Brands to Zero

Brands to Zero

ACCELERATING THE IMPLEMENTATION OF sustainable chemical management

Brands to Zero provides brands and retailers with a harmonised approach and a clear path to achieving sustainable chemical management in their own corporations and throughout their supply chains.

Joint implementation

The leader programme for Signatory Brands and Retailers comprises an integrated package of ZDHC Guidelines, Platforms and Solutions that streamline and create a single common implementation approach. This eliminates duplicative efforts and supply chain complexity and confusion resulting in enhanced supplier engagement and consistent benchmarking of implementation performance.

Implementation leadership and benchmarking industry peers 

Brands to Zero makes it possible to align implementation and make performance comparable through an annual quantifiable assessment. Comparing overall assessment scores challenges brands and retailers to benchmark themselves and apply best practises of performance leaders in the industry. Providing individual roadmap development plans, Brands to Zero helps drive and improve implementation of sustainable chemical management.

Communicating leadership 

A report is produced by a third-party assessor (KPMG) for each brand to provide key information on the level of implementation. Each report is based on defined KPIs and metrics. It allows brands to communicate to their own organisation their work as part of ZDHC’s mission to phase out the use of hazardous chemistry.

Brands to Zero

The Assessment

Our programme paved the way for cleaner and sustainable chemical management within the fashion industry

An annual assessment process evaluates the progress of each brand

Discover how ZDHC Brand Signatories are evaluated annually on key performance indicators (KPIs) to enhance sustainable chemical management practices. Brands are categorized into three levels — Pioneer, Accelerator, and Champion — based on their commitment and progress in implementing the Roadmap to Zero Programme

Advancing sustainable chemical practices
Initial commitment to ZDHC guidelines and implementation
Leading integration of sustainable practices

Understanding the Assessment Process

Gain insights into the assessment process, including the role of third-party reviews, scoring segments, and strategies for brands to enhance their sustainability efforts.

Learn more →

Brands to Zero


Brands to Zero provides brands and retailers with a harmonised approach and a clear path to achieving sustainable chemical management in their own corporations and throughout their supply chains.

Joint implementation
The leader programme for Signatory Brands and Retailers comprises an integrated package of ZDHC Guidelines, Platforms and Solutions that streamline and create a single common implementation approach. This eliminates duplicative efforts and supply chain complexity and confusion resulting in enhanced supplier engagement and consistent benchmarking of implementation performance.

Implementation leadership and benchmarking industry peers 
Brands to Zero makes it possible to align implementation and make performance comparable through an annual quantifiable assessment. Comparing overall assessment scores challenges brands and retailers to benchmark themselves and apply best practises of performance leaders in the industry. Providing individual roadmap development plans, Brands to Zero helps drive and improve implementation of sustainable chemical management.

Communicating leadership 
A report is produced by a third-party assessor (KPMG) for each brand to provide key information on the level of implementation. Each report is based on defined KPIs and metrics. It allows brands to communicate to their own organisation their work as part of ZDHC’s mission to phase out the use of hazardous chemistry.

to Zero  Programme

Reduce duplicative efforts and supply chain complexity and confusion via a single implementation approach

Drive joint implementation through the ZDHC Sustainable Chemical Management Framework 

Leverage expert consultancy of the ZDHC Implementation HUB
to improve brand implementation and further develop your individual roadmap

Measure and benchmark brand implementation performance of the ZDHC Roadmap to Zero Programme

Strengthen and enhance supplier engagement

Conduct annual assessments on the level of implementation based on agreed KPIs and metrics facilitated by third-party assessor KPMG

Communicate your annual assessment results in sustainability reports

The Benefits of Brands to Zero

  • Providing implementation in a consistent way to enable brands and retailers to advance towards zero discharge of hazardous chemicals.
  • Evaluation of the brands’ joint effort on the implementation of the ZDHC Roadmap to Zero.
  • Benchmarking and measuring the Brands implementation performance of ZDHC Roadmap to Zero.
  • Reduction of duplication and complexity of the supply chain. Strengthening and enhancing the supplier engagement.
  • Assessment results can be used as part of the brand’s external sustainability report. It is helpful for quick quantitative reporting to the brand’s top management.

Fostering a culture of leadership

in sustainable chemical management

While all ZDHC Contributor Brands are recognised for their leadership within the industry, ZDHC measures and benchmarks the implementation performance within the Brands to Zero.

Following the annual assessment of our Brands to Zero Leader Programme, we highlight the achievements of the best performing brands. A brand achieves the ‘Aspirational Level’ , the highest category of success, when they attain not only a sufficient total score across all KPIs but also meet key milestones of the Roadmap to Zero Programme and fulfil selected KPIs determined by ZDHC. The KPIs are focused on assessing the way ZDHC Guidelines, Platforms and Solutions are embedded into a Brand’s corporate strategy, and implemented in their value chain practises.

brands to zero assessment 2021

Aspirational Level


Fostering a culture of leadership

in sustainable chemical management

While all ZDHC Signatory Brands are recognised for their leadership within the industry, ZDHC measures and benchmarks the implementation performance within the Brands to Zero.

