Elections - P@SHA


P@SHA’s Annual Elections of the Central Executive Committee and the Office Bearers for each year is held in accordance with the Trade Organizations Act 2013 and Trade Organization’s Rules 2013.

The elections are conducted as outlined in the Election Schedule and supervised by the Election Commission.

The Election Commission can be reached at electioncommission@pasha.org.pk.


Please note that the eligibility to vote as defined by the Trade Organization Rules 2013 section 15 is as follows:

  • The member has completed two years of valid membership of P@SHA.
  • The member has fulfilled the conditions of membership and renewal.
  • The member has submitted the filled specimen card.
  • The proprietor, partner or director of the member company or a representative not below the rank of general manager is eligible to vote, if the name of such a person has already been registered with the Secretary-General and his name appears on the list of voters.

Previous Elections

Use the buttons below to access details about previous elections, including the respective Election Commissions for each year, a complete list of Election Materials (voter lists, specimen cards, nomination forms, and more) and Election Results for the respective year.