Offices | Office of Audit, Assessment, and Management (OAAM) | Office of Justice Programs
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Office of Audit, Assessment, and Management (OAAM)

The Office of Audit, Assessment, and Management (OAAM) works to improve and enhance programmatic oversight for the Office of Justice Programs' program offices, as well as the Office of Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS Office) and the Office on Violence Against Women.


The mission of the Office of Audit, Assessment, and Management (OAAM) is to advance the integrity and effectiveness of justice programs, operations, and investments.

OAAM works to continuously improve the efficiency and effectiveness of justice programs and operations by ensuring oversight and review of critical grants, financial, IT, contracts, and human resources administration.

To accomplish our mission, OAAM has the following main responsibilities:

  • Serves as a central source for grants management policy and the business lead for DOJ's Grants Offices Business Process Improvement initiatives. Also serves as the business lead for the OJP Grants Management System;
  • Conducts program assessments of the OJP and COPS grant programs; to include through reimbursable agreement, program assessments for OVW grant programs;
  • Coordinates OJP's Enterprise Risk Management Program and oversight of OJP's grants monitoring activities, to including managing the DOJ Grants Assessment Tool (GAT) and Pre-Award Risk process.
  • Serves as OJP’s primary point of contact with the DOJ/OIG and contract auditors, to support and respond to requests and issues pertaining to the annual Financial Statement Audits of OJP, and other financial-related audits of the agency;
  • Provides audit resolution services for DOJ grantees that receive awards from OJP, the Office of Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS) and the Office on Violence Against Women (OVW);
  • Reviews and evaluates OJP's internal controls, through the annual A-123 review and various internal audits, and recommends improvements to strengthen controls, as needed.
  • Manages the DOJ's High-Risk Grantee Designation Program.

OAAM Leadership

Iyauta I. Green

Date Created: January 7, 2020