Following the annual assessment of our Brands to Zero Leader Programme, we highlight the achievements of the best performing brands. A brand achieves the ‘Champion Level’ , the highest category of success, when they attain not only a sufficient total score across all KPIs but also meet key milestones of the Roadmap to Zero Programme and fulfil selected KPIs determined by ZDHC. The KPIs are focused on assessing the way ZDHC Guidelines, Platforms and Solutions are embedded into a Brand’s corporate strategy, and implemented in their value chain practises.

brands to zero assessment 2021

Aspirational Level

brands to zero assessment 2022

Aspirational Level

All from 2021 year +

Brands to Zero Assessment

Champion Level

Logo name

Logo name

Logo name

Logo name


Counting down to the Brands to Zero report

Coming soon

sustainability radar 

The ZDHC Brand Radar ‘Sustainable Chemical Management’ (working title) maps brands according to their level of engagement within the Roadmap to Zero Programme. In the spirit of transparency, ZDHC is centralising implementation progress data for the interested audience, to find out how individual fashion brands and retailers are engaging and progressing in their implementation of sustainable chemical management in their value chains. 

Driving effective implementation on the ground, at individual facility level

Driving effective implementation on the ground, at individual facilities

Creating critical guidelines, platforms and solutions

Aligning the industry to endorse the programme

Read more
Making safer chemicals easier to source

Instead of trying to remove hazardous chemicals after making a product, it makes more sense to manage chemical inputs from the very start. The ZDHC MRSL helps to make that possible and it's the bedrock of our work.

Different chemical formulations are used in production practices. In turn, each of those formulations is made from a list of substances. The ZDHC MRSL looks in detail at those substances. It establishes acceptable limits for each one and outlines which ones to avoid, in particular those banned from intentional use.

The ZDHC MRSL helps chemical formulators by offering guidance on substances they can avoid using in their products.

Suppliers also benefit. To make materials, they must source various chemical products from formulators. The ZDHC MRSL makes that easier by proving the absence of hazardous substances in those products.

Available Electronically or as a PDF

The ZDHC MRSL is electronically available at

On this interactive, user-friendly platform, a user can easily search for chemical formulations that are restricted from intentional use, or download the ZDHC MRSL as a PDF file.

A living document

The ZDHC MRSL is a living document. It's frequently updated with new substances that should be phased out of the value chain. Version 1 was released in 2014, along with Chemical Guidance Sheets. This was updated in December 2015, when leather and coated fabrics were also added.

Brands to Zero Report 2024

evaluating implementation progress

All ZDHC Signatory Brands are subject to an annual assessment process which evaluates brands on ZDHC-set KPIs. The objective of the assessment is to harmonise the implementation of the ZDHC Roadmap to Zero Programme, measuring and benchmarking the implementation performance of brands and retailers, thus supporting their improvement. We base the results on a quantitative, point-based evaluation of a brand’s effort to implement best chemical management practices on a corporate- and supply chain level and their success in aligning with ZDHC Guidelines.

Download the latest Brands to Zero report and read all about the leader programme and annual assessment.


Counting down to the Brands to Zero Report 2024









Third-Party Assessor

Fairness, reliability and neutrality. 

For Brands to Zero we partner with KPMG who offers a professional, transparent and credible evaluation of brand' performance resulting in a neutral report. KPMG's international reputation and experiences enhances the Brands to Zero assessment and provides complementary expertise in the process.


Third-Party Assessor

Fairness, reliability and neutrality. 

For Brands to Zero we partner with KPMG who offers a professional, transparent and credible evaluation of brand' performance resulting in a neutral report. KPMG's international reputation and experiences enhances the Brands to Zero assessment and provides complementary expertise in the process.

Counting down to the Brands to Zero report









Detox Fashion Radar

Tracking the implementation performance of sustainable chemical management of fashion brands.

Our radar presents chemical sustainability at a glance. On the radar, the fashion brands appear, without ranking, based on their level of implementation performance towards the goal of eliminating harmful chemicals from their value chains. These brands are the driving force behind the movement to detox fashion.

Learn more

The Radar identifies brands according to their level of engagement within the Roadmap to Zero Programme (Programme) as well as their participation in the Brands to Zero leader programme. 

Brand information including the logos uploaded will be placed on the Radar, without ranking, to display to the public how individual fashion brands and retailers are engaging and progressing in the implementation of sustainable chemical management in their value chains. 

