Kendo UI for Vue
The Vue CircularGauge component displays a value with a colored line on a full-circle arc. This modern component is compact, easy to bind to data sources and provides a broad set of configuration options to ensure a natural fit into your app.
See Vue CircularGauge Overview demo.The Vue CircularGauge allows you to customize the display of the value that appears in the center of the gauge using a template.
Allow the Vue CircularGauge color to reflect changes in the displayed value. You can define a range of different colors, each corresponding to a particular range of values.
Customize the Vue CircularGauge to match the context of your app and its data with configuration options for labels, ticks, ranges, and everything else related to the scale.
Thanks to built-in methods, you can export the CircularGauge to various formats, including images, PDF and SVG files.
All the Kendo UI for Vue gauges supports right-to-left rendering, message localization, and automatic local symbology and formatting. This ensures that they can fit into any globalization scenario.