| Global Adaptation Network (GAN)

Global Adaptation Network

A Knowledge-Sharing Platform For Climate Adaptation

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Building Resilience To Climate Change

Climate change is here and reducing carbon emissions is no longer enough to halt the impacts. Many countries are realizing it's time to start adapting to a warming world. The Global Adaptation Network (GAN) is helping the world to build resilience towards climate change by spreading adaptation knowledge. A growing number of organisations and research institutes are hastily assessing how humanity can best prepare for increasing climatic extremes. The Global Adaptation Network acts as an umbrella system across the world, linking these various organisations, many of which bear a focus towards the regions most vulnerable to the impacts of global warming. When cutting-edge solutions are developed, they must be shared with those who need them.

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Check out our podcast, Resilience: The Global Adaptation Podcast! Here, we bring you inspiring stories from people all over the world who are adapting to climate change in practical, creative and innovative ways.

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