Welcome to my LinkedIn Community!

Network of People

We’re now connected on LinkedIn! We’re now part of a LinkedIn Community. Thank You.

 My LinkedIn community specifically focuses on peer relationships with people I’ve worked with over time, peers in the cybersecurity community, and colleagues who have been expanding, building, and architecting the Internet. We only have 30,000 first-level connections. While those seem like a lot, our human network expands over time. Investing in quality interaction is the path to productive synergy of Metcalfe’s law—where we grow stronger with our human network.

Be sure to follow me on my other forums. That will allow you access to all my security, industry, and empowerment updates. The security updates are special, helping people secure their networks without paying the big $$$.

My +40 years of architecting, operating, and securing networks have seasoned my thinking around essentials that work. One of the core essentials is to leverage everything in the open source and non-profit cyber communities as the FIRST STEP. This gets your organization into the flow of step-by-step daily healthy cybersecurity habits that lead to action. Over time, the actions will lead to “the next level” of risk reduction and resiliency.

The #1 tool to help secure your network: Free Daily Reports from the non-profit Shadowserver Foundation.

Sign your organization up for the Shadowserver Foundation’s free reports on your network at https://www.shadowserver.org/what-we-do/network-reporting/get-reports/. These reports are some of the best risk reduction tools provided for public benefit by organizations that join the Shadowserver Alliance. The “Alliance” is an organization seeking a threat-free Internet, knowing that their cyber-safety depends on the security of the whole Internet. You can learn more by watching videos on Shadowserver’s work (see The Shadowserver Foundation YouTube Page).

Security News I Read

How does someone with +40 years of experience stay tuned into what is happening in the cybersecurity world? To help my mentees, I post all the articles I’m reading on a Flipboard. I like This news reader tool because I control the algorithm (vs someone from a company trying to sell me things). I have my channel – SURFING CYBERSECURITY, where I share my reading. My mentees can then follow along, read, learn, and gain insight into the sources I’m using to stay at the forefront of cyber risk. You can subscribe on Flipboard here: https://flipboard.com/@barryrgreene/surfing-cybersecurity-f7dan9jvz. BTW – Flipboard is a free application.

Barry’s Youtube Channel

Subscribe to my YouTube channel for Security, DDoS, and Internet Scaling talks. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCikUeU1_i9K7q6Qk5P85XvA

Medium: Follow my work on Medium

I post on Senki.org, Medium.com, and via my mailing list. Each has a different lay of the communities I serve. Medium has joined collaboration magazines like https://digitalsafety.org/, where a whole team collaborates. https://medium.com/@BarryRGreene

Sign up for the Surfing Cybersecurity mailing list.

A mailing list is still helpful. This “Senki” mailing list will update you whenever a new post is on these social media forums.

Check out the Practical Security Guides, References, & Workbooks

An extended library of materials is crafted to help peers build resilient, scalable, and secure architectures. The workshops capture my 35 years of DDoS experience, along with guides and tools that help mitigate actively exploitable risk.

Learn to Leverage Your LinkedIn Community

Share with others within your LinkedIn Community. It is one of the most effective tools for reaching out and building community. Check out these articles if you would like to learn more about my LinkedIn Community methodology”: Effective Linkedin Connections – Building Your NetworkBuilding and Investing in a Community of “Contacts,” and Principles to Invest in Linkedin for an Effective Impact.