The Taskforce on Inequality and Social-related Financial Disclosures (TISFD) is a global initiative to develop recommendations that enable businesses and investors to effectively identify, assess, and report on their inequality and social-related risks, opportunities, and impacts.

Our aim is to reduce the systemic risks of inequality, strengthen the stability of financial systems, and improve outcomes for all people.

The TISFD Working Group

The TISFD will be launched in September 2024 through the collaborative efforts of a multi-stakeholder working group. This group is currently made up of diverse set of more than 20 organisations across the public, social, and private sectors.

Our Supporters

Any organisation interested in supporting the launch of the TISFD can become a TISFD Supporter. Our supporters span civil society groups, investors, businesses, financial services firms, academics, and governmental organizations.

How to Engage with Us

There are several ways to engage, from joining our LinkedIn group to receive the latest news and developments, to becoming a supporter, to providing your feedback and perspectives on the TISFD through our consultation process.

  • Provide Feedback

    Provide input into the emerging governance structure and scope of the TISFD.

  • Become a Supporter

    Register your organisation’s support for the development of the TISFD.

  • Join the LinkedIn Group

    Stay up-to-date on new developments from the TISFD Working Group.

How We Are Funded

The TISFD Working Group is funded by government and philanthropic foundations. Funding and in-kind contributions have been provided by the following: the government of Switzerland, the Ford Foundation, Laudes Foundation, and The Tipping Point Fund on Impact Investing.

Funding has been made possible by Community Initiatives. We also benefit from pro-bono assistance offered by our Working Group member organisations.