Item for John Jenkins, CJK: Apply the kFourCornerCode property value additions to the Unihan database, based on document L2/22-182 and Section 19 of document L2/22-247, for Unicode Version 15.1.

[173-A89] Action Item for John Jenkins, CJK: Update the Description of the kFourCornerCode property in UAX #38 to indicate the modern uses of this property and to better describe the fifth digit in the property value, based on document L2/22-182 and Section 19 of document L2/22-247, for Unicode Version 15.1.

[173-A90] Action Item for Ken Lunde, CJK: Convey to the feedback submitter the CJK & Unihan Group comments in Section 19 of document L2/22-247. See document L2/22-182.

E.1 20) L2/22-184: Updates for Unihan kXHC1983 data

[173-A91] Action Item for John Jenkins, CJK: Apply the kXHC1983 property value removals, additions, and changes to the Unihan database, based on document L2/22-184 and Section 20 of document L2/22-247, for Unicode Version 15.1.

[173-A92] Action Item for John Jenkins, CJK: Review the Description of the kXHC1983 property in UAX #38 and update it as appropriate, based on document L2/22-184 and Section 20 of document L2/22-247, for Unicode Version 15.1.

[173-A93] Action Item for Ken Lunde, CJK: Convey to the feedback submitter the CJK & Unihan Group comments in Section 20 of document L2/22-247. See document L2/22-184.


[173-A94] Action Item for Ken Lunde, CJK: Convey to the feedback submitter the CJK & Unihan Group comments in Section 21 of document L2/22-247. See document L2/22-203.

E.1 33) L2/22-224: Proposal to add back U+2E9A

[173-A95] Action Item for Ken Whistler, EDC: Add a new cross-reference for U+2E9A to NamesList.txt, based on document L2/22-205 and Section 33 of document L2/22-247, for Unicode Version 15.1.

E.1 37) L2/22-253: IRG Meeting #59 Recommendations and Action Items [IRG N2570]

[173-A96] Action Item for Rick McGowan, UTC: Update the “Calendar of Future Meetings and Events” page to reflect the dates and locations for the three future IRG meetings, IRG #60 through IRG #62, based on Section 37 of document L2/22-247.

E.2 Disruptive Changes in GB 18030-2022 [Peter Constable, L2/22-274]


[173-A97] Action Item for Ken Lunde, Peter Constable, Markus Scherer, Josh Hadley: Prepare a liaison communication from the Unicode Consortium to CESI.

Meeting adjourned for the day at 17:47.

Day 3, Thursday, November 3, 2022

Meeting opened at 9:30

4.5 members represented: Adobe, Apple, Google, Microsoft, UCB

C.1 Editorial Committee Report and Recommendations for UTC #173 Meeting [Whistler, L2/22-245]
C.1.1 Public review feedback (July 11 - October 27, 2022) routed to Editorial Committee [McGowan, L2/22-243

Oral report by Ken Whistler, Julie Allen.

[173-A98] Action Item for Rick McGowan, UTC: Close PRI #458.

[173-A99] Action Item for Ken Whistler, EDC: Prepare Revision 9 of UTR #17 for publication.

[173-A100] Action Item for Rick McGowan, UTC: Publish Revision 9 of UTR #17.

[173-A101] Action Item for Rick McGowan, UTC: Close PRI #459.

[173-A102] Action Item for Ken Whistler, EDC: Prepare Revision 15 of UTR #23 for publication.

[173-A103] Action Item for Rick McGowan, UTC: Publish Revision 15 of UTR #23.

[173-C23] Consensus: The UTC authorizes a proposed update of UTR #54, to correct typos and to update the style of the document to reflect current practice for technical reports.

[173-A104] Action Item for Ken Whistler, EDC: Correct the typos in UTR #54 as noted in L2/22-245 [Ivan Panchenko Tue Jul 19 14:30:32 CDT 2022] and prepare a proposed update of the document.

[173-A105] Action Item for Rick McGowan, UTC: Post a proposed update for UTR #54, to close 2023-01-03.