The intention of the Radar is to stage leaders, provide implementation benchmarks, inspire progress and motivate brands to actively engage in the Roadmap to Zero Programme.


Who we work with

Our Signatories

The ZDHC Roadmap to Zero Programme is a collaboration of organisations from the textile, apparel, leather and footwear industry. Brands and retailers who join ZDHC gain exclusive access to the Brands to Zero Leader Programme. 
Our Signatory Brands and Retailers are a step ahead of developments in sustainable chemical management,
and together, they are driving change.

Our Impact -
Our impact on the apparel and footwear supply chain

of ZDHC Brands are committed to use the ZDHC MRSL 


of the Brands have implemented the ZDHC Wastewater Guidelines. 


testing labs around the world have been approved by ZDHC to conduct accurate wastewater testing.


certification standards and testing labs around the world have been approved by ZDHC as ZDHC MRSL Conformance Indicators.  


the number of wastewater test reports published on ZDHC Gateway – Wastewater Module has increased to 12,390 reports. 

The ZDHC Roadmap to Zero Programme

How it all connects

If you decide to become a ZDHC Signatory Brand, next to Brands to Zero, you can utilise all of ZDHC platforms, guidelines and solutions, and gain access to our broad network of top experts in the industry.

Managing chemical inputs is key to safer products, cleaner water and fresher air. The Input Focus Area is the cornerstone of the work we do. More info.

Good procedures and best practices are vital to reduce the environmental impact of production. This Focus Area helps organisations to put these elements in place. More info.

Outputs prove the effectiveness of safer inputs and processes. It does so by measuring indicators like wastewater, sludge and air quality. More info.

As ZDHC implementation partner, the Implementation HUB supports organisations all over the world, by offering the solutions, training and experts they need to put good chemical management in motion. More info.

The global, go-to training platform for sustainable chemical management. This established centre of academic and practical expertise educates the industry. More info.

Start Your Journey

Join the Roadmap to Zero Programme to commit to a sustainable future for fashion

Step 3/3


Brands and Retailers > ZDHC guidelines, platforms and trainings

The freely available ZDHC Manufacturing Restricted Substances List (ZDHC MRSL) is a single list of chemical substances banned from intentional use during manufacturing processes. To support the implementation of this list we provide the industry with a set of supporting guidelines, a ZDHC Chemical Management System and the ZDHC Wastewater Guidelines to ensure a holistic input, process and output management.

Step 3/3


Brands and Retailers > Access to the ZDHC Gateway

The ZDHC Gateway is available for the ZDHC Community and their supply chain.

Become a Friend
Be part of the ZDHC Community, not as a Contributor, but a Friend. You will get benefits like access to the Gateway and more. 


Step 3/3


Brands and Retailers > Become a Friend

Friends of ZDHC are organisations who align with ZDHC’s mission, vision and purpose. They can also access ZDHC Solutions and Platforms, which helps them to fast-track their own sustainability programmes.

Friends of ZDHC - General Eligibility Requirements

To apply to becoming a Friend of ZDHC, please confirm that your company confirms to the following requirements:

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Step 3/3


Brands and Retailers > Become a ZDHC Signatory Brand

ZDHC works with and receives support from different stakeholders in the industry. They are divided into five categories, as defined below: Textile/Apparel/Leather/Footwear Industry, Chemical Industry, Signatory Brands, Solution Providers, and Associates. All categories must meet some general requirements in order to become a ZDHC Contributor. Some specific categories must also meet additional requirements.

Requirements for all categories

To apply to becoming a ZDHC Contributor, please confirm that your company confirms to the following requirements:

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Step 3/3


Chemical Formulators > ZDHC Gateway

Expand details

With the ZDHC Gateway Chemical formulators can prove ZDHC MRSL conformance for their products which helps to position as a leader in reducing hazardous chemical use. ZDHC InCheck is an easy-to-read chemical inventory report. It provides an overall score of ZDHC MRSL conformance for all products in the inventory and shows where improvements can be made.

Request Gateway access

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Step 3/3


Chemical Formulators > Become a ZDHC Signatory Chemical Formulator

Expand details

ZDHC works with and receives support from different stakeholders in the industry. They are divided into five categories, as defined below: Textile/Apparel/Leather/Footwear Industry, Chemical Industry, Signatory Brands, Solution Providers, and Associates.
All categories must meet some general requirements in order to become a ZDHC Signatory. Some specific categories must also meet additional requirements.

Requirements for all categories

To apply to becoming a ZDHC Signatory, please confirm that your company confirms to the following requirements:

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Step 2/3



ZDHC provides guidance and tools for manufacturing facilities on how to meet ZDHC Signatory Brand requirements and provides the Textile, Apparel, Leather or Footwear Industry with a central library of chemical formulations that conform to the ZDHC MRSL.

