This page is dedicated to those who, while no longer among us, dedicated so selflessly their time and talents to further the work of our committee. If you have a personal remembrance or the name and information for a member not listed, please let us know.
Allan, Dennis J. (IEEE Fellow)
Internationally renowned Professor Dennis J. Allan passed away in early July 2018. He was a member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), a member of the Institution of Electrical Engineers (IEE), a member of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers (IMECHE), the former Chairman of IEC TC14 (transformers) and IEC SC 36A (bushings), Director and Technical Manager of GEC ALSTOM T&D Transformers Limited, Stafford (1987-1997), and technological advisor to GEC ALSTOM since 2005.
Dennis held a patent for “Methods of making power distribution transformers”, Patent number: 5566443” October 12, 1994, was Chair of the CIGRE Power Transformer and Reactor Study Committee SC A2 from 1986-1994 and co-authored Chapter 1 in the “Electric Power Transformer Engineering”book.
Dennis was an IEEE Life Fellow and received his Fellowship in 1992 for contributions to the design and development of power transformers. He was a Transformers Committee Member from ~1976 until 2005 and continued to participate until 2013. Dennis was particularly active in the Dielectric Test Tables WG, PD Measurement Guide WG, and the Moisture in Oil TF.
John Graham: “Dennis was a great mentor to me personally through my standards work with IEC and IEEE and our time in the HVET organization.”
Bill Chiu: “..we all knew Dennis as one of the industry’s technical pillars of our time.”
Additional Photo: S02-Vancouver
Andersen, Odd Walter (IEEE Life Sr. Member)
1929 – 2019
Former Electric Power Engineering professor, Odd Walter Andersen, died on January 17, 2019. He was close to 90 years old and was born in Oslo on March 16, 1929.
After graduating with a master’s degree in Electrical Engineering from the Institute of Technology (NTH), Trondheim, Norway in 1952, he was employed for 4 years at EGA, the Norwegian department of AEG, in Bergen, Norway. After a trainee stay in Germany, he became the head of the EGA’s department for the production and repair of large generator and motor windings in 1953. In Bergen, he met his wife, Randi, whom he married in 1956. Earlier, the same year, he had accepted a tempting job offer from General Electric (GE) in Canada. Odd Walter worked on the optimization of generators for large hydropower plants. At this time the use of computers in engineering was still in its infancy, and engineering calculations were typically performed using tables and slide rule calculators. However, Odd Walter Andersen realized early on the potential of computers and how they could be used to achieve more optimal solutions to technical problems in electric power.
In 1964, the family moved back to Trondheim, where he obtained a position as a lecturer at his alma mater, NTH. In 1985, he became a full professor of Electrical Engineering at NTH (later NTNU), with special responsibility for teaching and research in electrical machines. He constantly alternated between teaching and consulting for the national and international electric power industry. After a research stay at GE Schenectady in 1967-1968, he continued to study and received the degree of Tekn. Dr. (PhD) in 1969, awarded by Chalmers University of Technology in Gothenburg, Sweden. The topif of the doctoral work was computer-assisted construction and optimization of large synchronous machines and transformers. His computer programs and their ability to solve practical engineering problems were valued by relevant industries around the world.
His long industrial experience and great knowledge of the field, as well as his personal courage, were of great importance in his work as a lecturer and supervisor and mentor for students and faculty. Until his retirement in 1999, he continued to develop computer programs and teaching material related to both the basic design of electrical machines and the practical use of the finite element method for calculating electromagnetic fields, induced currents and forces.
Odd Walter Andersen’s industrial experience, great professional knowledge and courage was of great use in his work as a lecturer, academic supervisor, and mentor for students and faculty. Until his retirement in 1999, he continued to develop computer programs and teaching material related to both the basic design of electrical machines and the practical use of the finite element method for calculating electromagnetic fields, induced currents and forces.
The eldest of the undersigned had Odd Walter Andersen as a lecturer and later as a colleague. We remember him as a cheerful, tall person who in the 1970s could be constantly observed wandering between the central building’s computer terminal and his office in the building of the Electrical Engineering Department, carrying thick piles of punched cards. As young students, we were also impressed by his effortless use of different languages. He was fluent in English and German, both written and spoken – probably a result of a great general interest in languages, combined with many stays abroad. He had, for example, learned practical German in AEG and as a conscript in the Independent Norwegian Brigade Group in Germany, before he began studying at NTH in 1948
As a retiree, he continued to further develop and update his field calculation programs for use on Windows-based PCs. He used internet-based solutions for publishing and presenting selected publications and computer program modules. Until the end he maintained a personal website (now discontinued) where he presented his professional work, as well as opinion pieces that he got published in Norwegian newspapers and magazines. He was an active debater who used his vast knowledge in engineering to fight against what he perceived as unfortunate developments. Early on, for example, he became an eager opponent against wind power development in Norway. He believed that we should secure our electricity supply with a few large gas power plants, rather than many small wind power plants, which he thought were technically unsatisfactory and without environmental benefits.
Odd Walter Andersen was appointed lifelong senior member of the IEEE, and he was elected as a member of the Norwegian Academy of Engineering Sciences (NTVA) in 1971
With the passing of Odd Walter Andersen, society has lost a committed, knowledgeable and respected professional who has left clear traces behind both in the industry and academia.
On behalf of colleagues at the Department of Electric Power Engineering, NTNU
Erling Ildstad, Ole-Morten Midtgård, Roy Nilsen and Tore Undeland
Professors in Electric Power Engineering
Anderson, Greg
1963 – 2024
Greg was born and raised near Beaumont, TX. As a child, Greg enjoyed taking things apart to see how they worked. He got his pilot’s license before his driver’s license. He earned his electrical engineering degree from Lamar University, and his MBA from the University of Kansas. He worked for several companies, including Black and Veatch and OPPD, before starting his own consulting business, GW Anderson and Associates, in 2003.
Greg and his wife, Peggy, were married for 31 years and have two children, Erik & Alicia. Greg enjoyed traveling for work and pleasure, and was able to visit many countries around the world. He always wanted the best for his family, friends, and church family, and would go out of his way to help any in need.
Greg became a Committee Member in November of 1997. He was the Chair of the Meeting Planning SC from 2010 – 2017, Committee Treasurer from 2009 – 2017, and involved in many WGs and SCs during his long tenure with the Committee. Most recently he was the Chair of C57.150, Transportation Guide. . He received the Meritorious Service Award at the fall 2008 meeting in Porto, Portugal for his pioneering work for the Committee in development of processes and procedures for meetings planning and arrangements, in the specification, refinement, and implementation of the Association Management System for Committee record keeping and communication, and in responsibly maintaining Committee financial records and developing processes to allow the Committee to meet the growing financial auditing requirements of the IEEE. He also received the Distinguished Service Award from the Committee at the fall 2014 meeting in Washington, DC, as well as an award for perfect attendance at the 100th Anniversary meeting in the spring of 2018, in Pittsburgh, PA.
Greg’s was a great person and his presence and longstanding commitment to the Committee will be very much missed.
Susan McNelly: “Greg’s attention to the details during his years as Committee Meeting Planner was truly amazing. I still remember his pointing out how much each bar and each cup of coffee cost. He was certainly a steward of the Committee’s finances. He was very dedicated to the Committee and its work, as well as making sure that everyone felt welcome. He seemed to virtually know everyone attending the meetings and he knew whether you were or weren’t registered! ”
Ramsis Girgis: “Sue described Greg exactly the way he was. I venture to say that the Committee was Greg’s baby, demonstrated in his incredible dedication, and great care for the committee and its work. Greg was a colleague and a good friend to me, and many members of the committee. He will be truly missed. A couple of weeks before passing, I sent his family a message that I looked forward to seeing him in St. Louis (my hometown) in the fall!”
