Extension:PronunciationRecording/GSoC 2013 - MediaWiki Jump to content

Extension:PronunciationRecording/GSoC 2013

From mediawiki.org

27th May my proposal got selected and I was given a chance to intern at WikiMedia Foundation. Yeaaaay!!

I have summarized my experience with Open Source and GSoC in blog.

GSoC 2013 Project Idea : Pronunciation Recording Extension


Wiktionary is a multilingual, web-based project to create a free content dictionary, available in 158 languages. Each word existing in the dictionary has a separate page and many words have a pronunciation file embedded into their respective page. However there are many words especially words from a particular background like Mathematics, Medicine, Physics, etc that do not have an embedded pronunciation file. Wiktionary has an interface to upload the pronunciation of words but it is complicated and time consuming. Through this extension I plan on providing a "User-Friendly" interface to upload the pronunciation of a word. The project on completion would be very useful to the Wiktionary Community and to the millions of people using this "Online Free Dictionary".

Project RoadMap


I have made an attempt to maintain my weekly and monthly progress in a transparent manner so that the community is always up to date about my progress. Project Updates