The Roadmap to Zero Programme
Find out more about the ZDHC Roadmap to Zero Programme and its Focus Areas. Looking for guidelines like the ZDHC MRSL or the ZDHC Wastewater Guidelines? This is the place to look.


InCheck Report
ZDHC InCheck is an easy-to-read chemical inventory report. InCheck helps suppliers to assess and improve their chemical inventory. Comprehensive overviews of their chemical inventory are provided, alongside its overall conformance to the ZDHC MRSL. Suppliers can actively track and improve their performance. They can distinguish their organisation from others and build customer loyalty by showing brands their proactive efforts.


ClearStream Report
ClearStream is a visual, easy-to-read report of a supplier's wastewater performance, as tested against the ZDHC Wastewater Guidelines. A ClearStream report supports suppliers to easily understand their wastewater performance towards the ZDHC Wastewater Guidelines. Suppliers also get guidance on opportunities to improve, so they can target their actions and resources.


Use our free material
For suppliers and manufacturers, ZDHC offers guidelines, solutions and platforms for free.


Supplier to Zero
Supplier to Zero empowers supply chain partners. As a brand or a leading manufacturer you can invite your suppliers at all levels. Supplier to Zero will bring them up to speed on implementation of the industry’s leading chemical management system.


Participate in the Programme
Do you not only want to use our guidelines, platforms and solutions but also be part of the creation? Find out more here!


Step 3/3

Suppliers > Learn more about the ZDHC Programme

The ZDHC Roadmap to Zero Programme guides value chains towards a sustainable use of safer chemistry.Safer chemical inputs make a big difference, as long as they are used the right way and when good procedures and best practice are in place, outputs become cleaner, and process works. Measuring indicators such as, wastewater, sludge and air quality validates the work that is being done with chemical inputs and processes. It helps to determine if the output water and air is safer. Our solutions help the industry to transform their value chains.

Step 4/4


Suppliers -  Become a ZDHC Signatory Supplier

ZDHC works with and receives support from different stakeholders in the industry. They are divided into five categories, as defined below: Textile/Apparel/Leather/Footwear Industry, Chemical Industry, Signatory Brands, Solution Providers, and Associates. All categories must meet some general requirements in order to become a ZDHC Signatory. Some specific categories must also meet additional requirements.

Requirements for all categories

To apply to becoming a ZDHC Signatory, please confirm that your company confirms to the following requirements:

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Step 2/3


Solution Provider

Our Approved Solution Providers are linked to the ZDHC data infrastructure via an API and seamlessly connect to the unique ZDHC platforms. As a solution provider you gain access to ZDHC Gateway infrastructure, an exclusive implementation expert network and access to the brand customer base.

Step 3/4


Solution Provider - Be an Implementation Partner

To maximise impact, we scale our efforts with Implementation Partners who have the know-how - based on years of expertise and ZDHC knowledge - to fast-track chemical management programmes.
As an Implementation Partner of ZDHC you can seamlessly integrate your services with ZDHC's implementation tools and guidance. By this you can accelerate your business and gain new customers.

Step 4/4


Solution Provider - Become an Implementation Partner

Scale up your expertise and solutions by being an Implementation Partner and seamlessly integrate your services with ZDHC's implementation tools and guidance. 

Step 3/3


Become a ZDHC Signatory Approved Solution Provider

Certified standards can indicate a chemical product's conformance to the ZDHC MRSL. Acceptance is awarded at four different levels. Boost the impact of your certified standard. Apply, then follow the steps to earn ZDHC Accepted status.
ZDHC MRSL Conformance Indicatorsreceive exclusive access to the ZDHC Gateway Chemical Module and gain the ability to certify against the ZDHC MRSL.

Step 3/3


Become a ZDHC Signatory Approved Solution Provider

ZDHC Accepted Wastewater Laboratories deliver and verify wastewater and sludge testing data. Make your lab part of this global effort to drive transparency in the industry.
ZDHC Wastewater Testing Laboratories receive exclusive access to the ZDHC Gateway: Wastewater Module to upload any test against the ZDHC Wastewater Guidelines.

Step 3/3


Solution Provider - Become a ZDHC Contributor

Currently not possible as this category is on hold.

Step 2/3


Want to participate in the ZDHC Programme and help to develop guidelines, solutions and platforms.

Step 3/3

Associate - Become a Contributor

ZDHC works with and receives support from different stakeholders in the industry. They are divided into five categories, as defined below: Textile/Apparel/Leather/Footwear Industry, Chemical Industry, Signatory Brands, Solution Providers, and Associates. All categories must meet some general requirements in order to become a ZDHC Contributor. Some specific categories must also meet additional requirements.

Requirements for all categories

To apply to becoming a ZDHC Contributor, please confirm that your company confirms to the following requirements:

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