Message from Top Management | Corporate Information | OKI Global

Corporate Information

Message from Top Management

Takahiro Mori
Representative Director and CEO

Since our inception, OKI has always identified issues faced by our customers on their frontline and helped address them by providing products and services that support mission-critical social infrastructure over its 140 year history. We believe that delivering safety and peace of mind to customers and gaining the trust of stakeholders through these activities forms the foundation for enhancing corporate value.

As a company "Delivering OK! to your life." for many years, OKI's vision is to provide value that solves social issues in three specific fields of contribution; namely, safe and convenient social infrastructure, job satisfaction and productivity enhancement, and conservation of global environment, by 2031, our 150th anniversary.

To achieve this, we launched Medium-Term Business Plan 2025 in April 2023 seeking to realize sustainable growth and enhance corporate value by steering toward new areas of growth while strengthening our ability to adapt to changing environments. Along with practicing sustainability management following our material issues (materiality), we will utilize OKI's strengths in edge computing technology and know-how to not only grow our existing business footprint, but also actively tap into new areas where growth is anticipated to create businesses of the future.

OKI stands committed to creating and providing new value underpinning a society where everyone can live safely, in order to solve social issues in the fields where the OKI Group contributes under the key message "Delivering OK! to your life."

We look forward to your continued support and guidance as we move forward.

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