What is TightVNC?
TightVNC is a free and Open Source remote desktop software that lets you access and control a computer over the network. With its intuitive interface, you can interact with the remote screen as if you were sitting in front of it. You can open files, launch applications, and perform other actions on the remote desktop almost as if you were physically there.
Get It Now!
Get Remote Ripple, our modern VNC client for Windows, Mac, iOS and Android (now free as well).
More Software by TightVNC Authors
MightyViewer, a VNC Monitoring Tool for Windows – try it for free, no registration needed.
Unidostup – self-hosted remote desktop solution for businesses, works through firewalls and routers.
Software and SDKs for Commercial Developers
Try .NET Viewer SDK – integrate TightVNC Viewer in your .NET software!
Source Code and SDKs – TightVNC server and viewer components for various systems and platforms.
Selected News
August 15, 2024 – Remote Ripple for Windows 1.2.0 Is Out
We're excited to announce a major update to Remote Ripple for Windows, our new generation free VNC viewer. Version 1.2.0 introduces a redesigned user interface aligned with MightyViewer, multi-monitor support, and new desktop scaling options. The app can now remember up to 100 connections, save VNC passwords, and offers improved error handling for smoother troubleshooting.
Please read the full announcement and try out the new version!
August 14, 2024 – TightVNC for Windows 2.8.85 Released
We've released a minor update to TightVNC for Windows, addressing connection issues in Windows XP that were introduced in the previous version. If you experience problems with version 2.8.84 under Windows XP, upgrade to this latest version.
May 5, 2023 – MightyViewer for Windows 1.4.4 Released
We are proud to announce the release of MightyViewer for Windows version 1.4.4. This latest version introduces a wide range of user interface improvements and new features that bring the product to a new level of usability.
Try MightyViewer now!
March 15, 2022 – Remote Core SDK (.NET Viewer) v2022.1.1: Supporting .NET 5.0 and 6.0
Now, in the SDK, .NET 5.0 and .NET 6.0 are supported for the Core component, WPF and WinForms. Also, we've added the WPF FileTransferControl to easily implement file transfer functionality in a WPF application, and made a few breaking changes in WPF RemoteDesktopControl and Core extensions.
Request a trial version and see licensing options on the Remote Core SDK new website.