Friction Logging and Internal Advocacy, DevRel/Asia 2020Emma Haruka Iwao
One of the core functions of DevRel is to advocate for developers and make developer experience frictionless. We, DevRel at Google, use friction logs to create and provide structured feedback for products for different scenarios and help product teams deliver consistent experience across multiple products and features. In this talk, you will learn: - What is a friction log - Working as an internal outsider - How to write a friction log - How friction logs are different from bugs - Continuing conversations with product teams The goal is to be able to confidently write cross-product, experience-focused feedback.
This document recommends several English YouTube channels that are helpful for learning English, including Kurzgesagt – In a Nutshell, CGP Grey, Vox, Last Week Tonight, The Late Show with Stephen Colbert, and Just Between Us. It also provides some tips for using YouTube like changing your location setting, enabling closed captions, and checking trending videos. The document is a presentation about favorite English YouTube channels by Haruka Iwao, a customer solutions engineer who works for a US company but is based in Tokyo.
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 上でのDockerのステータス、使い方の解説と、Project Atomicをはじめとして、CentOS Atomic Host, RHEL Atomic Hostの解説。CentOS Atomic HostでKubernetesを使うチュートリアル。
Rails Girls: Not Only for Girls - RubyKaigi 2014Emma Haruka Iwao
RailsGirls is an activity to introduce Ruby and Rails to women, ranging from beginners to programmers familiar with other languages. This presentation shows the current situation of women in engineering, and then introduce activities to improve the situation, including Rails Girls. The speaker contributed Rails Girls Tokyo.