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国立大学法人群馬大学 大学院医学系研究科 医学部医学科



Gunma University Graduate School of Medicine and Faculty of Medicine, School of Medicine accepts a research student.

研究生について About research student


A research student can conduct a research in a desired major field. There is no term nor grade evaluation. A research student cannot acquire a bachelor’s degree nor a doctoral degree like an ordinary student.

入学資格 Qualifications for application

医学部医学科 Faculty of Medicine, School of Medicine

(1) 学校教育法による大学のうち,医学,歯学,薬学その他理科系の大学卒業者
A person who has graduated from a university which established under the Japanese School Education Law , major in sciences such as medical, dentistry and pharmacy etc.

(2) その他教授会で適当と認めた者
A person who has been recognized by the board meeting of faculty of medicine as having academic abilities to apply for a research student

大学院医学系研究科 Graduate School of Medicine

(1) 生命医科学専攻 Master’s program

ア 修士の学位を有する者
A person who has a master’s degree

イ 本研究科において,修士の学位を有する者と同等以上の研究能力があると認めた者
A person who has been recognized by the board meeting of graduate school of medicine as having academic abilities equivalent or superior to a person who has a master’s degree.

(2) 医科学専攻 Doctoral program

ア 博士の学位を有する者
A person who has a doctoral degree

イ 本研究科において,博士の学位を有する者と同等以上の研究能力があると認めた者
A person who has been recognized by the board meeting of graduate school of medicine as having academic abilities equivalent or superior to a person who has a doctoral degree.

応募要領 Before apply


Please choose a desired major field, and consult with the supervisor of the field before applying.

入学の時期 The time of admission


The admission period is at the beginning of the school year, but you can enter during the semester if you have an unavoidable reason. You cannot enter retroactively.

出願の時期 Acceptance of application


Please submit the application documents by 15th of 2 months earlier the admission. (e.g. If you want to enter on April 1st, you need to submit the application documents by 15th of February)
*If you need a “Certificate of permission of admission” early for applying a VISA, please submit the application documents 3 months earlier the admission. (e.g. If you want to enter on April 1st, you need to submit the application documents by January 15th.)

出願書類 Application documents

  1. 入学願 ※本学所定様式 Application form (designated format)
  2. 履歴書 ※本学所定様式 Curriculum vitae (designated format)
  3. 最終出身学校の卒業証明書(原本) Certificate of graduation of the latest educational institution (original)
  4. 健康診断書 Medical examination report
    *The Medical examination report is for understanding your health condition and does not affect your pass/fail status.
  5. 写真(横3cm×縦4cm、正面脱帽、6ヶ月以内撮影)
    Photo (W 3cm X L 4cm, Waist-up, full-face, uncovered head, Taken within 6 month prior to the application)
  6. 検定料領収書のコピー A copy of receipt of examination fee payment

※検定料は、学務課担当係に出願書類を提出し、確認を受けた後に、管理運営課経理係に納めてください。 検定料を納付後、領収書のコピーを学務課担当係に提出してください。

*Before you pay examination fee (9,800 yen), please submit the application documents to the section in charge of Academic Affairs Division, Gunma University. After your documents are checked, please pay the fee to Accounting Section, Gunma University.

In case of you are working
所属長の就学承諾書 ※本学所定様式
Written approval for entering school (designated format)
In case of a person of foreign nationality
保証書(授業料等の債務に関する連帯保証) ※本学所定様式
Written guarantee (designated format)

検定料・入学料・授業料 Entrance Examination Fee/ Admission Fee/ Tuition Fee

検定料:9,800円 Entrance Examination Fee 9,800 yen


After you submit the application documents to the section in charge of Academic Affairs Division, Gunma University, please pay the fee in cash to Accounting Section, Gunma University.

入学料:84,600円 Admission Fee 84,600 yen

  1. 入学料は、入学手続き日に管理運営課経理係に現金で納めてください。納入がない場合は、入学の辞退とみなします。
    Please pay the admission fee in cash to the Accounting Section as soon as possible after your applying is approved. If there is no payment before entrance day, Gunma University will consider that you decline admission.
  2. 入学許可については、入学手続き完了をもって許可とします。入学許可に関する証明書を必要とする方は、学務課に申し出てください。入学許可証明書を交付します。
    We will issue the certificate of permission of entrance after you finish the admission procedures.

授業料:29,700円(月額)×在学期間(月数) Tuition Fee 29,700yen/a month


Tuition fees should be paid quarterly (April-June, July-September, October-December, and January-March). Please pay at a bank within the due date by using the transfer request form, which sent to your home. However, ATM cannot be used. In addition, please be aware that you may be expelled if you don’t pay the fee within the payment period.

在学期間の延長 Extension of period of enrollment


If you wish to extend the period of enrollment, please submit the application form (designated format) one month before the expiration date.However, if you have not paid tuition fee at that time, the extension request will not be accepted. If there is no extension procedure before the expiration date, the research period will end.
After you finish the extension procedure, Gunma University will issue the certificate of period extension.

退学 Withdraw from school


If you wish to withdraw from school during your term of research, please submit an application form for withdrawal (designated format) by the 10th of one month before the withdrawal request date. Please consult with the person in charge of the Academic Affairs Division prior to. You cannot withdraw from school if you have not paid tuition fee at that time. You cannot withdraw from school retroactively.

申請用紙 Application Forms


Educational Affairs Office, Administration Division, Showa Campus of Gunma University
〒371-8514 前橋市昭和町三丁目39-22
医学部医学科 Tel 027-220-7795(直通)
医学系研究科 Tel 027-220-7794(直通)
3-39-22 Showa-machi, Maebashi City, Gunma 371-8511, Japan
Graduate School of Medicine
TEL  +81-27-220-7795
School of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine
TEL  +81-27-220-7794