Additional Photos: S2003-Raleigh,, F2003-Pittsburgh, ,F2004-Las Vegas,, S2005-Jackson-1, S2005-Jackson-2,, S2005-Jackson-3, S2006-Costa Mesa,, S2008-Charlotte-1, S2008-Charlotte-2,, F2008-Porto-1, F2008-Porto-2,, F2008-Porto-3, S2009-Miami,, F2009-Lombard, S2010-Houston,, F2010-Toronto-1, F2010-Toronto-2,, S2011-San Diego, F2011-Boston-1,, F2011-Boston-2, F2011-Boston-3,, S2012-Nashville-1, S2012-Nashville-2,, S2012-Nashville-3, F2012-Milwaukee-1,, F2012-Milwaukee-2, F2012-Milwaukee-3,, S2013-Munich-1, S2013-Munich-2,, S2013-Munich-3, S2013-Munich-4,, S2013-Munich-5, F2013-St. Louis,, S2014-Savannah-1, S2014-Savannah-2,, S2014-Savannah-3, S2014-Savannah-4,, F2014-WashingtonDC-1, F2014-WashingtonDC-2,, F2014-WashingtonDC-3, F2014-WashingtonDC-4,, S2015-San Antonio-1, S2015-San Antonio-2,, F2015-Memphis-1, F2015-Memphis-2,, F2015-Memphis-3, S2016-Atlanta-1,, S2016-Atlanta-2, F2016-Vancouver-1,, F2016-Vancouver-2, S2017-New Orleans-1,, S2017-New Orleans-2, F2017-Louisville-1,, F2017-Louisville-2, F2017-Louisville-3,, F2017-Louisville-4, F2017-Louisville-5,, S2018-Pittsburgh-1, S2018-Pittsburgh-2,, S2018-Pittsburgh-3, S2018-Pittsburgh-4,, S2018-Pittsburgh-5, F2018-Jacksonville,, S2019-Columbus, S2022-Denver,, F2022-Charlotte S2023-Milwaukee,, F2023-Kansas City,
Barker, Ronald “Ron” Lee
1942 – 2020
Ron Barker graduated from Virginia Tech, where he co-oped at Virginia Power (Dominion). He continued his career there, retiring after 42 years as an electrical engineer and as a member of IEEE. Ron became a Transformers Committee Member in 1992. He was a lifetime member of the Tuckahoe Volunteer Rescue Squad, a member of The Order of the Founders and Patriots of America and a member of First Baptist Church.
Don Fallon: “…I have very fond memories of the friendships established in my earliest days on the Committee, in the 1980’s, and those included Ron, a perfect Southern gentlemen who at the same time was also very down to earth and funny. Ron was totally competent and professional, but with a relaxed manner, and always with a smile. We will all miss him.”
Cliff Thompson: “What a privilege to have known and worked with Ron for 40 yrs. He will be missed.”
Mark Haas: “Gods Speed to our dear departed friend. He will be missed. We all have a lot of wonderful memories.”
Additional Photo: Virginia Power
Bartnikas, Ray
1936 – 2022
Ray Bartnikas passed away on September 13, 2022. Ray was born in Latvia during troubled times. His parents were eventually able to settle as refugees in Canada. He obtained his BASc degree in electrical engineering from the University of Toronto in 1958 and the MEng and PhD degrees from McGill University in Montreal in 1962 and 1964, respectively, also in electrical engineering. In 1958 he joined the Cable Development Laboratories of the Northern Electric Company in Lachine, Quebec, where he carried out work on ionization discharges in cavities, and on dielectric losses in cable insulating systems. In 1963 he joined the Northern Electric Research and Development Laboratories in Ottawa, where he continued his work on discharges and dielectrics, becoming increasingly involved in thin film dielectrics with application to integrated circuits and semiconductor devices. In 1968 he joined the Institute de Recherche d’Hydro Quebec (IREQ), engaging in research on partial discharge phenomena and on the properties and aging of dielectric materials with applications to high voltage cables, transformers, and rotating machines. In1980 he was appointed scientific director of the Materials Science Department. One of his major achievements there was the design at IREQ’s High Power Lab of an accelerated aging experiment for stator bars, with three simultaneous aging factors (electrical, thermal, and mechanical), a world premiere.
Ray was author of hundreds of scientific and technical papers in the areas of dielectrics, gaseous discharges, partial discharge, and associated measurement techniques. He was the editor of the ASTM monograph/book series Engineering Dielectrics and published two books, titled Elements of Cable Engineering and Power Cable Engineering. He was adjunct professor at the University of Waterloo, the École Polytechnique de Montréal, and McGill University, supervising numerous graduate students. From 1995 to 2014 he was a visiting professor at the University of Rome La Sapienza in Italy. During this period of time, Ray collaborated with Professor Massimo Pompili. In the early stages of this collaboration, Ray and Massimo pioneered the setting up of partial discharge ultra-wideband (UWB) detection systems for insulating liquids, with important findings that are applied worldwide today. The collaboration with Massimo continued through Ray’s work as a well-known guest editor of IEEE Transaction on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation on the subjects of partial discharges and dielectric liquids, and breakdown measurement in dielectric liquids.
Ray was a recipient of many scientific awards, which covered his office walls at IREQ. From IEEE, he received in 1980 the IEEE Thomas Dakin Distinguished Technical Contributions Award, the IEEE Centennial Medal, in 1987 the IEEE DEIS J.B. Whitehead Lecture Award, in 1989 the IEEE Morris E. Leeds Award “for the development of widely used measurement techniques for dielectric materials and insulation systems,” and in 1993 the IEEE Canada McNaughton Medal recognizing his contributions to the engineering profession in Canada. From ASTM, he received the Charles B. Dudler Award in 1985 and the Arnold H. Scott Award from Committee D9. Of particular note was his investiture as an officer of the Order of Canada in 1999, a distinction that is rarely given to engineers.
He was a Life Fellow of the IEEE (1997), ASTM (1985), the Institute of Physics (UK), and the Royal Society of Canada (Academy of Science division). He was chair of the ASTM Committee on Electrical and Electronic Insulation Materials (D27) from 1979 to 1985. He also served as the first president of the IEEE Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation Society in 1977 and 1978 and was a member of the IEEE Energy Committee and the IEEE PES Insulated Conductors Committee. He was international chair of the IEC TC10 Committee on Insulating Fluids from 2008 to 2013. He was also active member of the IEEE PES Transformers Committee.
Michel Duval, who has been his colleague at IREQ since 1970, said he benefited a lot from his mentorship, encouraged by him to serve as a volunteer for the IEEE Montreal section and other IEEE committees. Laurent Lamarre, who has been another of his colleagues at IREQ since 1982, said his contributions to IREQ and to the field of electrical insulation and partial discharges are immense.
Ray was survived by his wife, Margaret (nee McLachlan), and two children, Andrea Stang (Brent) and Thomas Bartnikas (Lisa). Ray will be greatly missed.
Bennon, Sal (IEEE Fellow)
1914 – 2002
Sal contributed significantly to the Committee and to the Industry, and leaves behind many friends within our ranks. He earned a BSEE and MSEE from the University of Pennsylvania; and became an IEEE Fellow in 1966 for his contributions to the design of transformers and calculations of performance, especially in the field of impulse voltage distribution. In addition, he was awarded the Order of Merit from Westinghouse Electric in 1945; and was Chair of the Transformers Committee from 1978 to 1979.
Bonucchi, Joseph Victor
1926 – 2014
Joe worked for Public Service Company of Indiana and afterward retiring moved to Arizona. Joe was an active participant of the Transformers Committee and served through the officer’s progression to become Chair from 1979 to 1980.
Brush Jr., Edwin Franklyn (Ned)
1941 – 2016
Ned attended local schools in Cleveland Heights, Ohio and went on to receive four degrees at M.I.T. including a Doctorate of Science in 1967 in Materials Science and Engineering. He was fascinated by how metallurgical processes worked and how they could be improved. His business career focused on consulting and he worked closely with both the copper development industry and electrical transformer industry. Ned was a consultant for most of his 50+ years in the electrical industry, where he had many clients with challenging materials issues.
He particularly loved his association with the IEEE Transformers Committee and did his best to assist with transformer technology development. He hoped to continue his influence by assisting with new understanding about Distribution Transformer Loading.
Ned left behind his dear wife, Deborah Whitaker, a professor and Assistant Dean of Admissions at Boston University School of Medicine; son, Edwin Brush III, a pilot in the Navy; and daughter, Kathryn Rethman.
Ned loved the ocean and lived next to the Pemaquid Point Light House in New Harbor, Maine. Ned always prided himself on being a direct descendent from the Mayflower Crossing in 1620.
Ned will always be remembered for his infectious smile, and his genuine interest in people and almost any subject.
Additional Photos: S10-Houston, S11-San Diego, F13-St. Louis, F13-St. Louis, S15-San Antonio
Cash, Donald James
1933 – 2013
Don Cash was a graduate of Port Huron High School, Port Huron Junior College and the University of Michigan. He was a principal engineer at Detroit Edison for 33 years and also worked at Nevada Power and Light for five years, and with Entergy in New Orleans and as an electrical consultant. He was a member of IEEE, Toastmasters, Past Commodore of the Edison Boat Club and attended Blue Water Christian Church. Don loved to travel and anything to do with computers.
Don and his wife Wilma were hosts of our committee meeting in 1983 in Detroit, and again in 2004 in Las Vegas … 21 years between meetings!
