Global Policy for Social Contribution Activities | Global | Ricoh
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Global Policy for Social Contribution Activities

Our mission & vision endorse the Ricoh founding principles embodied in The Spirit of Three Loves —Love your neighbor, Love your country, Love your work—through which we empower individuals to find fulfillment through work by understanding and transforming how they work, so they can unleash their potential and creativity to realize a sustainable future. Under this mission, we set the seven materiality issues, Creativity from Work, Community and Social Development, Zero-Carbon Society, Circular Economy, Responsible Business Process, Open Innovation and Diverse and Inclusive Workforce and aiming to help achieve the SDGs.
Our social contribution activities are also aligned with our management policy and SDGs and we set Priority Areas based on our Materiality and global demand. Our Priority Areas are 1) Inclusion in the Workplace, 2) Community and Social Development, and 3) Response to Climate Crisis and Biodiversity. To maximize the effects of our contributions toward solving challenges, we have also set fundamental principles on social contribution. Under these principles, Group companies are implementing measures by leveraging the Group’s strengths, including human and other resources.

The Ricoh Group's global policy on social contribution activities

The Ricoh Group, mindful of its responsibility as a corporate citizen, respects the cultures and customs of all countries and regions, joining in active partnership with like-minded people and inspiring employees to contribute to the development of a sustainable society and planet.
Reflecting a deep understanding of social issues in various parts of the world, our group companies carry out social activities focusing on several priority areas.


Ricoh Way

Mission & Vision

At Ricoh, we empower individuals to find Fulfillment through Work by understanding and transforming how people work so we
can unleash their potential and creativity to realize a sustainable future

Principles of Action

Ricoh Business Conduct Guidelines

Practical contributions to society

  • Engage in activities that contribute to the local community.
  • Foster a corporate ethos that places importance on contributions to society.

Priority Area

  • Priority1:Inclustion of work
  • Priority2: QOL enhancement (Education, Healthcare and Community development)
  • Priority3:Response to Climate Crisis and Biodiversity

*Only relevant parts from Ricoh Way and Ricoh Business Conduct Guidelines are cited

PDCA Cycle for Social Contribution Activities

To best solve social issues, we maximize the efficiency of each activity around the world through the PDCA cycle and common group indicators. By knowledge sharing and horizontal development, we strive for consistency among group companies.

PDCA Cycle for Social Contribution Activities