Research – PERFORM


Software created and maintained by PERFORM

  • Möbius – Multi-faceted performance/dependability validation framework: Infrastructure for building domain independent/specific performance dependability analysis tools which support multiple model specification, composition, connection, and solution methods. Successor to UltraSAN.
  • NetAPT Network Access Policy Tool – tool that performs comprehensive security policy analysis to identify the deviation of implementation from global access policy. (in collaboration with Prof. David Nicol)
  • AQuA/ITUA gateway (see pages for AQuA and ITUA)
  • COBFiT secure communication infrastructure
  • Loki – Fault injection based on a measure-driven partial global view of system state, time, and previously injected faults: Distributed system fault injector that permits fault injections and measure collections based on a partial global view of system state, yielding statistically sound estimates of distributed system dependability.

Selected past PERFORM research projects