Additional Photos: F04-Las Vegas (Don & Wilma), F04-Las Vegas, F04-Las Vegas
Claiborne, C Clair
Dr. Claiborne initially wanted to be a chemist and began his career in 1973 as a chemotechnician with Sud-Chemie A.G. in Moosburg, Germany. After two years he decided to continue his studies in the filed of materials. He received a BA in chemistry from the University of Kansas specializing in electrical transformers. He served as an engineer at James Manufacturing Inc., a research assistant at Northwestern University and a research chemist at Phillips Petroleum. In 1984, with a PhD in material science from Northwestern, he became a senior scientist at Westinghouse Electric Company between 1984 and 1991. Clair spent 26 years with ABB progressing through several positions during this time, before starting his own consulting company, Claiborne Consulting, LLC.
One of his biggest achievements, along with Dr. T.V. Oommen, was the invention of Biotemp, a biodegradable vegetable oil used to deliver high performance power transformer insulation. He was the author of two industry texts “Working with Metals” and “Working with Non-Metals” in 1981, as well as more than 75 articles in various peer-reviewed journals. He holds 10 US patents and 4 European patents.
Clair was an ASTM Fellow. He was also an IEEE PES Transformer Committee member from 2009 to his passing. He was actively involved in the Insulating Fluids SC for many years, and was the Vice Chair of C57.147, Natural Ester Guide.
Clair enjoyed Amateur Radio (KC3WJ), traveling, and had a great joy in is Audi cars. At the time of his passing, Clair was survived by his wife Patricia.
Tribute excerpts:
C Patrick McShane: “As a colleague in the electrical power materials industry, Clair and I participated in numerous technical and standards meetings. As a fellow celiac, we shared many gluten free meals, often with our wives, wherever the industry meetings took us worldwide. Highly respected in our industry, many current and future materials researchers will be standing on his shoulders for years to come. I and my colleagues will miss his quiet, kind & thoughtful personality.”
Don Cherry: “I first met Clair when I started working at ABB in 2001. He and TV Oommen trained me in working with insulating liquids and helped me transition into the industry. This began a long relationship with Clair as my mentor, colleague and friend. Over the years we worked together serving on committees in IEEE, ASTM, Cigre’ and IEC, and collaborated on many projects and publications.”
“Clair was truly a gifted scientist and he will be sorely missed. Rest in peace my friend.”
Paul Griffin: “Clair was an excellent materials scientist with a complete knowledge few had of the integrated insulation system of transformers. Clair was great to work with because besides being knowledgeable he was also a very nice person. Easy to speak with and spend time with.”
Lance Lewand: “I got to know Clair in the mid 1980s through our mutual participation in the ASTM D27 committee. His encyclopedic knowledge of all things transformer materials and insulating liquids significantly advanced my knowledge in our industry and he was willing to share his valuable wisdom with all those that asked. I considered him a mentor, colleague and friend.”
Additional Photos: S08-Charlotte (w/Patricia), F08-Porto, F17-Louisville, S18-Pittsburgh 1, S18-Pittsburgh 2, F18-Jacksonville 1, F18-Jacksonville 2, S19-Anaheim, F19-Columbus
Compton, Olin
1925 – 2009
Olin had an outstanding career of 48 years at Virginia Electric & Power Co., and although an excellent engineer in many areas, he became a transformer expert. As an expert, he was an advisor to transformer research projects with the U.S. Department of Energy and mentor to many engineers. Olin was extremely active in standards; was a representative to ANSI for 12 years; and contributed to numerous Transformers Committee sponsored standards. He became Chair of the Transformers Committee 1987-1988, and was the Performance Characteristics Subcommittee Chair before that. Olin was very active in his church and community, and committed substantial time to his support of Habitat for Humanity during his retirement.
Darwin, Alan
Alan passed away June 23, 2022. He was a Committee Member from 2003 until his death. Alan was a committed and active member of the Committee.
Additional Photos: Spring 2008-Charlotte Sue & Alan, Spring 2013-Munich Award, Spring 2013-Munich Social
Degeneff, Robert (Bob)
Bob was born in 1943, and started his professional journey in 1962 completing a BSME from General Motors Institute (Kettering University) and a Masters of Engineering in Electric Power at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI). Bob then served four years in the Air Force. After leaving the service, he joined General Electric Company’s Power Transformer Department and at the same time worked on achieving his Doctorate from RPI. He worked for GE for 16 years and next became a professor at RPI in the world wide recognized Electric Power Department. During this time, he also founded and continued to direct his own company for consulting and the production of power quality mitigation products that are in use around the world.
In addition to his professional career, he was an active participant in the Electric Power community as an active participant in IEEE and CIGRE. Early in his career, he was Secretary, Treasurer, Vice-Chairman, and Chairman of the Berkshire Section of IEEE and throughout his career; he participated in numerous working groups in both IEEE and CIGRE. A key contribution was his leadership of the working group that developed the guide for facilitating the understanding of switching transients induced by transformer, switching device, and system interaction. Bob also served for many years as our Technical Editor.
He was recognized as an IEEE Fellow, in 1993, for his contributions to the modeling and computation of transient voltages in transformer windings, was awarded the IEEE Herman Halperin award and the Transformers Committees’ 2015 Distinguished Service award.
Bob held eight patents, published a book and numerous papers (two of which were IEEE prize papers) and technical articles, and was a professional Engineer in the State of New York
Bob was also committed to his family and was an active participant in his church. In his free time, he enjoyed woodworking and associated antique tools, history, raising fruit trees, bee keeping, and collecting old technical books.
Additional Photos: F07-Minneapolis, S08-Charlotte, S08-Charlotte, S14-Savannah, S18-Pittsburgh
Duckett, Don
Don was an Electrical Engineer working on transformer designs and software programming most of his career. He developed two patents and was the recipient of the Thomas Edison award. Don was a Transformers Committee Member. He was also an avid Ham Radio Operator and participant of local and national Emergency Response Coordination when needed.
Dunlap, David
Ebert, John Arnold
1924 – 2007
Those of us who have been in the industry for more than a few years, particularly those associated with our Committee, knew John as a perfect gentleman, a good friend, and an extremely well talented and skilled engineer. John was actively involved in Committee work for many years.
John was a 1947 graduate of the University of Wisconsin-Madison College of Engineering and obtained his master’s degree from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. John worked as a transformer design engineer at the Allis Chalmers Co. before becoming the chief design engineer for ASEA Electric in Waukesha. John remained with the company through several name changes and retired in 1996. John was a member of IEEE, Toastmasters International and Faith Baptist Church of Waukesha.
Ellis, Keith Phillips
1948 – 2023
Keith Phillips Ellis, 74, passed away peacefully on February 13, 2023 in Opelika Alabama surrounded by his family.
At an early age Keith was fascinated with cars, especially fast ones. Because he learned how to build and repair engines, he was able to rebuild a 1926 Model T Ford. His love of cars and racing took him from working at Mare Island Naval Shipyard to the automotive sales industry. When he moved with his family to Wisconsin, he met and married Penny Ann Nichols, on April 24th, 1971 and together they had one daughter.
He eventually found his calling and entered his lifelong career in power engineering and high voltage electrical products after completing his degree. He was a proud member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) and developed lifelong friendships with his colleagues.
Following retirement, he started a consulting business and in the culmination of his career authored his book “Bushings for Power Transformers. A Handbook for Power Engineers.” Keith was an active member of the Transformers Committee and was particularly active in the Bushings Subcommittee.
Peter Zhao: “I know Keith was passionate about the bushings, and his contributions to the bushings standards will be remembered.”
Additional Information: Spring 2010 Houston-1, Spring 2010 Houston-2, KEllis-1, KEllis-2, KEllis-3,
Fischer, Heinz G
Heinz G. Fischer passed away while working on his house in St. John, US Virgin Islands on April 9, 2018 at the age of 89. Heinz was a long-time Member of the IEEE Transformer Committee. He started his engineering career at Brown Boveri Transformer Division located in the city of Basel, Switzerland. In 1964 he was recruited by Westinghouse at the Muncie, IN transformer plant. In the late 1960’s he joined Allis Chalmers before finally settling down with EHV Weidmann as the VP of Engineering and Sales. He was also elected to the EHV Weidmann Board of Directors in 1972.
Heinz retired in 1994 spending winters skiing in Vermont and summers in the USVI. He and his wife Lindi were both private pilots in airplanes and hot air balloons and traveled to all seven continents. They were the oldest married couple at ages 79 and 72 respectively to cross country ski to the north pole. Heinz was a manager, engineer, teacher, mentor and most of all a good friend to many young and old engineers in the transformer industry and will be missed by many.
Additional Photos: Retirement, Heinz
Golner, Thomas M
1950 – 2018
Tom graduated from Marquette University with a BS in Chemistry and Masters in Electrical Engineering. He employed at SPX Waukesha. He was an active participant in the Transformer Committee meetings for many years.
