Research – PERFORM
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Software created and maintained by PERFORM
Möbius – Multi-faceted performance/dependability validation framework: Infrastructure for building domain independent/specific performance dependability analysis tools which support multiple model specification, composition, connection, and solution methods. Successor to UltraSAN .NetAPT Network Access Policy Tool – tool that performs comprehensive security policy analysis to identify the deviation of implementation from global access policy. (in collaboration with Prof. David Nicol) AQuA/ITUA gateway (see pages for AQuA and ITUA ) COBFiT secure communication infrastructureLoki – Fault injection based on a measure-driven partial global view of system state, time, and previously injected faults: Distributed system fault injector that permits fault injections and measure collections based on a partial global view of system state, yielding statistically sound estimates of distributed system dependability.
Selected past PERFORM research projects
Science of Security for Resilient Systems (SSRS) Lablet (NSA)Cyber Resilient Energy Delivery Consortium (CREDC) (DOE)“Resiliency, Security, and Trust in Complex Engineered Systems” (NSA/ARO) Illinois Cyber Security Scholars Program (ICSSP) (NSF)AQuA – Adaptive Quality of Service for Availability : Algorithms and architectures for building dependable, object-oriented, distributed computer/communication systems.ITUA – Intrusion Tolerance by Unpredictable Adaptation : Algorithms and architectures for building intrusion-tolerant distributed systems.“An Integrated Framework for Performance Engineering and Resource-Aware Compilation” (NSF)“Experimental Validation of Large-Scale Networked Software Systems ” (NSF ITR)“A Compiler-Enabled Model- and Measurement-Driven Adaptation Environment for Dependability and Performance” (NSF NGS)“Creating an Integrated Modular Environment for the Modeling, Analysis and Verification of Embedded Hybrid Systems” (NSF CCR) “Designing Protection and Adaptation into a Survivability Architecture: Demonstration and Validation (DPASA-DV)” (DARPA)“DURIP: Timing Traffic Analysis Testbed” (AFRL)“Design and Development of TCIP Education Applets for Integration of Renewable Resources in the Power Grid” (Pacific Northwest National Lab)“Cyber Risk Metrics for DHS” (DHS)CACAIS Project (ONR)“Quality of Information Assurance: Assessment Management and Use (QIAAMU)” (AFRL)“SIEGate: Secure Information Exchange Gateway for Electric Grid Operations” (GPA/DoE)“Design, Development, and Demonstration of Wide-Area PMU Data Sharing for Entergy” (Entergy Services Inc.)“Tools and Methods for Hardening Communication Security of Energy Delivery System (EDS)” (Telcordia/DOE)“Prediction and Provenance for Multi-Objective Information Security Management” (HP Labs Innovation Research Program)“Design of Trustworthy Automated Off-Road Vehicles” (Deere & Co.)“MLS Computing Platform Based on COTS and Open Source Technology” (Rockwell Collins)“Open Collaborative Research Project: Managing Business Integrity” (IBM)Trustworthy Cyber Infrastructure for the Power Grid (TCIPG) Center (DOE & DHS, and formerly NSF), including the DEFT Cyber-Physical Experimentation Framework .Assured Cloud Computing University Center of Excellence (ACC-UCoE) (AFRL)Illinois Center for a Smarter Electric Grid (ICSEG) (ILDCEO)Boeing Trusted Software Center (The Boeing Company)“A Game-Theoretic Approach to Building Resilient Cyber and Cyber-Physical Systems” (NSA) “Cyber-Physical Modeling and Analysis for a Smart and Resilient Grid” (DOE)“Applied Resiliency for More Trustworthy Grid Operation (ARMORE)” (DOE)“Practical Metrics for Enterprise Security Engineering” (DHS)“Collaborative Defense of Transmission and Distribution Protection and Control Devices against Cyber Attacks (CODEF)” (DOE)“Secure Policy Based Configuration Framework” (DOE)“Software Defined Networking (SDN) Project” (DOE)Science of Security Lablet (NSA), including Sanders projects on “Quantitative Assessment of Access Control in Complex Distributed Systems” and “Quantitative Security Metrics for Cyber-Human Systems” “Data-Driven Model-Based Decision-Making Based on Quantifiable Security Metrics” (Hewlett-Packard)“Design and Evaluation of Methods to Detect Electricity Theft in Advanced Metering Infrastructure” (Siebel Energy Institute)