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AdvancedSearch screen

The AdvancedSearch extension enhances the search page through an advanced parameters form and aims to make existing search options more visible and accessible for everyone. It's a default feature on all wikis as of Nov 2018.



AdvancedSearch is a project by WMDE's technical wishes team. The idea for the feature was developed in a workshop series in 2016.

The advanced parameters form offers access to some of the special search options the WMF's search team has implemented in the last years. This list gives an overview which parameters are implemented.

More information can be found on the main project page on Meta.



To use the new interface, you can either go directly to Special:Search, click on the magnifying glass icon in the search box or click the search button without filling anything into the search box. Special:Search is also available from any search results list. If you prefer the previous search interface, you can deactivate Advanced Search in your user preferences.

The interface enhances the Special:Search page through an advanced parameter form and changes the way how to select namespaces.

The search box can still be used as usual. For example, you can manually type in advanced search parameters.

When you click on the arrow in the advanced parameters section, it gives you a selection of some parameters for advanced searches. You can combine different parameters.

Explanations on each parameter can be found next to the input field.

In some fields you can only enter one search term, in others you can enter several terms by separating them with a comma. This depends on the function of the field.

When you select an image or video file type, a submenu opens. Here, you can specify the width and height of the file.

When you click on the arrow at the top of the advanced parameters section, you collapse this section. You now see a preview of the search terms that you entered. By clicking on the X in the preview, you can remove each term.
In the section "Search in" you can select the namespaces you want to search in. You can either choose one of the namespace presets (e.g. "Discussion"), type the desired namespaces or select them from a dropdown list. You can save your selection by checking "Remember selection for future searches".
By checking “All”, you can select all namespaces. You can then individually deselect the ones that you don’t need by clicking on the X in each tag or by clicking on the namespace in the dropdown list.

Push the blue search button or hit the return key in any field to start the search.

Deployment roadmap


As a beta feature

  • Testwikis and 2017-11-21  OK
  • deWP, arWP: 2017-11-29  OK
  • huWP, faWP: 2017-12-06  OK
  • Other wikis: 2018-05-08  OK

As a default feature

  • Testwikis and 2018-11-08  OK
  • deWP, arWP, huWP, faWP: 2018-11-15  OK
  • Other wikis: 2018-11-28  OK
  • Possibility to change order of results: 2019-07-18

Help with translation


The software messages for the feature can be translated on translate wiki. Any help is much appreciated!