Integrations Archives | SocketLabs

Email in 2025 Featuring Louis Driving Hawk, SocketLabs

Email in 2025 contributor card highlighting Louis Driving Hawk

Please welcome Louis Driving Hawk! Louis has a passion for helping customers improve their email program, get more mail into the inbox, and drive business results by designing complex customer journeys through meaningful segmentation. After 10 years in the industry, including brand-side experiences and several positions with industry-leading companies like SendGrid, his mission is solving […]

Our Zapier App Enters Private Beta [And You’re Invited]

Zapier App In Private Beta

The SocketLabs Zapier App is in private beta and you’re invited to use it. What’s Zapier? Zapier is a web automation tool that lets you easily move your important data (like new email subscribers) between platforms without a developer who has specialized API experience. Why did we build a Zapier App? There’s a good chance […]