[173-A106] Action Item for Liang Hai, EDC: Correct Figure 13-7, Mongolian Gender Forms, as noted in L2/22-245 [Yasuhiro Inukai Sun Aug 7 06:29:40 CDT 2022] in a future revision of the core specification.

[173-A107] Action Item for Ken Whistler, EDC: Correct the discussion of the deprecation status of U+E007F CANCEL TAG in Section 23.9 of the core specification, in a future revision of the draft. Ref. L2/22-245 [Mark Longley Sun Sep 18 12:29:03 CDT 2022].

[173-A108] Action Item for Rick McGowan, EDC: Adjust the details of Figure 2-13, Unicode Allocation, to better show the impact of the encoding of Extension H, in a future revision of the core specification draft. Ref. L2/22-245 [Markus Scherer Tue Oct 11 15:20:10 CDT 2022].

Demo of Core Spec repo and development by Liang Hai.

C.2 Suggested improvements to the code chart annotations of many Latin extensions [Eduardo Marín Silva, L2/22-252]

Discussion and oral report by Ken Whistler.

D.1 Recommendations to UTC #173 October 2022 on Script Proposals [Anderson, et al, L2/22-248]

D.1.1 Latin: Capital letter f with stroke [Denis Moyogo Jacquerye, L2/22-196]

[173-C24] Consensus: Accept the glyph change for U+A798 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER F WITH STROKE, as documented in L2/22-196, for Unicode 15.1.

[173-A109] Action Item for Deborah Anderson, SAH: Create a glyph erratum for U+A798 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER F WITH STROKE, based on L2/22-196.

[173-A110] Action Item for Ken Whistler, EDC: Modify the annotations for U+2043, U+A798, and U+1799 as suggested in L2/22-196.

D.1.2 Latin: Small letter y with short right leg [Denis Moyogo Jacquerye, L2/22-199]

[173-C25] Consensus: Accept the glyph change for U+AB5A LATIN SMALL LETTER Y WITH SHORT RIGHT LEG, as documented in L2/22-199, for Unicode Version 15.1.

[173-A111] Action Item for Deborah Anderson, SAH: Create a glyph erratum for U+AB5A LATIN SMALL LETTER Y WITH SHORT RIGHT LEG, as described in L2/22-199.

D.1.3 Latin: Small letter blackletter o with stroke [Denis Moyogo Jacquerye, L2/22-198]

[173-A112] Action Item for Ken Whistler, EDC: Add an annotation to U+AB3E LATIN SMALL LETTER BLACKLETTER O WITH STROKE, clarifying the source of the character and its preferred usage for Unicode 15.1. (Ref. L2/22-198).

D.1.4 Egyptian Hieroglyphs: extensions [Michel Suignard, L2/22-265]

[173-A113] Action Item for Deborah Anderson, Andrew Glass, EDC: Update section 11.4 of the Core Spec (p. 449) for Unicode 16.0, clarifying that use of EGYPTIAN HIEROGLYPH INSERT AT MIDDLE is the approach for representing single groups, and the enclosure model should be used for representing more than one group. (Ref. L2/22-265 and section 2 of L2/22-248).

D.1.5 Arabic: Kaf with dot below [Michel Suignard, L2/22-221]

[173-A114] Action Item for Ken Whistler, EDC: Add an annotation to U+08B4 ARABIC LETTER KAF WITH DOT BELOW based on L2/22-221, with the appropriate cross-references for Unicode Version 15.1.

D.1.6 Malayalam and Sinhala: Ardhavisarga D.1.6.1 Use of ARDHAVISARGA in Malayalam and Sinhala [Srinidhi A, Sridatta A, L2/22-214]
D.1.6.2 Response to L2/22-214 [Gihan Dias, L2/22-269

[173-A115] Action Item for Roozbeh Pournader, PAG: Add the values {Sinh, Mlym} to U+1CF2 in ScriptExtensions.txt for Unicode Version 15.1. (Ref. L2/22-214).

