What is a VPN? Get the Latest McAfee VPN Here | McAfee.com​

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Browse confidently and securely with VPN, wherever you are

Confidently browse, bank, and shop online. Protect your personal data and credit card info with McAfee Secure VPN—smart VPN that automatically turns on when you need it.

Windows® | Android™ | iOS®

How does McAfee protect your privacy?

Bank-grade encryption​
Bank-grade encryption​

​Your data is protected using the same technology that banks use

McAfee VPN offers personalized protection
Automatic protection​

VPN turns on for you on unsecure networks​

Browse confidently​
Browse confidently​

Stay anonymous and secure from advertisers and prying eyes

Fast and easy-to-use​
Fast and easy-to-use​

Connection speeds that keep up with you