Tom was a member of the Milwaukee Porsche Club and the Microlite Flyers. He enjoyed bird watching, bowling, horse racing, auto racing, watching old movies and playing golf and softball.
Additional Photos: Bowling
Grunert, Robert
1943 – 2008
Bob was retired from ERMCO and RG Services, a member of St. Mary’s Episcopal Church, Dyersburg Choral Society, Leadership Dyer County, a board member of the Dyersburg-Dyer County Chamber of Commerce, bishop and council of the West Tennessee Episcopal Diocese, a member of the Community Concert Board and the Dyer County Arts Council. Bob was a Senior Life Member of IEEE and a member of the IEEE/PES Transformers Committee.
Additional Photos: S04-San Diego
Gryszkiewicz, Francis J.
1948 – 2007
Frank was born in Westfield, MA in 1948. He graduated from Lowell Technical College and was an electrical engineer with Doble Engineering grew up in Frank was an active participant in Committee activities at least since the early 80’s, and he served for many years from the 90’s as our Insulating Fluids Subcommittee Chair. Many of our members and participants knew Frank as a friend and a very capab and knowledgeable Committee Member, and we all benefited from our association with him.
Hachichi, Saïd
Saïd graduated from Laval University in Quebec, Canada in electrical engineering. He had a long career in the electrical industry in the field of power transformers his passion and other electrical equipment. An electrical engineer with Hydro-Québec for more than 32 years, Saïd kept a passion for his profession. An active member of the CSA (Canadian Standard Association) and of the IEEE PES Transformers Committee (Committee Member), he contributed to the creation and publication of numerous standards in this field. Saïd was an active member of several SCs and WGs within the Transformers Committee.
Hall, A.C. (Sam)
Sam was born Arthur Conway Hall in 1932 in Westerhope, Northumberland, England. He started his professional career in 1948 as an apprentice at C A Parsons in Newcastle. His education was interrupted when he contracted TB in 1952. After completing the Higher National Diploma (HND), Sam took an external degree in high voltage engineering from Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh. He was awarded the prestigious Parsons Prize for computer aided transformer design, and worked his way up to Chief Design Engineer at Parsons. In 1965 he joined the Central Electricity Generating Board (CEGB) as Transformer Engineer. Sam officially retired in 1997, but continued as an international consultant, including work on HVDC transformer failures in India.
Sam’s many contributions to the transformer industry included the development of a specification for railway supply transformers, initiating research on Frequency Response Analysis (FRA) for detecting winding movement in transformers, introducing on-line gas monitoring, developing transformer thermal modeling, and CIGRE reports on Streaming Electrification, Transformer Specification, and Reliability Surveys.
Additional Photos: 2003 CIGRE TR Colliquium, Merida, Mexico
Harris, David Laing
David Laing Harris, age 77, of Oconomowoc, WI formerly of New Berlin, WI and Williamstown, NY, passed away surrounded by his family on Thursday, November 26, 2020. David enjoyed traveling with Joyce and his family, traveling for work where he visited all 50 states, spending time with family and at church, his daily walks to downtown Oconomowoc, talking about power transformers, the snowfall in upstate New York and especially talking about his wife Joyce.
Dave was an actve participant in the Committee, becoming a Committee Member in 2010. He shared his experience and technical knowledge of transformers with engineers around the world, through presentations at industry seminars and conferences, as a Life Member of the IEEE Transformers Committee and an active member of the IEEE Substations Committee. Dave’s dedication and passion for power transformers, as well as his copious contributions to the industry he loved will be greatly missed.
James Gardner: “I met Dave many, many years ago when I was a young engineer trying to write a transformer specification and valued his professionalism & friendship in our encounters during all the years afterward..”
Additional Information: S11-SanDiego -Awards, F09-Lombard – S Tuli & D Harris,
Heathcote, Martin J
Martin attended Sheffield University and in 1956, at a university dance, first met 16 year old Penny Geoghegan. They were married in 1963 and have two children, Catherine and Stephen.
After university, Martin began working for Ferranti as a graduate apprentice, where he started far more than his career – meeting friends who would guide, support and shape his values for the rest of his life. Martin moved on to secure a new job at the Central Electricity Generating Board, the CEGB.
In 1991, at the age of 53, Martin launched his own company, Martin Heathcote Associates Limited, with Penny as Company Secretary. Martin was passionate about the comforts of life, but also passionate that every job and every report would be completed to the highest standards. Martin traveled worldwide, overseeing the construction, testing, and installation of transformers, as well as acting as an expert witness in transformer disputes and became a published author.
Martin viewed it as a great privilege to be working, meeting people, and delivering real value. He never stopped. For each of us, he leaves a legacy; perhaps some advice or memory that will live on in our lives. Martin always looked on the bright side of life, loved company – be it family, friends, or colleagues, enjoyed life, was driven by a strong work ethic, and maintained a deep faith.
Additional Photos: F08-Porto, S10-Houston, F11-Boston, S12-Nashville, S12-Nashville, S12-Nashville, F13-St. Louis
Heinrichs, Frank
Frank was a graduate of Carnegie Technical Institute (Carnegie Mellon University). He developed his transformer expertise with McGraw Edison/Cooper Industries at Canonsburg, PA, where he pursued his career. Frank was an active member of the committee for many years, and in particular the Insulating Fluids SC where he was Chair of C57.104 and C57.130 WGs. He retired as Chief Engineer, and spent his retirement in Gibsonia, PA. Frank was active with his church, was a U.S. Marine Corp Veteran, and enjoyed the outdoors.
Henry, George
George worked at Central Moloney and his long years of service to the industry and the committee will be remembered, as well as his friendship that many of us shared.
James Jr., Rowland I
Rowland was an active Transformers Committee Member and a Senior Member of IEEE, and was involved in many working groups. Just prior to his death, Rowland participated in transformer monitoring activities. He was Chair of the 2006 publication of the Guide for Evaluation and Reconditioning of Power Transformers, C57.140, and the current Chair for the revision of that document.
Rowland was a loving husband to his wife Sylvia and loving father to his two daughters Christina and Kelly. Rowland really loved his girls. His hunting, fishing and cooking exploits are renowned. He loved life and lived it to the fullest. As a result of Hurricane Katrina, his home in Metairie was severely damaged, but Rowland persevered to rebuild his home. He had a strong compassion for each of us and was the epitome for what we all strive to achieve.
We will all miss his refreshing smiles, stories stories of Cajun Louisiana, wisdom, and technical knowledge.
Additional Photos: F02-Oklahoma, F04-Las Vegas, F04-Las Vegas, S11-San Diego, F12-Milwaukee, S13-Munich, S14-Savannah (Roland & Sylvia)
Jonnatti, Anthony Joseph
Anthony (Tony) became a Transformers Committee Member in 1985.
Phil Hopkinson: “He was laid back BUT HIGHLY KNOWLEDGEABLE ABOUT Dry Type transformer issues. He had a super sense of humor in a Dry (pun) way. Tony was interested in people as well as technology. Many of us can remember Tony well as a great mentor. We also remember him as a guy that liked to try things to see what happens. He was also super-devoted to his wife, Barb.”
Allan Bartek: “He was a friend and mentor to me when I was a young engineer at McGraw-Edison. Among many other things, he was responsible for the design of the 765kV HV test transformer located in Canonsburg, Pa at the site that is now called Pennsylvania Transformer Technologies. I learned a lot about transformer design from Tony. We have lost another giant in the transformer industry. It was Tony who first introduced me to the IEEE Transformers Committee when I was in my 30’s. He would take me aside and say to me, Al you have to attend the Transformer Committee meetings and give a voice to the standards being developed. You owe it to the industry.”
Additional Photos: Jonnatti
Juhlin, Lars-Erik
Lars-Erik Juhlin was born in Orebro in Sweden in 1942. He trained as an electrician and then moved on to Västerås for high school studies. From there he went to Stockholm for studies in Civil Engineering at the Institure of Technology. He continued on to earned a masters degree in Electrical Engineering from the Royal Institute of Technology. In 1969, he joined ASEA, now ABB HVDC division. His 40 years of HVDC system engineering experience included main circuit design, EMC, control and protection. From 1988 to 1992 he was the technical manager for the New Zealand DC Hybrid project. Just prior to his passing, he was a Senior Specialist within ABB HVDC system design involved in major HVDC development projects. He was a member of the IEEE PES Transformers Committee and Cigré. He was actively involved in the HVDC SC within the IEEE PES Transformers Committee.
Keithly, David A.
1942 – 2015
David A. Keithly, 72, passed way Saturday, March 14, 2015. He was born May 9, 1942 in South Haven, Michigan. He and Joanne were married 47 years.
