Introduction | National Credit Card Center of R.O.C
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About NCCC


Index About NCCC Introduction


Financial liberalization / internationalization, strengthening people-friendly consumptionNCCC was initially established as the “National Debit Card Center” in 1983. In 1988, responding to the trend of financial liberalization/internationalization, the Ministry of Finance amended the “Regulations Governing Banks Conducting National Debit Card Business” and transformed the “National Debit Card” into “National Credit Card”; therefore, NCCC’s  name was officially changed to “National Credit Card Center”.

NCCC is a non-profit public interest entity and serves as a domestic settlement and authorization switching center for credit cards in accordance with the government policy. Meanwhile, NCCC established a membership system that provides card issuing members with centralized processing services, including international credit card brand licensing and sponsorship, shared information systems, as well as merchant network setup. With the aim to promote the development of the payment card industry and realize the goal of a non-cash society, NCCC also strives to push forward innovative businesses for the payment card industry.