D.1.7 Ol Onal script D.1.7.1 Proposal to encode the Ol Onal script [Biswajit Mandal, Jan Kučera, L2/22-151]
D.1.7.2 UTC #173 properties feedback & recommendations (see section Script1) [Scherer et al, L2/22-244

[173-C26] Consensus: Accept 44 Ol Onal characters at U+1E5D0..U+1E5FF, with names, properties, and glyphs as given in document L2/22-151R, in a new Ol Onal block that extends from U+1E5D0..U+1E5FF for a future version of the Unicode Standard. (Ref. section 5 of L2/22-248).

[173-A116] Action Item for Ken Whistler, UTC: Update the Pipeline to include 44 Ol Onal characters in a new Ol Onal block that extends from U+1E5D0..U+1E5FF. (Ref. section 5 of L2/22-248 and L2/22-151R).

[173-A117] Action Item for Jan Kučera, Biswajit Mandal, EDC: Send the Ol Onal font to Michel Suignard. (Ref. section 5 of L2/22-248).

D.1.8 Sharada: Fractions and rupee mark [Srinidhi A, Sridatta A, L2/22-213]

[173-A118] Action Item for Roozbeh Pournader, PAG: Add the value {Shrd} to U+A830..U+A835, U+A838 in ScriptExtensions.txt for Unicode Version 15.1. (Ref. L2/22-213).

D.1.9 Tulu-Tigalari: additional characters
D.1.9.1 Proposal to encode three characters in Tulu-Tigalari [Srinidhi A, Sridatta A, L2/22-260]
D.1.9.2 Comments on encoding the Tigalari script (see section 5) [Srinidhi A, Sridatta A, L2/17-182]
D.1.9.3 Updated proposal to encode the Tulu-Tigalari script in Unicode [Vaishnavi Murthy Yerkadithaya, Vinodh Rajan, L2/22-031

[173-C27] Consensus: Accept U+113D2 TULU-TIGALARI GEMINATION MARK and U+113D3 TULU-TIGALARI SIGN PLUTA, with names, glyphs, and properties as given in L2/22-260, for a future version of the standard. (Ref. section 7 of L2/22-248).

[173-A119] Action Item for Ken Whistler, UTC: Update the Pipeline to include U+113D2 TULU-TIGALARI GEMINATION MARK and U+113D3 TULU-TIGALARI SIGN PLUTA (Ref. section 7 of L2/22-248 and L2/22-260).

[173-A120] Action Item for Deborah Anderson, EDC: Send the Tulu-Tigalari font to Michel Suignard. (Ref. section 7 of L2/22-248).

D.1.10 Kawi: Nukta
D.1.10.1 Proposal to encode KAWI SIGN NUKTA [Febri Muhammad Nasrullah L2/22-236]
D.1.10.2 Review of Kawi code chart of Unicode 15 Alpha (PRI 442) [Waṣkiṭa Kinaṇṭi, Rikza F. Sh., L2/22-093]
D.1.10.3 Canonical combining class for nukta characters [Norbert Lindenberg, L2/22-250

[173-C28] Consensus: Accept U+11F5A KAWI SIGN NUKTA, with name, glyph, and properties as given in L2/22-236 for a future version of the Unicode Standard. (Ref. section 8 of L2/22-248)

[173-A121] Action Item for Ken Whistler, UTC: Update the Pipeline to include U+11F5A KAWI SIGN NUKTA. (Reference: section 8 of L2/22-248 and L2/22-236).

[173-A122] Action Item for Norbert Lindenberg, EDC: Send the Kawi font for nukta to Michel Suignard. (Ref. section 8 of L2/22-248).

[173-A123] Action Item for Deborah Anderson, Norbert Lindenberg, EDC: Prepare a description of the Kawi Nukta combining class as a notable issue for the Unicode Version 16.0 beta. (Ref. section 8 of L2/22-248).

D.1.11 Yo Lai Tay script [Viet Khoi Nguyen, et al, L2/22-208]

Discussion. UTC took no action at this time.