Dave retired in 2008 from Siemens. In 1966, he started at Allis-Chalmers in West Allis, Wisconsin (which the electrical division became Siemens-Allis). In 1977, he moved to RTE-ASEA in Waukesha (which later became Magnetek, then Waukesha Electric, etc.) and worked there 11 years. He later moved to North Carolina to work for Siemens. Dave was an active participant in the IEEE Transformers Committee, and he and Joanne were regular attendees at those meetings. It was said, “It is sad that Dave is gone. He was one of those guys you liked to sit next to on a bus trip. In addition to learning a few things, you felt good just being in his company.”
Kelly, Joseph J.
1936 – 2017
Joseph James Kelly Jr., age 81, passed away August 26, 2017. He was Husband, Dad, Papa, provider, patriot, and man of faith. Joe served as a transformer committee member since before 1980 and WG Chair for C57.106 from 1998 through 2002. He was a legendary figure who aided in the personal development of many of those attending the Transformer Committee meetings. Joe was not afraid to voice an opinion and quick to point out that he was a Chemist just before making a good natured remark about Engineers. Joe inspired many to get involved in standards work.
Additional Photos: F03-Pittsburgh (Joe & Margie), F03-Pittsburgh, F03-Pittsburgh, S06-Costa Mesa, F06-Montreal
Kline, Alexander D. “Don
Alexander D. “Don” Kline of Hilton Head, South Carolina passed away on Monday, November 24, 2014 at his home. He was born in Newark, NJ in 1925 and received his Bachelor of Science degree in Mechanical Engineering from Columbia University in 1946. Don was also a Commissioned Officer of the Naval Reserves from 1943-46 as V-12 and again from 1953-1955 as a Junior Grade Lieutenant.
He joined the General Electric Company in 1946 and worked in the transformer departments of Pittsfield, MA from 1946-1953, Rome GA from 1955-1962, and Philadelphia Switchgear department from 1964-1966. During his Rome, GA assignment, Don received the coveted Cordiner Award for his exceptional work on Transformer Design and Value Analysis. He also became an expert in Dry Type Transformer Design.
From 1966-1969 Don worked for Ensign Electric & Mfg. Co. in Huntington, WV, a new plant where Nomex Insulation was introduced for Dry Type Transformers. Then from 1969-1991 he founded and ran the Southern Transformer Company in East Point, Georgia (near Atlanta), which produced 15-5000 kVA Dry Type Transformers.
Don could not retire. Instead he became a consultant in 1991 until his passing. He specialized in Dry Type, Rectifier, and Transit Duty Transformers. He was a Registered Professional Engineer in Georgia and New York. Don was also a Senior Life member of IEEE, where for many years he participated in the Transformers Committee and later in the Transit Committee.
He leaves behind his dear wife, Carolyn, who he married in 1953 while at GE Pittsfield. It is interesting to note that Carolyn designed the power transformers that continue to operate at Hoover Dam.
Additional Photos: S08-Charlotte
Knorr, Wolfgang, Dr.
Lindgren, Stanley Roland
Stanley (Stan) Roland Lindgren passed away peacefully on December 17, 2017. At the age of 15, Stan had his first encounter with the power of electricity, when a lightning bolt to a nearby tree threw him backwards. His resultant love of lightning might have motivated him, as he went on to graduate from Kansas State College in early 1950 with a Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering.
Stan began his career with Allis Chalmers (A-C) in West Allis, Wisconsin in 1950 as part of their Graduate Training Course and soon was working in the transformer fabrication shop doing hands-on work, stacking cores, brazing leads, taping joints and building terminal boards. He credited much of his power transformer knowledge to his mentor, L.S. Woodruff (Woodie) who designed A-C’s first transformer in 1903. Stan went on to work for RTE in Waukesha, Wisconsin; Paragon AMF in Manitowoc, Wisconsin; EPRI in Palo Alto, California and concluded his 62-year career in 2012 while working for Serveron Corp. in Portland, Oregon. He was a lifetime member of IEEE and was a recognized power transformer expert.
Additional Photos: 1996-Melbourne (Davydov, Lindgren), 1996-Melbourne, F03-Pittsburgh (Stan & Caroline), F06-Montreal
Long, Leonard Wood
1920 – 2012
Leonard was a World War II veteran. He obtained his MSEE from North Carolina State University in 1950, and in 1980 was elevated to IEEE Fellow. He was Chair of the Performance Characteristics Subcommittee 1980 -1981, and was employed by Duke Power for more than 25 years.
Luksich, John
1948 – 2007
John Luksich actively served on several WGs in both the Insulating Fluids and Insulation Life subcommittees of the IEEE Transformer Committee. He was a Principal Engineer with Cargill Industrial Specialties, focused on natural and synthetic ester insulating liquids. Prior to Cargill, he spent 15 years as a Senior Engineer in the Dielectric Fluids group of Cooper Power Systems. John received his Bachelor of Science in Chemistry and Masters in Materials Engineering, both from the University of Wisconsin. He was also active in the ASTM D27 Committee. He authored or co-authored more than two dozen technical papers on ester dielectric fluids, with special focus on quantifying improved cellulose life when impregnated with natural ester insulating liquids.
Alan Sbravati: John was more than a colleague, a true professor. A tough one, with limited patience for lazy students. If you demonstrated real technical interest and asked the right questions, he would always be willing to share his extensive knowledge and go deep in a variety of topics. A great person who will be highly missed.
C P McShane: Memorial
MacDonald, Joseph D
Joseph attended school in Wytopitlock. After serving four years in the U.S. Air Force, he completed an apprentice program at Bath Ironworks. He went on to graduate with highest honors from UMO with a B.S. in electrical engineering and earn his master’s degree in electrical engineering from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. After working for many years at General Electric and Westinghouse as a manager of power transformer design, he worked as an independent consultant until the age of 80.
Joseph was a true naturalist who delighted in the beauty of the outdoors. He found great joy in walking the woods, hunting, fishing, and birding. His desire to learn about the environment was insatiable, and he brought the mind of a scientist to this work: identifying, cataloging, and documenting plants and wildlife. Perhaps most importantly, he translated this passion into action by employing sustainable logging practices and advocated for an approach to land management that fostered and protected habitat diversity.
Ramsis Girgis: I worked with Joe for a number of years both in Foster Plaza and in Muncie. He was such a gentleman. He knew eddy currents better than anyone. He was one of the three who interviewed me at GE Pittsfield in July 1979. It was McNutt, Degeneff, and Joe. They took me to lunch and offered me a job to work on Unitran under Degeneff. I was not too excited about that kind of work. Harold offered me the job in Muncie a couple of days earlier. After I came back home, I accepted Harold’s offer and the rest is history.
Raj Ahuja: I enjoyed working with Joe and learnt from him as he was an expert Engineer in the field of Transformer Design including short circuit analysis.
Manning, Melvin Lane
Melvin spent his early years and received his education at Miller and later received his B.S. in Electrical Engineering at South Dakota State College in 1927. Melvin received his M.S. at the University of Pittsburg in 1932 and college teacher’s certificate in 1933. Melvin worked in various engineering capacities at Westinghouse Electrical Corporation from 1928 until 1931 and from 1936 to 1942. Melvin was an instructor in the Mathematics Department at the University of Pittsburg from 1931 to 1935.
Dean Manning was associate professor of Electrical Engineering at Illinois Institute of Technology in 1942 and 1943, at Cornell University from 1943 to 1945, and was chief engineer at Kuhlman Electric Co. at Bay City, Michigan, from 1945 to 1943. From 1949 to 1958, Melvin was research engineer at McGraw-Edison Company in Canonsburg, Pennsylvania. From 1958 td 1972, Melvin was with the South Dakota State University College of Engineering. During- those years he served as Dean from1958 to 1966.
Melvin was also Director of the Engineering Experiment Station and Professor of Electrical Engineering.
It is especially noteworthy that, at age 90, Dr. Manning was surely among the oldest of IEEE members still actively involved in standards activities.
Matthews, John William
John was a proud graduate of Virginia Tech and was employed by BGE for 44 years as a transformer specialist. He was an avid fisherman, with his latest catch a citation-worthy 61 pound wahoo off the coast of Cape Hatteras, NC. He was an avid Ravens fan, and especially enjoyed spending time with his family.
John was a long-time employee with Baltimore Gas & Electric, a Transformers Committee Member and served as our Committee Chair from 1998-1999. John lost his long, courageous battle with cancer on June 7, 2011. John and his wife Marian were regular attendees to the Committee meetings.
Additional Photos: S02-Vancouver, S02-Vancouver, S03-Raleigh, S05-Jackson, S06-Costa Mesa, S06-Costa Mesa, F06-Montreal, F06-Montreal, F07-Minneapolis, S08-Charlotte, S09-Miami, S10-Houston
McMillen, Chuck
Chuck was an active leader in Distribution transformer groups within the committee and to the Industry. He leaves behind many friends within our ranks.
