Theory and Practice of Computation
2nd Workshop on Computation: Theory and Practice, Manila, The Philippines, September 2012, Proceedings

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The series "Proceedings in Information and Communications Technology (PICT)" was initiated by Springer Japan to publish high-quality proceedings and post-proceedings of computer science conferences in a timely manner, at a high level, and in both printed and electronic form.
PICT is devoted to the publication of peer-reviewed full papers of original research, as well as reviewed short papers and abstracts on work in progress, in areas related to “Information and Communications Technology.”
In addition to globally relevant meetings with internationally representative program committees guaranteeing a stringent paper selection process, conferences held by societies or of high regional or national relevance are also considered for publication.
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2nd Workshop on Computation: Theory and Practice, Manila, The Philippines, September 2012, Proceedings
Available Renditions
Winter School Hakodate 2011, Hakodate, Japan, March 2011 and 6th International Workshop on Natural Computing, Tokyo, Japan, March 2012, Proceedings
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