Extra support during your studies

There are circumstances that can make studying difficult. Because of an illness, functional impairment or mental health issues, you may need extra support during your studies. But also when you are pregnant, parenting or caring for others, you may need extra support to continue your studies. 

We can help you get the best out of yourself and your studies. For example, by granting you extra time to take an exam or allowing you to use a laptop with speech software. It is also possible to agree on an adjusted study schedule and to get an exception for the binding recommendation. But how do you arrange this? We help you with tips and information on how to apply for extra support as a (prospective) student.

What is your situation?

In the education guide we describe for different situations, such as ADHD, autism and dyslexia, what you can do yourself and what TU/e can do for you. You will also find information about financial arrangements and the peer support platform. 

Prospective student?

Are you starting a degree program at TU/e soon and need extra support? When registering in Studielink, indicate that you need extra support and contact our student counselors via studentcounselors@tue.nl at least three months before the start of the academic year. The student counselor will discuss your situation with you and can request facilities for you.  
To request the standard examination time extension (10-minute extension per hour), you do not need to make an appointment with the student counselor. If you upload an expert’s report via the digital registration form that you receive from us in July, we will make sure that your examination extension is arranged before the start of the academic year. 

Are you already a student at TU/e?

If you're currently studying at TU/e and require extra support during your studies, you can find all the necessary information in the education guide. It's important to inform your academic advisor and student counselor as soon as possible if you believe you're experiencing study delays due to personal circumstances, such as illness, functional impairments or mental health issues. They will work with you to help prevent or minimize any delays in your studies caused by these circumstances.

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