TOHTO University | 学校法人青淵学園 東都大学





TOHTO University

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TOHTO University


Tohto University was established for development of men and women who shall contribute welfare of society with deep humanity, morality, and ethics.


The Mission of Tohto University is education of practitioners of human care in the field of nursing and co-medics, who contribute people’s well-being, quality of life and medical cares.

Our objectives include humanity, ethics, professional knowledge, skills and attitude, and liberal arts, through which students shall be practitioners of comprehensive human care. The students shall acquire capability to contribute health care, medical care, and social welfare of regional needs. Also, they shall exhibit humanity, ethics and cooperativeness in the professional fields.

Tohto University Mission

Tohto University was established with the belief of "Sincerity and Reaching.”

The university is a place of higher education to develop medical specialists who can provide healthcare with “Sincerity and Reaching”.

The founder, Osamu Otsubo, believes that understanding, sharing and compassion, and respecting caring of human dignity form a sincerity in healthcare. He also believes sincerity and professional knowledge and skills must reach and be practiced for humane health care. He founded a place to educate medical specialists with such competency. The actual practice of such competency is a human care. The human care is not only the name of a school within the university, but also a core concept of education of Sincerity and Considerations in Tohto University.

Tohto University Objectives

Tohto University was established to educate healthcare professionals who bear strong willingness to practice “Sincerity and Reaching.” The university devotes to provide competent healthcare professionals who contribute to the health of individual and society with solid knowledge, skill and attitude.

The learning in the university includes wide range of knowledge and skills for practicing high-level of healthcare. The learning objectives also include ethics related to healthcare and science, understanding of a variety of human nature, compassion and empathy as the base of Sincerity. Other objectives are wide range of liberal arts, and competency to communicate to reach properly to diseased people of all ages, and wide range of health professionals. The university is a place of higher education to develop medical specialists who can provide healthcare with “Sincerity and Considerations”.



Address 4-2-11 Nishi, Kamishiba-cho, Fukaya-shi, Saitama Prefecture 366-0052
Telephone +81-048-574-2500 Fax +81-048-573-3840

Contact us

Telephone +81-048-574-2500
Hours Monday - Friday, 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
* Closed on weekends, public holidays, the Obon and New Year holidays, and the university's anniversary.