健康・医療BSE-related Information
Since the first Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE) case was reported in Japan in 2001, various measures, which were for example, restriction on feeding meat-and-bone meal to cattle, have been implemented both in and outside Japan. As a result, the BSE risk has declined substantially.
In response, the MHLW requested the Food Safety Comission of Japan (FSC) to conduct science-based evaluation mainly on the domestic test systems and the import conditions. Based on the assessment reported by the FSC, the MHLW has reviewed the measures for BSE as follows.
Measures against taken by Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare
- Consideration of risk variations in Japan derived from the proposed revisions of the current countermeasures against BSE ~ Risks to human health from raising the limit for BSE testing age for domestic cattle ~ (Prions) (Food Safety Commission of Japan)(August 2016)(PDF:168KB)
- Consideration of risk variations in Japan derived from the proposed revisions of the current countermeasures against BSE ~ Risks to human health from raising the limit for BSE testing age for domestic cattle ~ (Food Safety Commission of Japan)(May 2013)(PDF:52KB)
- Consideration of risk variations in Japan derived from the proposed revisions of the current countermeasures against BSE (Food Safety Commission of Japan )(October 2012)(PDF:117KB)
Related Laws and Ordinances
Under construction
Requirements for Beef, Sheep and Goat Meat Import
An Export Verification Program is agreed between the competent authority of an exporting country and MHLW. The program provides the specified products processing requirements and requirements for facilities for the export of beef, sheep and goat meat to Japan. The program applies to the facilities (slaughterhouses, cutting plants, processing plants and cold stores) eligible for export to Japan that are designated and listed by the competent authority in accordance with MHLW.