D.1.12 Public review feedback (July 11 - October 27, 2022) routed to Script Ad-Hoc Group [Rick McGowan, L2/22-243]

[173-A124] Action Item for Deborah Anderson: Forward the comments in section 10 of L2/22-248 to David Corbett in response to his feedback [Wed Sep 14 09:07:32 CDT 2022], contained in L2/22-243.

Brief discussion of Sanban Sign, “Do Not Use” datafile.

F.3.2 Recommendations of the source code working group for UTC #173 [Robin Leroy / Source Code WG, L2/22-234R2]

[173-C29] Consensus: Accept the proposals in L2/22-229R “Proposed changes to Unicode properties and reports for source code handling” for changes to the proposed updates of UAX #9, UAX #14, UAX #31, UTS #39, and UTS #51, to the property values for Other_ID_Continue, and to emoji variation sequences, for Unicode Version 15.1.

[173-A125] Action Item for Mark Davis, PAG: Add the zero width joiner and non-joiner to Other_ID_Continue and its derivative properties, as described in P/(A) of L2/22-229R, for Unicode Version 15.1.

[173-A126] Action Item for Mark Davis, ESC: Add sequences to emoji-variation-sequences.txt as described in section P/(B) of L2/22-229R, for Unicode Version 15.1.

[173-A127] Action Item for Mark Davis, PAG: incorporate the changes to UAX #9 described in L2/22-229R into the proposed update, for Unicode Version 15.1.

[173-A128] Action Item for Robin Leroy, PAG: incorporate the changes to UAX #14 described in L2/22-229R into the proposed update, for Unicode Version 15.1.

[173-A129] Action Item for Robin Leroy, PAG: incorporate the changes to UAX #31 described in L2/22-229R into the proposed update, for Unicode Version 15.1.

[173-A130] Action Item for Mark Davis, PAG: incorporate the changes to UTS #39 described in L2/22-229R into the proposed update, for Unicode Version 15.1.

[173-A131] Action Item for Mark Davis, ESC: incorporate the changes to UTS #51 described in L2/22-229R into the proposed update, for Unicode Version 15.1.

[173-A132] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Post PRIs for UAX #9, UAX #31, UTS #39, UTS #51. Ref. L2/22/234R2.

[173-A133] Action Item for Mark Davis, PAG: Work with the ESC to provide recommendations for emoji stability.

[173-A134] Action Item for Mark Davis, PAG: Work with the ESC to develop data that shows the set PSEP and the corresponding mapping to sequences, as defined in the proposed Section 7.2 of UAX #31 from document L2/22-229R.

[173-A135] Action Item for Asmus Freytag, Robin Leroy, Murray Sargent, PAG: Incorporate a discussion of programming language identifiers into a future revision of UTR #25.

[173-C30] Consensus: Authorize a Proposed Draft Unicode Technical Standard #55, Unicode Source Code Handling, as described in document L2/22-229R “Proposed changes to Unicode properties and reports for source code handling”, for release at the same time as Unicode Version 15.1.

[173-A136] Action Item for Robin Leroy, PAG: Incorporate the text from L2/22-229R into the proposed draft UTS #55, for release at the same time as Unicode Version 15.1.

[173-A137] Action Item for Ken Whistler, EDC: Add a reference to UTS #55 to UAX #41, for Unicode Version 15.1.

[173-A138] Action Item for Mark Davis, PAG: Draft a proposed update of UTR #36 that incorporates references to the proposed UTS #55.

[173-A139] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Post PRIs for UTR #36, UAX #41, UTS #55. Ref. L2/22/234R2.

[173-N1] Note: The UTC notes documents L2/22-230 “Mathematical notation profile for default identifiers”, L2/22-231R “Mixed-script detection in identifier chunks”, and L2/22-232 “Unicode identifier styles”, but takes no further action.

[173-C31] Consensus: The UTC recommends to the officers that they establish a Category A liaison between The Unicode Consortium and ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 22 (Programming languages, their environments and system software interfaces), with Robin Leroy as the liaison officer.

[173-N2] Note: The following areas should be considered by the PAG as part of prior action 172-A82: