ALPS Treated Water / METI Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry

The Advanced Liquid Processing System (ALPS), a multi-nuclide removal system, removes various radioactive materials from contaminated water.

Outline of ALPS treated water

Basic Policy

Related Documents

International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)

Status of studies on the handling of ALPS treated water

Related Documents

The Inter-Ministerial Council concerning the Continuous Implementation of the Basic Policy on Handling of ALPS Treated Water

Team for Contaminated Water and Decommissioning Issues

The Subcommittee on Handling ALPS treated water

Tritiated Water Task Force (2013-2016)

ALPS treated water Q&A

Here, we will answer the questions of ALPS treated water.
If you have questions, please check the answer!

“treated water” and “contaminated water”>
Q1: What is “ALPS treated water”?
Q2: Why is “contaminated water” generated?

<Characteristics of the ALPS treated water>
Q3: What is tritium?
Q4: Can tritium be removed?
Q5: Does the treated water contain radioactive materials other than tritium?

<Handling of the ALPS treated water>
Q6: Why is discharge of ALPS treated water needed?
Q7: Why was Discharge into the sea selected as the method of disposal?
Q8: Is it possible to store or discharge treated water outside of Fukushima Daiichi NPS (FDNPS)?
Q9: Is it possible to store in intermediate storage facilities?

<Radiation impact of ALPS treated water>
Q10: What regulatory standards are applicable to the discharge from Fukushima Daiichi NPS (FDNPS)?
Q11: What level of radioactive impact will the release of the treated water have?


<Countermeasures for possible reputational damage>
Q12: What kind of countermeasures will be taken for possible reputational damage?

<Future plans>
Q13: What are the steps toward handling of treated water?

Related Articles and Videos



The Wall Street Journal

New Scientist

South China Morning Post




ANRE Special Contents - article on ALPS treated water -

Related Links

Division in Charge

Nuclear Accident Response Office, Electricity and Gas Industry Department, Agency for Natural Resources and Energy

Last updated:2024-11-21