Committee of Permanent Representatives | UNEP - UN Environment Programme

Committee of Permanent Representatives

The Committee of Permanent Representatives is an intersessional subsidiary organ of the United Nations Environment Assembly that:

The Committee of Permanent Representatives, in accordance with Governing Council decision 19/32, comprises accredited representatives of all the States Members of the United Nations, of the specialized agencies of the United Nations and of the European Union, whether based in Nairobi or elsewhere.

Representatives to the Committee of Permanent Representatives can become accredited through the accreditation process outlined here.

Member States are encouraged to send timely updates about any changes to their representation in the Committee of Permanent Representatives to the following email address: unep‑

Read more about the Committee of Permanent Representatives


Annual Report 2024

In this report, UNEP calls for a dramatic uptick in ambition and action for the environment. The world must pull together to build a fairer, more sustainable planet.




Since October 2024, UNEP Secretariat of Governing bodies is using the e-deleGATE platform to send emails to Member States, IGO and UN employees. Learn more

UN Journal for Nairobi

UN JournalThe UN Journal for Nairobi provides a calendar of official meetings of the governing bodies of UNEP as well as other meetings organized by UNEP and held in Nairobi.

Contact us

The Secretariat of Governing Bodies is responsible for supporting the governing bodies of UN Environment Programme.

United Nations Avenue, Gigiri
PO Box 30552, 00100
Nairobi, Kenya
Tel: +254 20 7623431


Last updated: 10 Mar 2025, 16:02