<追記>新型コロナウイルスの感染がさらに広がっています。緊急事態宣言の中、果たして授業はきちんとできるのか、10周年どころではないのでは、そんな不安の中で新しい年度が始まりました。“Challenge and Change for the Next Decades”は、新型コロナウイルスの流行の前から考えていたものです。奇しくも、この公衆衛生の大きな危機を前にして、私たちにできることは何か、これからどうあるべきなのか、まさに挑戦と変化が求められています。(2020年4月21日)
Marketing Public Health ~ From now on, as a Front Runner of School of Public Health ~
Teikyo University Graduate School of Public Health (Teikyo SPH) was established as a professional degree course in April 2011. In addition to Master of Public Health (MPH), a doctoral course that can acquire Doctor of Public Health (DrPH) has been offered in April 2014. Our SPH, which was established as one of the first independent graduate schools of public health in Japan, has been a front runner of SPHs in Japan for about 10 years. About one hundred students graduated from Teikyo SPH and succeed in various fields of public health.
The features of Teikyo SPH are: (1) five core areas (Epidemiology, Biostatistics, Environmental and Occupational Health, Health Policy and Management, Social and Behavior Science), which are essential in the international standard of SPH, in collaboration with Harvard University etc., (2) problem-based approach to train "Change Agents" who can solve problems in real settings and change the world, society and organization; and (3) competency-based education required for education of health professionals in the 21st century. In addition, we have enhanced spin-off education programs such as Harvard special lectures by overseas lecturers, international summer schools, graduate school programs for occupational health professionals with Teikyo Center for Occupational and Environmental Health (T-COEH), and social medicine specialist programs.
Although we have many roles, the most important mission of Teikyo SPH is "Marketing Public Health", that means promoting and spreading public health. Specifically, it includes to spread people's knowledges and practices on prevention and hygiene (Marketing Public Health "Behaviors"), to promote public policies to support people's health (Marketing Public Health "Policies "), and to encourage researches of public health and health care (Marketing Public Health" Research"). It is also important to enhance educational systems to train public health professionals with advanced competency of public health at not only Teikyo SPH but also other SPHs and related educational institutions (Marketing Public Health "Education"), and to promote public health professionals (MPH, DrPH, etc) into various fields of public health and healthcare and to expand and develop the places where they can play active parts (Marketing Public Health "Professionals").
We, public health professionals in Japan and the world, are facing with loss of troublesome problems. The problems have changed over time, and the solution measures are complicated and not uniform. In order to foster Change Agents who can respond to today's and future challenges and needs in the societies, we will continue to run as a top school with changing ourselves.
If you wish to work in the field of public health and change the society, study at SPH for MPH/DrPH. We give educational programs with the international standard.
この専門職学位課程を高度化し、そこで養成した専門職の活動を統括指導する上級管理者・上級指導者としての人材養成を目的として、本研究科に博士後期課程を2014年4月から新設することになりました。本博士後期課程は、真理探究・学術深化に特化した能力を求める医学研究科(社会医学専攻)等の従来の大学院博士課程とは目的を異にしており、ある意味日本で初めて、世界でも最先端の博士後期課程です。そこで養成されるのは単に優れた研究能力を有する研究者ではなく、保健医療の分野を大きく変革していける実践的な管理者や指導者です。今日保健医療の分野においても、急速に変動発展する国際社会と科学技術に対応するためには変革を先導し管理できる人材(Change Agent)の養成が急務だと言われています。そのような人材には、新規の問題に対する科学的な分析力、科学的根拠に基づいて提示・評価できる能力に加えて、問題解決に不可欠なリーダーシップ、マネージメント能力、コミュニケーション能力など実践面の能力(Competency)が必要とされます。博士後期課程ではこれらの能力を身に付け保健医療システムの変革に寄与できる人材の育成を目指した指導を行います。また公衆衛生学専門職学位(Master of Public Health)保有者以外の入学生も広く受け入れます。そこで専門職学位課程との接続性を担保するために、上述した5分野の共通科目と分野別(「疫学・生物統計学分野」、「環境・産業保健学分野」、「保健政策・医療管理学分野」)の専門科目を設けています。