McNutt, William J (IEEE Fellow)
Bill was born in 1927, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. He served in the Navy in World War II, and on his return earned a BSEE degree from Tufts College and an MSEE from Illinois Institute of Technology. He joined General Electric Company’s Large Power Transformer Department from 1952 until its closure in 1986. After that, he continued his career as Berkshire Transformer Consultants and provided worldwide transformer consulting services.
Bill was an active participant in IEEE and CIGRE. He was recognized as an IEEE Fellow in 1976 for contributions to the design of power Transformers and standardization of test procedures, and was awarded the Charles Proteus Steinmetz award for sustained contributions and leadership in the development of standards for power transformers.
He was chair of the IEEE Transformers Committee from 1981 to 1982, and was recognized twice with the Transformers Committee’s Distinguished Individual Service Award. The recognition of his key role to the industry went beyond the Committee when he was elected to the National Academy of Engineering for his contributions to the design and development of large power transformers.
Bill was committed to his family and was an active participant in his church and local community. In addition, he found time for recreation, enjoying square dancing, bridge, golf, and tennis.
Phil Hopkinson: “He took time to mentor me as a young engineer, and later worked for me when I returned to Pittsfield, where he continued to mentor me! Bill was the engineer’s engineer and fully enjoyed his opportunities to attend IEEE and associate with each of us and those that went before. I remember how he delighted in downplaying shell-form construction and how absolutely sure he was that core-form was the only way to build a transformer!”
Bob Degeneff: “What can I say – he was such a good person – such a loss. To me Bill was always the standard against which you graded your work. In my experience, he was a technical giant but also a very caring person looking out for the best for his people. There are very few like him.”
Ramsis Girgis: “The Transformer Industry lost one of its giants who, I believe, probably contributed more to this industry than anyone I know in our life time. He is one of the greats of our times. One day in July 1979, I interviewed with Bill, Bob Degeneff, and Joe McDonald in Pittsfield for a job there, a day after I interviewed with Harold Moore for a Job in Westinghouse Muncie and the rest is history.”
Jim McIver: “The summer that Ramsis was interviewing with Bill, I was just starting out on my career at GE. Little did I know how much I would benefit from Bill’s mentoring! His advice & personal interest shaped both my career and my way of living. It was truly a lifetime legacy that Bill gave me.”
Tom Prevost: “Bill actually taught me how to design transformers in my early days at Weidmann. He was one if not the most knowledgeable transformer engineers I have known. More important, he was always willing to share his knowledge.”
Don Fallon: “He was a teacher, mentor, and friend when I was a young engineer just starting to learn about how transformers worked – and we are all fortunate to have known Bill”.
McQuin, Nigel
1956 – 2024
Nigel was born in Mansfield, Nottinghamshire, England. He gained a 1st Class Honors Degree in Electrical Engineering from Imperial College, London, England in 1977, specializing in electrical power systems and rotating machinery
After college, while in the UK, he joined GEC Large Machines Co. as a Fundamental Development Engineer, where he worked on the design and analysis of a wide variety of electrical machines and drive systems. He later joined Brush Electrical Machines Co. as a development manager. While there he served on the REMA 505 investigative committee assigned to evaluate the use of electrical machinery operating in potentially explosive atmospheres, following the Piper Alpha oil platform accident in July 1988.
In June 1990, Nigel immigrated to the USA, where he became the Vice President of Engineering and manager of the Test Laboratory for the PSM High Power Test Laboratory (The former Westinghouse High Power Laboratory) located in East Pittsburgh, PA.
He was self-employed from 1996 until his death as an independent Electrical Power Consultant, covering diverse projects in high-power electrical testing, design reviews, forensic expert witness services, and electric vehicle drive systems.
Nigel served on numerous professional committees, as chairman of the Short-Circuit Testing Liaison North America (STLNA), a coordinating body for the high-power electrical test laboratories within NAFTA. He also served on the IEEE main standards committees for Switchgear (C37), Transformers (C57, Committee Member), Surge Protection Devices (C62), electrical Machinery (C50) and High Voltage Testing Techniques (PSIM). He has been a technical liaison contributor to the US National Committee for IEC TC17 A1C (Switchgear), TC14 (Transformers), TC42 (HV testing techniques) and TC37 (Surge Protection Devices). He was a Senior Member of the IEEE(USA), an Individual Member of CIGRE (Paris), and is also a Member of the IET (London). Nigel was awarded the IEEE-PES Outstanding Engineer Award by the IEEE Pittsburgh Chapter in 2006.
In all of Nigel’s endeavors, he has touched many lives. All who knew him considered him to be a loyal friend and colleague. In later years he was frequently seen on Wednesday evenings at the Pittsburgh Banjo Club.
Mehrotra, Vinay
Born in Jamalpur, Vinay was valedictorian of his high school class and attended one of India’s top universities, Institute of Technology Varanasi. He graduated with a degree in electrical engineering and had a passion for designing transformers. He came to the United States in 1999, along with his wife and two young children. Vinay had a successful 37 year career, spanning two companies. He was also instrumental in the IEEE Transformers Committee. Vinay was very devoted to his community, coaching soccer for his children, as well as creating and mentoring a robotics team to inspire students to go into engineering and technology.
Vinay enjoyed playing tennis, drawing, listening to Hindi music and attending concerts, playing games, practicing yoga, and making people laugh with his recitation of Hindi humorous poetry. He was a gifted gardener, taking the most pride in his beautiful dahlias. He had an exceptional sweet tooth, enjoying cake, pastries, jalebi, ras malai, and many more.
Most of all, he was a soft-spoken and kind soul. Throughout his entire life, and especially during his cancer journey, he inspired people with his strength, positive outlook, and unshakable faith in God. He always encouraged his children and loved ones to pursue their passions. He was a loyal friend to everyone, teaching his children to see the good in all people.
Additional Photos: F19-Columbus, S18-Pittsburgh-1, S17-NewOrleans-1, S17-NewOrleans-2, F16-Vancouver, S16-Atlanta, F14-WashingtonDC
Mehta, Shirish “Sam”
Shirish “Sam” Mehta passed away unexpectedly, on January 30, 2018, while traveling in India. Sam had many different roles in his 44-year tenure with SPX and its predecessors that began in 1970. Sam was the VP of Research and Technology when he retired and continued to work in the industry after retirement. Sam was always smiling and willing to take time to teach anyone that wanted to learn.
Tom Prevost: “Sam was an old-school “Transformer Guy” who lived his life in (and for) the transformer industry. He was a mentor and a friend to me and I’m sure many others.”
Additional Photos: F04-Las Vegas, F04-Las Vegas, S06-Costa Mesa, F12-Milwaukee, S17-New Orleans
Moore, Harold
1928 – 2023
Harold Moore earned a BSEE from Mississippi State University in 1951 and a MSEE from the University of Pittsburgh in 1957. He authored many technical articles and co-authored “Transformers for the Electric Power Industry” in 1959. He also was the author of 16 patents.
Harold worked for 37.5 years with Westinghouse Electric in transformer design and development (shell form and core form) and was responsible for electrical, mechanical and thermal research and development. Throughout the sixties, seventies, and up to 1984, Harold lead a Shell Form Transformers Technology Development team. In in1984, Harold became the Engineering Manager at the Westinghouse factory in Alamo, TN, that manufactured transformer bushings, tap changers, and instrument transformers.
In 1988, he formed Harold Moore & Associates which provided consulting services to the industry. Harold continued his consulting activities and his participation in, and significant contributions to, the IEEE Transformers Standards meetings and CIGRE. He was Chair of the Bushing SC from 1982 to 1984 and Chair of the Dielectric Test SC from 1991 to 1992. He received the title of IEEE Fellow in 1997. Through all of his career, Harold had the love and support of his wife Willie.
Susan McNelly: “Harold was my first mentor for design reviews, inspections and testing of transformers. I am so grateful to have had the opportunity to learn from such a respected, knowledgeable, and very humble man. I learned so much from him both professionally and personally.”
Ramsis Girgis: “The Electric Power Industry has lost one of the greats of our times, who, I believe, contributed more to the Power Transformer industry, both manufacturers and users, than anyone I know in our lifetime. Harold was an inventor, coach, and teacher to many.
I have known, and worked closely with, Harold since he interviewed me for a senior Development Engineering position in Muncie, IN, one day in July 1979. Through the years that I worked directly with him, I knew Harold as one who did not know a limit on the amount of time he gave to Westinghouse or to his customers after he started his consulting career. I tell people that it appears that I inherited this bad habit from Harold! I credit Harold with part of where I am today professionally. Harold, you will be truly missed.
