Global Cybersecurity & Privacy

Global Cybersecurity & Privacy

Security at the epicentre of innovation.

4,042 business, security, and tech leaders told us…

42% rank cloud-related threats as their top threat scenario

34% of tech executives rank cloud security as an investment priority

2%have implemented cyber resilience actions across their organisation in all areas surveyed

PwC 2025 Global Digital Trust Insights Survey

“Who handles cyber and privacy at your enterprise? If your answer is, "Everyone," you're on the right track. From the boardroom to the break room, cyber and privacy is now everybody's business — because digitisation means every aspect of every organisation is now at risk. We truly are all in this together.”

Sean Joyce

Sean Joyce (US)

Global Cybersecurity & Privacy Leader,
US Cyber, Risk & Regulatory Leader, PwC US

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Move over, revenue: Data is the business asset that keeps on giving, its value increasing the more it’s shared. That’s true for threat actors, too, and it’s why they’ll hack and grab as much as they can from your enterprise. Can your customers and business partners trust you to protect this precious resource? How

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How can I stay on top of ever-changing cyber and privacy trends?

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Cyber & Privacy Innovation Institute

Be in the know with fast-breaking insights and action points on cybersecurity and privacy.

The Institute brings together the collective experience of cyber professionals and thought leaders through executive research and engagement with various organisations.


What are the top concerns among my peers, and how do I compare in investments and cyber posture?

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2025 Global Digital Trust Insights

Get the latest findings of our annual survey, reflecting the views of over 4,000 business, technology, and security leaders worldwide on challenges and opportunities to improve and transform cybersecurity within their organisations in the next 12 -18 months. Learn how the most advanced enterprises are responding to the cyber and privacy threats of today and tomorrow.


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Who are the threat actors I should worry about, what are their motives, and how can I protect my organisation?

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Cyber Threat Intelligence

Every year, our global threat intelligence team tracks and reports on the strategic and technical aspects of the most pressing cyber threats from around the world, including information of specific interest to your sector.

PwC's annual Year in Retrospect is a recap of the cyber threat landscape in a given year, analysing trends in threat actors, tools and motivations.


Every connection brings new possibilities and makes us more vulnerable. That's why, in business as in life, trust is essential to good relationships. The more your customers and business partners trust you to keep them safe and their data private, the more they'll do business with you. You can move forward with confidence, embracing change, and staying ahead of the pack. ”

Sean King

Sean King

Cyber, Risk & Regulatory Partner, PwC Japan

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How can I use generative AI to strengthen our cyber defence, while managing new risks?

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Generative Al

In our latest survey, nearly seven in 10 say their organisation will use GenAI for cyber defence. GenAI tools can help reduce a disadvantage for cyber teams overwhelmed by the sheer number and complexity of human-led cyber attacks, both of which continually increase. We’ll be there as changes happen, ready to help address the challenges together with our clients.


How can I — a cyber, risk or regulatory professional — keep pace or stay on the leading edge of my field?

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Cyber talent upskilling

Talent attrition is hindering progress on cyber goals for 15% of security and IT business executives. And it’s a growing problem for another 39%. That’s why we encourage organisations to break old moulds and harness the potential of diversity. Organisations should challenge long-held beliefs about training, and design programs to be people-powered, business-led, and results-oriented.

PwC 2023 Global Digital Trust Insights Survey


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How can I most effectively govern cyber risk at the organisation where I'm a board member?

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Cyber-savvy boards

Business executives around the world believe that the CEO and boards can make the most difference in securing the digital society. We aim to help prepare you with the information you need to oversee cyber risks, ask the right questions, understand the answers as well as what’s at stake, and make better decisions for the organisation.


What are the top cyber threats in my industry?

Our reports “2025 Global Digital Trust Insights” and “Cyber Threats 2022: A Year in Retrospect” reveal top threats and threat-actor motivations, and look ahead to what we might expect in 2023. Explore what’s top of mind in your own sector.

These trends are directional and indicative. Top threats are from a survey of 3,522 business executives around the world. Threat actor motivations are drawn from case studies of incidents in 2022.

Cyber threats

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Aerospace and Defence Automotive Construction Education Energy Financial Services Government Healthcare Manufacturing Pharmaceuticals and Life Sciences Professional Services Retail Sports and Entertainment Technology Telecommunications Transport and Logistics
Any Business email compromise / Account takeovers 19 29 32 36 33 37 36 37 34 26 39 33 36 32 32 33
Any Ransomware 30 22 29 40 31 36 40 41 37 33 29 24 23 33 26 36
Any Attacks against cloud management interfaces 20 22 30 29 29 34 29 28 35 32 33 34 34 35 26 36
Any Hack-and-leak operations 33 24 33 32 35 30 32 31 37 40 29 22 22 29 33 29
Any Third-party breach 19 21 32 29 31 36 29 25 28 34 27 29 27 30 23 28
Aerospace and Defence Automotive Construction Education Energy Financial Services Government Healthcare Manufacturing Pharmaceuticals and Life Sciences Professional Services Retail Sports and Entertainment Technology Telecommunications Transport and Logistics
Any Cybercrime 12 76 85 33 31 58 15 67 56 54 65 82 80 31 25 54
Any Espionage 76 24 5 62 49 32 71 31 34 42 27 10 10 59 70 31
Any Sabotage 8 0 5 5 19 7 10 2 8 4 5 5 10 9 5 11
Any Hacktivism 4 0 5 0 1 3 4 0 2 0 3 3 0 1 0 4

Key: The thickness of the line indicates the percentage of respondents or cases in each sector. For each sector you choose, the relative thickness of the lines shows relative importance of the threat or motivation.

Note: These trends are directional and indicative. Top threats are from a survey of 3,522 business executives around the world. Threat actor motivations are drawn from case studies of incidents in 2022.

Industry perspectives

Our practitioners continue to develop and nurture relationships with leading analysts and industry groups around the globe, to provide our clients with consulting that is truly industry leading.

Cybersecurity trends

Our publications throughout the year shed light on new developments in cyber and privacy as they’re happening — making you the specialist. Our surveys inform us what you and your peers are thinking and doing, as well, with context that keeps you not only in the loop but on its cutting edge.

Cyber is global — and local

Learn how national and local concerns add a twist to cybersecurity challenges and responses.

Start a conversation

Sean Joyce

Partner, Global Cybersecurity and Privacy Leader, Risk Services leader, United States, PwC United States


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