Singapore Physiotherapy Association - Symposium 11 - Community 2

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Symposium 11 - Community 2

The Journey towards Outcomes-Driven Care

Learning objectives

  1. Explain the importance of harmonised outcome measurement, and how this fosters data-driven patient-centric care
  2. Discuss how data-driven care is changing the rehab landscape
  3. Outline the journey undertaken by the National One-Rehab Framework, the burning platform behind it, and what this means for allied health professionals and in the future 
  4. Describe the challenges and impact of One Rehab at the national level, cluster level, and organisational level 
  5. Explain the principles of change management and strategies that drove successful adoption and adaptation of One Rehab at the different levels

Symposium Speaker and Convenor: Assist Prof Aileen Eugenia Scully, Singapore Institute of Technology, Singapore

Topic title: Training – The One Rehab outcomes

Biography: Dr Aileen Scully is an Assistant Professor in the Health and Social Sciences Cluster (Physiotherapy) at Singapore Institute of Technology. She is involved in the training of both student and graduate physiotherapists. Aileen has over a decade of experience managing people with neurological conditions in the inpatient, outpatient, and home settings. She previously led the neurological rehabilitation physiotherapy team at Singapore General Hospital and championed various clinical services within the specialty. Since 2012, she has participated in research projects centred on people with neurological conditions, with a special focus on people with Parkinson’s disease.

Speaker: Associate Professor Shamala Thilarajah, Senior Principal Project Administrator, Chief Allied Health Officers' Office, Ministry of Health, Singapore

Topic title: Data-driven, patient-centric rehab: Are outcomes a boon or bane?

Biography: A/Prof Thilarajah, is a Part-Time Professional Staff with the Chief Allied Health Officer’s Office, MOH and also a Senior Principal Physiotherapist at Singapore General Hospital. She holds a Bachelor of Applied Science (Physiotherapy) from 2003, a Master of Health Sciences (Neurological Physiotherapy) from 2008, and a PhD in 2018. A/Prof Thilarajah is actively involved in the implementation of the National One-Rehab Framework today. She has worked across the continuum of care in stroke rehabilitation and she is also an advocate for people with stroke and other disabilities, serving as the current elected President of the Singapore National Stroke Association.

Speaker: Dr Chloe Chung, Asst Director of Allied Health, National Healthcare Group

Topic title: One Rehab - A Blueprint for Streamlining Rehab Care

Biography: Dr Chloe Chung is working in TTSH as a Principal Physiotherapist, specialising in neurological rehabilitation. She is also seconded to NHG Group Allied Health as Assistant Director to oversee the National One Rehabilitation Project at Cluster level.

Speaker: Mr Calvin ChuaNTUC Health, Singapore

Topic title: On the ground – The perspective of the physiotherapist working in the community setting

Biography: Mr Calvin Chua is a physiotherapist working in the day rehabilitation centre at NTUC Health. He attends to people with stroke, musculoskeletal conditions, Parkinson’s disease, and dementia. Since graduating from Singapore Institute of Technology in 2021, Mr Chua has been actively involved in the community setting. He has been involved in sharing sessions with the Public Transport Council on the commuting needs of people with Parkinson’s disease to facilitate better understanding the challenges and experiences of his patients. Not only attending to clients, Mr Chua also actively mentors the Physiotherapy Associates in the day rehabilitation centre. His clinical interests are in the areas of stroke, musculoskeletal conditions, and Parkinson’s disease.

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