My wife, Mary, and I extend our sincere condolences to Harold’s wife Willie and the rest of the family. Harold, MAY YOUR PRECIOUS SOUL REST IN PEACE.”
Additional Photos: S18-Pittsburgh, S18-Pittsburgh, S18-Pittsburgh, F15-Memphis, F15-Memphis, F15-Memphis, S09-Miami, S09-Miami, S09-Miami, S09-Miami, S09-Miami, F05-Memphis, F05-Memphis, F03-Pittsburgh Tutorial
Mukerji, Amitav
1950 – 2021
Amitav Mukerji worked for ABB South Boston in Virginia. He was a committee member since 2009.
Norton, Edward T.
1924 – 2007
Edward was employed by Allis Chalmers in Milwaukee. Two years later, he graduated from their Graduate Training Course. His experience with Allis Chalmers encompassed manufacturing, design engineering and application engineering. In 1975, Ed accepted the position of Project Manager at Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) in Palo Alto, California. From 1975 to 1985 he was responsible for projects associated with power transformers and traveled nationally and internationally. In 1985, he resigned from EPRI to establish his own transformer consulting business, which he maintained until his illness in 1999. Professionally, he was a member of IEEE, IEEE Transformer Committee, CIGRE, and served as Expert Advisor to Transformer Committee 12 of CIGRE. He held patents on shunt reactors and new dielectric fluids.
Niemann, Carl
Carl was a veteran of the US Army, serving from 1960-1962. He married Janet Gwartney in 1963 and they had two children, Kevin and Jamilon “Jami” and three grandchildren. Carl worked as an electrical engineer for ComEd for 24 years before retiring in 2003. Carl served as Chair of the Underground Transformers and Network Protectors SC from the Fall of 2000 to the Spring of 2014. Carl’s sense of humor will be deeply missed.
Additional Photos: F06-Montreal, F07-Minneapolis, S08-Charlotte, F09 Lombard, S10-Houston, F11-Boston, S12-Nashville, S12-Nashville
Oommen, Thottathil Varughese (T.V.)
1934 – 2013
Dr. Oommen (T.V.) retired from A.B.B. in Raleigh, NC as an Advanced Materials Engineer/Advisory Scientist in 2000, where he conducted experiments on improving the efficiency of electrical transformers. At ABB., T.V. earned several patents, including the use of sunflower oil in electrical transformers. Prior to moving to Raleigh, he worked at ABB. in Sharon, PA and for Westinghouse in Sharon, PA. T.V. started his professional career for Westinghouse in Muncie, Indiana in 1977. He graduated with a Ph.D. in Chemistry in 1971 from the University of Washington (Seattle, WA), and received post-doctoral degrees at the University of Washington and Southern Illinois University (Carbondale, IL). Prior to getting his Ph.D., T.V. was a school teacher in Kerala, India and Ghana, Africa.
T.V. was an expert on transformer related items, particularly transformer insulation. He was a Committee Member and a Life Member of IEEE, and was actively involved on the Insulating Fluids and Insulation Life Subcommittees. He was long-time contributor to the industry and, as one person said, he lived a life dedicated to the quest for knowledge, both in his professional life as well as his journey in faith. His scientific and technical papers will remain essential milestones of knowledge in our field.
Additional Photos: F03-Pittsburgh, F05-Memphis, S06-Costa Mesa, F06-Montreal, F06-Montreal, F07-Minneapolis, F07-Minneapolis, S12-Nashville
Orehek, Paul
1938 – 2005
Paul Orehek was the Chair of the Underground Transformers and Network Protectors SC from its creation in 1990 until 2000. He worked for PSE&G until his retirement in about 2001 and for Richards Manufacturing until his death in December of 2005.
Preininger, Gustav, Dr.
Dr. Gustav Preininger received the Dipl. Ing. and Dr. techn. degree from the Technical University in Graz, Austria. In 1954 he joined ELlN-Union AG in Weiz, Austria. After years in the Design Department, High Voltage Laboratory and Computer Center he became Division Manager of the Transformer Division in 1969. In 1990 he was appointed managing director of the new ELIN TRANSFORMATOREN GmbH company. At the end of 1992, he retired from his position and worked as a consultant. He was a very active member of IEEE Transformers Committee and Distinguished Member of CIGRE. After he attended his last IEEE Transformer Committee Meeting in Fall 2004 Gustav continued his work at IEEE as a very active corresponding member.
Additional Photos: F03-Pittsburgh, F04-Las Vegas, F04-Las Vegas, F04-Las Vegas
Puri, Jeewan Lal
1938 – 2014
Jeewan Lal Puri of Matthews, NC passed away suddenly on Monday, November 17 at his home. He was born in New Delhi, India in 1938 and received his Bachelor of Science degree from Punjab University. He moved to the United States where he obtained his Master’s Degree in Electrical Engineering from the Illinois Institute of Technology in Chicago. In 1967, Jeewan joined Westinghouse Electric and had numerous assignments in Large Power Transformers in Muncie, Indiana; High Voltage Bushings in Alamo, Tennessee; and Distribution Transformers in Athens, Georgia. He was awarded the “George Westinghouse Signature Award” for Engineering Excellence at Westinghouse Electric Corporation in 1988.
Jeewan also held assignments with Cooper Industries in Canonsburg, Pennsylvania and with Square D in Monroe, North Carolina. While he was with Square D/Schneider Electric, Jeewan earned the “People Who Made a Difference Award” in 1997.
In 2001, Jeewan started his own Transformer Consulting firm, called Transformer Solutions that he managed until his passing.
Jeewan was a long time member of the IEEE Transformers Committee in which he rose quickly to chair of the Audible Sound & Vibrations Subcommittee and member of the Administrative Subcommittee. He also actively participated as a member of the US Technical Advisory Group for IEC TC 14 (Power Transformers Section of the International Electro-Technical Commission).
Additional Photos: S02-Vancouver, F03-Pittsburgh, F06-Montreal, S10-Houston, S10-Houston, S10-Houston, F10-Toranto, F13-St. Louis
Rodden, Jack
No information presently available.
Seitlinger, Walter
1947 – 2019
Walter held several patents and in his R&D work he focused on the development of models for mechanical winding oscillations and for the investigations on resonance behavior with special consideration of damping representation. He contributed to several international engineering committees like IEEE & CIGRE where he published several remarkable papers. One of his noteworthy achievements was his leading role in the development of the world’s first 525 kV phase shifting transformers for Salt River Project in 1996. Consequently, he contributed in the first C57.135 Guide for the Application, Specification and Testing of Phase-Shifting Transformers and at CIGRE with Phase Shifting Transformers, Discussion of Specific Characteristics in 1998. His work on phase shifting transformers was ground-breaking work and is referenced in several papers on phase shifting transformers.
He received a prize paper award from IEEE PES together with H. Foschum, Loren B Wagenaar and JA Fleemann for the Investigations of an EHV Autotransformer Tested with Open and Arrester Terminated Terminals in 1996.
During his career as engineer and head of R&D, Walter served as CEO of VA TECH Peebles Transformers Ltd from 2002 – 2004, before he founded his own engineering company.
Our thoughts are with his wife, children and family members.
Simmons, Charles Edward
1964 – 2016
Chuck Simmons, 52, died on December 5, 2016. He was born in Caldwell County, NC. Chuck was an electrical engineer at Duke Energy Progress. He was a graduate of NC State where he received his Bachelor of Science degree. He later completed his MBA at Virginia Tech. One of Chuck’s greatest joys in life was watching his son Mitch skate and play hockey. Chuck is survived by his loving wife, Donna Simmons and his son Mitch.
Additional Photo: F14-Washington DC
Skinger, Kenneth R
1941 – 2023
Kenneth R. Skinger PE, Esq. passed away on July 25, 2023, at the age of 82. He is survived by his wife Valarie and children Robin Lawson; Todd Skinger; and step-children Christopher D’Entremont, Jill Donohue; and John O’Sullivan.
Kenneth was born June 18, 1941 in New Britain CT. He graduated from the University of Connecticut with a degree in Engineering. Early in his career, Kenneth was employed by General Electric, which led him to live in many places across the United States. This helped to develop his love for traveling, which he would pursue for the rest of his life. Eventually, he returned to New England as Vice-President at Stone and Webster Inc., in Boston, MA. He also graduated from New England School of Law in Boston MA. and was a seated member on the bar of the Supreme Court of the United States, where arbitration was his forte’. After retirement from Stone and Webster Inc., he went on to found his own firm, Scituate Consulting Inc., which he maintained until his death.
Kenneth was an active member of many professional organizations, such as Massachusetts Society of Professional Engineers and the National Society of Professional Engineers. Ken was also a Committee Member of the IEEE PES Transformers Committee. In his teens, Kenneth earned the Boys Scouts of America’s Eagle Scout status with a certificate signed by Dwight David Eisenhower.
