Green Campus | Shinshu University               

Green Campus

  1. Green Campus

The University has designated all of its five campuses as Eco-Campuses and entrusts much of the work of environmental management to the students themselves. Our aim is to foster in our students an awareness of the need for global environmental action both through educational programs and also through daily practical experience such as the separation of trash and energy conservation. An expression of the Eco-Mind spirit is also seen in student clubs like "Mizu Motto", who are working to reduce the consumption of plastic on campus.



Every April, at the beginning of the academic year, members of the Student Environmental Committee distribute reusable bags, designed by the members of the Committee themselves, to all new first-year students

Overseas Study Tours

Overseas Study Tours

Every year, the students participating in our overseas training programs visit countries in Asia, Europe and the USA. They learn through direct experience how environmental management systems work in cultural contexts very different from those in Japan. On their return they share their newly acquired knowledge with their peers.

Eco-Mind Program

Eco-Mind Program

Students on this practice-orientated course cluster engage in joint exercises and conduct interviews with local companies and organizations to learn, for example, about nature conservation and about how environmental policies are designed and implemented in real contexts.

ESD Education

ESD Education

As part of its contribution to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the University fully recognizes the vital role of Education for Sustainable Development (ESD). The Education Faculty requires all of its students to take a course in environmental education and works with various local stakeholders in both the public and private sectors to promote ESD in the schools of Nagano Prefecture.

At a Glance