Angular Charts Sparkline Chart - Kendo UI for Angular
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Kendo UI for Angular Sparkline Chart

The Sparkline is a tiny chart without axes, coordinates, legends, titles, or other chart-specific elements.

Generally, Sparklines are simple, word-sized graphics that can be embedded in tables, headlines, or chunks of text. The concept for their graphical representation was developed by Edward Tufte. The Kendo UI Sparkline is a version of the Kendo UI Chart, which is tailored for this specific application. While the standard Kendo UI Chart component behaves like a block element (due to its rendering inside a div element to allow for an easy embedding in texts), the Sparkline behaves like an inline element due to its rendering inside a span element.

While, typically, Sparklines are line charts, they can also be rendered as the following Chart types:

  • Line (default)
  • Bar (Data Bars)
  • Column
  • Area
  • Pie
  • Bullet

The following example demonstrates the Sparkline in action.

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Key Features

  • The Sparkline includes shortcuts for setting the data and type series options.
  • Also, the Sparkline supports all configuration options that are applicable for the Categorical series type of the Chart.

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