Additional Photos: F2009-Lombard, F2014-Washington DC, S2015-San Antonio, F2015-Memphis, S2016-Atlanta, S2017-New Orleans, F2017-Louisville 1, F2017-Louisville 2, F2017-Louisville 3, S2018-Pittsburgh, F2018-Jacksonville, F2019-Columbus 1, F2019-Columbus 2
Smith, James Edward
1940 – 2014
James (Jim) Edward Smith, 73, passed away on April 2, 2014, at his Central, SC, home. Jim served as the Instrument Transformer Chair for 17 years, from 1993 to 2010.
Additional Photo: F03-Pittsburgh (Jim & Marion)
Smith, Stephen Douglas
1948 – 2018
Stephen Douglas Smith, 69, passed away on May 16, 2018 after a courageous battle with cancer. Stephen graduated in 1972 from OSU where re received his Master degree in Electrical Engineering. Stephen worked at Kuhlman Electric until his retirement in 2007. He became a member of the Transformers Committee in 1991. After leaving Kuhlman, Stephen and his wife, Linda returned to their farm in Newark, Ohio.
Additional Photos: 2007, Retirement 2007
Stahara, Ron
Ron attended Youngstown University graduating with a Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering. He received his Professional Engineer license and later earned a Masters of Business Administration from Xavier University.
Ron’s engineering career included several patents relating to the power industry; being a very active member of the IEEE; serving as Senior Engineer for McGraw Edison in Zanesville, Ohio; as V.P of Engineering for Kulhman Company in Versailles, Kentucky; and finally as V.P. of Engineering at Central Maloney in Pine Bluff, Arkansas.
Ron achieved the status of IEEE Life Member and was a Transformer Committee Member from 1991 until his death. Ron was also a member of the Distribution Transformer Subcommittee, the Chair of C57.12.34 for Three-Phase Padmount Distribution Transformers, and was a member or active participant of several other WGs and TFs. Ron’s contributions to the Transformers Committee will be greatly missed.
Ron left behind his wife of nearly 54 years, Mary Ann, and two children, Andrea and Paul.
Additional Photos: S18-Pittsburgh-Ron & Mary Ann, S18-Pittsburgh-Ron & M Hardin, F17-Louisville-Mary Ann & Ron, F16-Vancouver- Boettgers & Staharas, F15-Memphis-Ron, F15-Memphis-D Platts, Ron, S Shull, D Parkinson, G King, F12-Milwaukee-Ron & A Bartek, S10-Houston- D Sundin, E Smith, S Shull, Ron
So, Dr. Eddy
Dr. Eddy So received his first engineering degree (IEE) from the institute of Technology Bandung, Indonesia. He received his MSEE in 1968 and DSEE in 1973 both from George Washington Univ, US. He immigrated to Canada in 1976 and worked for the National Research Council (NRC) for more than 40 years, until his retirement in 2018. Dr. So was resposible for the improvement of high accuracy electrical measurements, particularly in high voltage applications. He trained technical and professional staff, not only at NRC, but in many other laboratories in Europe, Asia, and South America. The numerous high accuracy measuring equipment manufactured in Canada that he was responsible for are now used in facilities around the world. He was loved by many and will be dearly missed.
Ernst Hanique: “Besides the committee work, I also had the pleasure working with Eddy to develop two state of the art three phase powerloss measurement systems for transformers with uncertainty of <10ppm for SMIT Transformers. This is 0.1 % at PF 0.01. At that time it was the first system in the world with that kind of specifications. This system was maintained and calibrated by Eddy regularly to prove the above mentioned uncertainty. First every year and after three years of proven stability every 2 years and so on.
Although this system was expensive (1M Euros) and expensive in calibration costs (0.2M Euros) the initial cost were earned back in two years time. A 1000MVA transformer with a efficiency of 99.9% still has 1000kW power losses. When these power losses are measured with a traditional power loss system of 3% at PF 0.1% the uncertainty is 30 kW. With a load loss evaluation of 20K Dollars/kW this results is a penalty of 600k Dollars. So if load loss evaluation is part of the contract the most accurate power loss measurement system saves money.
The used calibration is very special in that way that it not only compares the results of the power loss system under test with its own power loss measurement system like other systems do, but it also generates the requested PF points in the range of 0 up to 1.
For that the calibration system needs the normal test lab supply to generate the requested voltage (up to 100kV). This voltage was measured and used as reference for the PF and the requested current was generated with a LV source. The voltage and generated current were connected to the power loss measurement system under test.
So the high voltage dividers of each phase were connected is parallel and the zero-flux current transformers put in series and supplied by de power generation part phases of the powers loss system calibration system
The big advantage of this kind of calibration is that several working points of voltage, current and pf can be set. For example: 100kV, 2000A at PF’s: 0 , 0.5, 0.3, 0.2, 0.1, 0.05, 0.02, 0.01, 0.005, 0.002, and 0.001.
Eddy trained and did help develop a power loss calibration system for VSL the Dutch version of NIST.
Two years [2018] ago Eddy also successfully developed a three phase power loss system for shunt reactors. Shunt reactors do have a very low PF of about 0.001″
Sullivan, John
John served on the U.S.S. Bache and graduated from Georgia Institute of Technology in 1967. John worked for Tampa Electric Company for 35 years, and retired in 2002. He became a Transformers Committee member in 1992 and was active in the Distribution SC. John was an IEEE Life Member.
Traub, Thomas Peter
1937 – 2022
Tom was an active IEEE transformers committee member and served as the Standards SC Chair from 1996 – 1997 and as the original Chair for C57.131. Obituary
Truax, David E.
1924 – 2021
Mr. Truax was a veteran of WW II, serving in the U.S. Army as a radio operator. He was a graduate of the University of Pittsburgh and worked as an engineer for the former McGraw-Edison and Cooper Industries, Canonsburg. He enjoyed woodworking and was a member of the Three Rivers Tool Collectors Association. Dave was an active IEEE transformers committee member and served on many working groups and subcommittees during the 70’s and 80’s and early 90’s. He was a member of WGs that revised sections 5.9 ad 9.4 of C57.12.00, Clause 8 & 9 of C57.12.90, and on the WG that developed C57.100. He also served as the Host of the 1986 Fall Transformers Committee meeting in Pittsburgh. Obituary
Allan Bartek: “I am sad to hear of Dave’s passing. We have lost another distinguished member of the High Voltage Power Transformer industry. As Chief Engineer, he hired me at McGraw-Edison back in 1973. I remember Dave as a solid supporter of young engineers and a great mentor. I learned a great deal from him, much was about life and how to sort the important from the unimportant. It was an honor to know him.”
Veitch, Robert
_____ – 2020
Robert passed away peacefully at his home on November 18, 2020. He was a graduate of the University of Toronto and spent his entire career as an electrical engineer. Robert was the Chair of the IEEE PES Transformers Committee from 1989 through 1991 and was considered a world authority on electrical transformers. He was proud to be named a fellow of the IEEE (Institute for Electrical and Electronic Engineers) in 1998. Obituary
Vogel, Fred
1893 – 1988
Fred was born in 1893 in Bangor, ME, and earned a BS from Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1915. He became an AIEE Fellow in 1949, and received the IEEE William Habirshaw Medal and Award in 1970 (now Herman Halperin Award) for meritorious achievement in the field of Electrical Transmission and Distribution. Fred was a long standing member of the Committee, and a pioneer of modern transformer dielectric design and testing technology. He has been credited with being the father of the impulse, switching surge, and partial discharge testing. In addition, he was Chair of the Transformers Committee from 1951 to 1953; Chair of The Dielectric Tests Subcommittee; and Chair of the IEEE Sharon, PA Section.
Yannucci, Dean A.
1943 – 2019
Dean was raised in Niles, Ohio and received a Bachelor of Science degree in electrical engineering from Youngstown State University and was an instructor there from 1968-1971. He earned a Master of Science degree in electrical engineering from the University of Akron and he also graduated from the Executive MBA Program at Cornell University.
He began his career with the Westinghouse Corporation and then was general manager and VP for Asea Brown Boveri T & D Company, from 1995 until 2007 he was Executive Vice President and CEO of Wicor Americas Incorporated, and from 2008 until his retirement in 2010 was Chairman of the Board of Directors. He also served on the board of New England Wire Company in Lisbon, New Hampshire for 15 years.
Dean served as the Transformers Committee Chair from 1985-1986. He achieved the status of Life Fellow in 1990 for leadership in the development and manufacture of large power transformers.
Mike Franchek: “He was a good friend and mentor to me in management. I tell people I got my MBA from a Dean and I was not at the university.”
Don Fallon: “…he was a model of a good engineer and leader, and helped spark my interest in what became a rewarding career path.”