The Japanese Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and Technology (MEXT) is recruiting international students for the Japanese Government Scholarship program to receive guidance in the field of mechanical engineering at the Graduate School of Engineering, Tokai University.
Program Name 募集プログラム名 | Cultivation of next-generation engineers for advanced human-robot symbiosis in ASEAN countries. 先端人間共生型ロボティクス開発を担うASEAN諸国の次世代技術者育成 |
Course 募集専攻 | Course of Mechanical Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering 工学研究科機械工学専攻 |
Admission quota 募集人数 | 3 |
Nationality 国籍 | 【ASEAN(10 countries)】 Singapore, Brunei Darussalam, Myanmar, Laos, Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam, Malaysia, Philippines, and Indonesia *Priority is given to international students from the following regions of focus. 【東南アジア(10ヵ国)】 シンガポール、ブルネイ、ミャンマー、ラオス、タイ、カンボジア、ベトナム、マレーシア フィリピン、インドネシア ※重点地域からの外国人留学生を優先する。 |
Faculty Member 受入教員 | |
Language 対象言語 | English, Japanese |
Application period 募集期間 | Monday, November 25, to Friday, 〔The application must arrive by the last day of the period.〕 * All times and dates indicated in this application shall refer to Japan Standard Time. 2024年11月25日(月)~ ※本出願における日時の表示は日本標準時間とします。 |
Education Expenses 教育費 | Fees for the entrance examination, matriculation, and tuition at universities must be paid by the accepting university. 大学における入学検定料、入学金及び授業料等は受入大学が負担します。 |
Scholarship 奨学金 | Regular students enrolled in master’s or professional degree courses: 144,000 yen per month, and round-trip travel expenses will be covered. 月額144,000 円、往復の旅費が支給されます。 |
For more information, please find the admission guidelines. 詳細については、募集要項をお読みください。 |
1. Guidelines-for-Admission-for-MEXT-Scholarship-of-Japanese-Government |
3. Field of Study and Research Plan_専攻分野及び研究計画 |