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This section is dedicated to information that might be useful for academics, researchers, and others interested in reviewing or analyzing Baldrige-related data. Some of the data found here have been compiled by organizations other than the Baldrige Program. We will only post data that we can reasonably assume to be accurate and valid, however, we make no guarantees.

How to Cite the Baldrige Excellence Framework®

The framework is in the public domain and is not subject to copyright protection in the United States; however, the framework and its Criteria for Performance Excellence® contain trademarks and service marks that are protected by the U.S. Department of Commerce. Beginning with the 2013–2014 framework, the Baldrige Program is limiting the unauthorized use of these trademarks and service marks to recover costs associated with developing, producing, printing, distributing, and inventorying the framework. Outside of the United States, the U.S. Department of Commerce, as represented by NIST, holds copyright to the framework.

In most cases, the Baldrige Program will approve the use of framework content reprinted for educational purposes at no charge, especially if the purpose includes educating others about the framework and promotes framework use.

Requesters are asked to adhere to certain conditions as follows:

  • Use this citation: Baldrige Performance Excellence Program. 2023. 2023–2024 Baldrige Excellence Framework®: Proven Leadership and Management Practices for High Performance. Gaithersburg, MD: U.S. Department of Commerce, National Institute of Standards and Technology.
  • After quotations or figures from the framework, refer to Baldrige Performance Excellence Program (2023), p. X. And when referring to the program, refer to the Baldrige Performance Excellence Program or the Baldrige Program.
  • If permission is requested to use framework copy/graphics in a book about the framework, inform the readers that the book is designed to educate people about the framework and serves as a supplemental guide to the framework booklet itself.
  • Instruct readers of the requested material to obtain a copy of the framework by visiting our website ( The requester can decide where to place this message; for a book, the preface or front or back covers might be good locations.
  • Do not include the framework or framework booklet intact in its entirety. In other words, the content must be interspersed with other content that the requester develops, not simply included as a complete document, intact as it was published (such as including it in an appendix).

The most common permissions request is for the framework model graphic. The following can be copied and pasted as a standard answer to that (or a similar) request—given that the requester is seeking to use the graphic for educational purposes.

This figure (or figure used on slide/page X) is used with permission of the Baldrige Performance Excellence Program. 2023. 2023–2024 Baldrige Excellence Framework: Proven Leadership and Management Practices for High Performance. Gaithersburg, MD: U.S. Department of Commerce, National Institute of Standards and Technology. Purchase a copy of the Baldrige Excellence FrameworK®.


Baldrige Criteria 101 Word
Baldrige Impacts
Baldrige Graphics
Baldrige Award Recipient Listing
Baldrige FAQs
Baldrige Publications

Related Links

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Comparison of Baldrige Award Applicants and Recipients with Peer Hospitals on a National Balanced Scorecard PDF Thomson Reuters


  • Baldrige Customer Service
    (301) 975-2036
    100 Bureau Drive, M/S 1020
    Gaithersburg, MD 20899-1020
Created February 18, 2010, Updated January 9, 2023