Network Simulator
ns-3 is a discrete-event network simulator for Internet systems, targeted primarily for research and educational use. ns-3 is free, open-source software, licensed under the GNU GPLv2 license, and maintained by a worldwide community.
Recent News (Older)
ns-3.44 released
The ns-3.44 release has been published. This release adds a new zigbee module and contains maintenance and small feature updates for the other modules, as listed in the release notes. This release is due to twenty-two contributors, including eight new contributors.
ns-3 GSoC program concludes
Our three 2024 Google Summer of Code students have successfully completed their programs and posted final reports, linked from our wiki
ns-3.43 released
The ns-3.43 release has been published. This release is mainly a maintenance release but contains many small improvements and bug fixes listed in the release notes. This release is due to twenty-eight contributors, including twelve new contributors.
Join us from August 19-21, 2025 for the International Conference on ns-3 (ICNS3) (formerly the Workshop on ns-3) in the Kansai region of Japan.