Howdy! I am an Associate Professor in the Department of Computer Science at Tulane University.
My research is broadly in the theory and practice of artificial intelligence; I am motivated by problems that require a blend of techniques to develop systems and algorithms that support decision making for autonomous agents and/or humans. Most of my projects and leverage theory, data, and experiment to create novel algorithms, mechanisms, and systems that enable and support individual and group decision making. I try to make as much of the code and data available through PrefLib and GitHub.
Previously, I was a Research Staff Member at IBM TJ Watson Research Laboratory in the IBM Research AI – Reasoning Lab where I worked on a number of topics including interview speed dating questions /, Decision Making, and issues in AI, Ethics, and Society.
Before that, I was a senior researcher working with Prof. Toby Walsh in the AI & Algorithmic Decision Theory Group at Data61, formerly known as the Optimisation Group at NICTA, a unit of the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO). I am the founder and maintainer of PrefLib: A Library for Preferences. So check it out at for lots of great preference data and PrefLib-Tools on GitHub for more data wrangling tools. We also have had a great time with our Exploring Beyond the Worst Case in Computational Social Choice (EXPLORE) series held at AAMAS in 2014, 2015, 2016, and 2017. I am (still) an adjunct lecturer in the School of Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) and member of the Algorithms Group at the University of New South Wales in beautiful Sydney, Australia.
Before that, I was a Ph.D student at the University of Kentucky (UK) working with Prof. Judy Goldsmith on AI and Complexity Theory.
And in the way olden days I worked for the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Ames Research Center designing embedded hardware and software flight systems for nano-satellites.
In another life I drove trucks full of carnival prizes all over central Kentucky and Indiana … you don’t know fun till you’ve delivered several hundred pounds of stuffed animals to shooting booths at remote county fairs.
I can be reached at: nsmattei <AT> OR nsmattei <AT> Remember to substitute between the angle brackets!
Some photos from living upside down (turn monitor over for full effect). If you love nature pictures and distressed art check out Liz’s Etsy Store!
Some Slightly Older Things — Working on Dynamic Updates 
- I am on the Senior Program Committee for AAAI 2020 and I am the Workshop Chair for AAAI 2020 — Submit your great demos!
- Program Committee for FLAIRS 2020.
- Program Committee for FAT* 2019, AAAI 2019, FLAIRS 2019, AAMAS 2019, AIES 2019, IJCAI 2019, MD4SG 2019, ADT 2019, DAI 2019.
- Ongoing: PR for Journal of AI Research (JAIR) and AI and Society Officer for ACM: SIGAI.
- Organizer for Games, Agents and Incentives Workshop @ AAMAS 2019, AI^3 AAMAS/IJCAI Workshop on Agents and Incentives, AAAI/ACM Job Fair @ AAAI 2018, MPREF@AAAI 2018, and the 1st AIES Student Program @ AIES 2018.
- Senior Program Committee for AAMAS 2018; Program Committee for AAAI 2018, FLAIRS 2018, IJCAI 2018, COMSOC 2018, and AIES 2018.!
- August 2018: Our work on Teaching Ethics with Science Fiction is available in the CACM Magazine!
- March 2018: We won Best Paper at the MRQA workshop! See our blog post here at IBM.
- November 2017: Our paper on using OWAs for better matching algorithms as been accepted to AAAI 2018!
- October 2017: I’ve been selected to attend 5th Heidelberg Laureate Forum.
- July 2017: Our article on Ethical Considerations in Artificial Intelligence Courses was published in AI Magazine!!
- May 2017: We have announced the winners for the ACMSIG AI Student Essay Contest on the Responsible Use of AI Technologies!
- April 2017: A new book chapter about PrefLib is in Trends in Computational Social Choice and an IJCAI paper on online kidney allocation in Australia!
- Jan 2017: The YouTube version of the ACM Town Hall on AI and Ethics that I organized and MC’ed is up!
- Sept 2016: I’ve started work as a Research Staff Member at IBM’s TJ Watson Research Center in New York!
- May 2016: Judy Goldsmith and Emanuelle Burton will be hosting a panel about our work using Science Fiction to teach AI Ethics during the Academic Track at the 74th Annual WorldCon — the world’s largest SF convention and where they give out the Hugo’s!
- April 2016: A longer version of our paper on Strategyproof Peer Selection is available on Arxiv, along with all the code for the methods on GitHub!
- March 2016: Our paper on Interdependent Scheduling Games was accepted to IJCAI 2016!
- February 2016: NASA Ames Research Center awarded a Patent Activity Prize to A Low Burden Star Tracker!
- January 2016: Our paper the Egalitarianism of Random Assignment Mechanisms was accepted to AAMAS 2016!
- November 2015: I have two papers accepted at AAAI 2016! Check out the Publications page for more details. Thanks to all my wonderful co-authors!
- September 2015: I am now a Senior Researcher at NICTA/Data 61.
- August 2015: I’ll be giving an invited talk on ComSoc during the joint session of ADT 2015 and LPNMR 2015!
- July 2015: Along with Haris Aziz I’ll be giving a tutorial on Social Choice at the 28th Australian Joint Conference on AI in Canberra.
- May 2015: I am now in charge of Public Relations for the Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research (JAIR).
- March 2015: New paper Equilibria Under the Probabilistic Serial Rule with Haris Aziz, Serge Gaspers, Simon Mackenzie, Nina Narodytska, and Toby Walsh was accepted to IJCAI 2015.
- Feb. 2015: Our paper Teaching AI Ethics Using Science Fiction was picked up by a number of news outlets including The Guardian, The Register, and IO9 (as well as The Technology Review and Pressetext in German)!
- Jan. 2015: I was selected as an Outstanding Program Committee Member at AAAI 2015!
- Aug. 2013: Our video “Algorithmic Decision Theory @ NICTA” has won the Best Educational Video Award at the IJCAI 2013 Video Competition.